Ad Soyad:
Fatma Sarıcaoğlu
Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon
(312) 305 12 50
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1969 Ankara doğumlu
Evli-2 çocuklu
Yükseliş Koleji 1988
Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi:1993
Hacettepe Ü. Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon AD: 1994-99 2006’te doçent, 2011'da profesör oldu. 2006’da Almanya Gissen Üniversitesi ve Zürih Üniversitelerinde bulundu.
2012 de Algoloji Yan dal sertifikası aldı
2014 yılında Akupunktur Uygulama sertifikası aldı
Halen Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Uzmanları Derneği’nin Genel Sekreterligini yürütmektedir.
Rejyonel Anestezi, nöralterapi, proloterapi ile ilgilenmektedir
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A.1 Çelebioğlu B, Yener F. ²Anesthesia for open-heart surgery in a patient with Weaver’s syndrome². Eur J Anesth, 19,1-2 (2002)
A.2 Sarıcaoğlu F, Demirtaş F, Aypar Ü.² Preoperative and perioperative management of a patient with Lowe syndrome diagnosed to have Fanconi’s syndrome² Ped Anaesth, 14,530-532 (2004)
A.3 Sarıcaoglu F, Dal D.² Cardiac arrest in a patient with Larsen syndrome under sevoflurane anesthesia². Ped Anesth, 14, 889. (2004)
A.4 Kanbak M, Saricaoglu F, Avci A Ocal , Koray Z, Aypar Ü. ²Propofol offers no advantage over isoflurane anesthesia for cerebral protection during cardiopulmonary bypass: a preliminary study of S-100B protein levels². Can J Anesth, 51(7) 712-717 (2004)
A. 5 Sarıcaoğlu F, Çeliker V, Başgül E, Yapakçı O, Aypar Ü. ²The effect of hypotensive anaesthesia on cognitive functions and recovery at endoscopic sinus surgery². Eur J Anaesth,22, 154-163. (2005)
A.6 Sarıcaoğlu F, Şahin A, Yükselen MA, Leblebicioğlu G, Aypar Ü. ²Anesthesıa and perıoperatıve care of the babıes wıth obstetrıcal brachıal plexus ınjurıes². Neurosciences Journal Vol, 10(1), 44-46. (2005)
A.7 Sarıcaoglu F,, Başgül E, Erden İA, Aypar Ü. ²Hypovolemic Cardiac Arrest After Dental Extraction: An Unexpected High-Flow Maxillar Arteriovenous Malformation². Saudi Medical Journal, Vol 26(1),157-58. (2005)
A.8 Kanbak M, Sarıcaoğlu F, Öcal T.² Replay to the editor². Can J Anesth, 52, 442-443 (2005)
A.9. Saricaoğlu F, Akinci SB, Öç B, Kanbak M, Akbulut B, Celebioglu B. ²The effect of halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane and propofol infusion on renal function after coronary artery bypass surgery². Middle East J Anaesthesiol 2006jun;18(5): 955-64.
A.10 Akıncı SB, Sarıcaoğlu F, Atay A, Doral MN, Kanbak M. ²Analgesic effect of intra- articular tramadol compared to morphine after arthroscopic surgery². Arthroscopy. 21(9) 1060-1065 (2005)
A.11 Saricaoglu F, Dal D, Salman AE, Doral MN, Kılınç K, Aypar Ü. ²Ketamine Sedation During Spinal Anesthesia For Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Reduced The Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Markers². Anesth Analg 101(3), 904-909 (2005)
A.12 Saricaoglu F, Dal D, Salman A E, Atay OA, Doral MN, Salman MA, Kılınç K, Aypar Ü
²The Effect Of Low Dose N-Acetyl-Cysteine Infusion On Tourniquet-Induced Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury In Arthroscopic Knee Surgery². Acta Anesth Scand 49(6),847-851 (2005)
A.13 Sarıcaoglu F, Akinci SB, Çeliker V, Aypar U. ²The Effect Of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution And Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution On Coagulation And Allogeneic Transfusion². Saudi Medical Journal 26(5), 792-798 (2005).
A.14 Pekcan M, Celebioglu B, Demir B, Sarıcaoglu F, Hasçelik G, Yükselen MA, Basgül E, Aypar Ü. The effect of premedication on preoperative anxiety. Middle East J Anaesthesiol 18(2), 421-434 (2005)
A.15 Dal D, Erdem A, Sarıcaoğlu F, Aypar Ü. ²Intracerebral haemorrhage following enucleation: A result of surgery and anaesthesia². Middle East J Anaesthesiol2006 jun; 18(5): 965-70.
A. 16 Saricaoglu F, Celebi N, Celik M, Aypar U. ²The evaluation of propofol dosage for anaesthesia induction in children with cerebral palsy with BIS monitoring². Ped Aanesthesia.2005 Dec;15(12): 1048-52.
A. 17 Erdem N, Kanbak M, Sarıcaoğlu F, Öcal T, Tanyel FC, Ertaş N, Berkkan A, Aypar Ü ² Extrahepatic Metabolism and Renal Effects of Sevoflurane in a Case of Liver Transplantation" Transplantation Proceedings 2006 Jun 38(5)1463-6. A.18 Saricaoglu F, Akinci SB, Gözaçan A, Güner B, Rezaki M, Aypar U. The effect of day and night shift working on the attention and anxiety levels of anesthesia residents. Türk psikiyatri Dergi. 2005 Summer; 16(2)106-12. A 19. Bal N, Saricaoglu F, Uzun S, Dal D, Celebi N, Çeliker V, Aypar U. Perioperative anxiety and postoperative behavioural disturbances in children: comperison between induction tecniques. Eur J Anaesthesol 2006 Jun;23(6)470-5. A20.Kanbak M, Karagöz AH, Erdem N, Öç B, Saricaoglu F, Ertaş N, Berkan A, Abbasoğlu O, Aypar U. Renal saftey and extrahepatic defluorination of sevoflurane in hepatic transplantations. Transplant Proc. 2007 Jun 39(5)1544-8. A21. Celebi N, Artukoğlu F, Dal D, Sarıcaoglu F, Celiker V, Aypar U. Effect of hypotansive anesthesia on cognitive functions. A comperison of esmolol and remifentanil during tympanoplasty. Saudi Med J 2007 sep;28(9):1357-61. A22. Canbay O, celebi N, Arun O, karagöz AH, Saricaoglu F, Ozgen S.Efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen and lidocaine on propofol injection pain.br J anaesth 2008 Jan ;10081):95-8. A24. Köse EA, Dal D, Akinci SB, Saricaoglu F, Aypar U. The efficacy of ketamine fort he treatment of postoperative shivering. Anesth Analg 2008 Jan; 106(1):120-2. A25.Saricaoglu F, Dal D, Atilla P, Iskit AB, Tarhan O, aşan E, Aypar U.Effect of intraarticular injection of lornoxicam on the articular cartilage and synovium in rat. Indian J Med res. 2008 Apr, 127(4)362-5. A26. Saricaoglu F, Leblebicioglu G.Brachial plexus nevre stimulation and bispectral index levels under sevoflurane and remifentanil anaesthesia. Eur J Anaesthesiolog.2009 Mar; 26(3):262-3. A27. M Çelik, Saricaoglu F, Canbay O, Dal D, Uzumcigil G, Leblebicioglu G, Aypar U. The analgesic effect of paracetamol when added to lidocaine for intravenous regional anesthesia. Minerva Anesthesiol 2009 Nov 24. A28. Uzun S, Saricoglu F, Celiker V. Deep Vein Thrombosis. Review. J Med Sci. 2007; 27:853-861. A29. Tugay N, Saricaoglu F, Satilmis T, U Aypar, Akarcali I, citaker S, Tugay U, Tokközoglu M. Single injection of femoral nevre bkock: Effects on the independence level in functional activities in the early postoperative period in patients with total knee arthroplasty 2006, Neurosciences, (3) 175-179A30. Doğru D, Dalgiç F, Kiper N, Ozçelik U, Yalçin E, Aslan AT, Gürcan N, Saricaoğlu F, Gür D, Karayazgan Y, Firat P.Long-term clarithromycin in cystic fibrosis: effects on inflammatory markers in BAL and clinical status.
Turk J Pediatr. 2009 Sep-Oct;51(5):416-23.
A31. Kanbak M, Erdem N, Ayhan B, Özkaya ÖG, bayındır E, Sarıcaoğlu F. Akciğer, karaciğer, böbrek ve beyin dokularında sevofluran eliminasyonu ve histopatolojik değişiklikler. Jornal of medical science.
A32. Fatma Sarıcaoğlu, Banu Ayhan, İlker Ö. Aycan, Didem Dal, Seda B. Akıncı, Cemalettin Aksoy, Ülkü Aypar .Major ayak cerrahisi uygulanan çocuklarda postoperatif analjezi için devamlı siyatik sinir bloğu ve sistemik morfin kullanımının karşılaştırılması. Jornal of medical science.
A33: Saricaoglu F, Uzun S. Nitrous oxide induceed hyperhomocysteinemia and pregnancy loss. http:/bja.oxfordjournals.org/cgi7eletters/aem280v1
Algology Orthopeadic Anaesthesia, Regional Anesthesia Acupuncture Neuraltherapy
Lise |
Lisans |
Yüksek Öğrenim |
Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | Germany Gissen University and Zurih University in 2006 | ||||||
Yabancı Dil | İngilizce Japonca (6 kur) |
: (312) 305 12 50
: fatmasa@hacettepe.edu.tr
: facebook.com/fatmasaricao@yahoo.com