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1971 yılında Adana’da doğdum. İlkokul ve liseyi Adana’da sırasıyla Celalettin Sayhan İlkokulu ve Yeni Kolej’de tamamladım. 1988 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’ne girdim, 1994 yılında aynı fakülteden 34.Dönem birincisi olarak mezun oldum. Kasım 1994’de Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı’nda Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanlık eğitimine başladım. Eylül 1998-Aralık 1999 arasında Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Başasistanlığı görevini yaptım. Mayıs 2000’de Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Nefroloji ve Romatoloji Ünitesi’nde Çocuk Nefroloji ve Romatoloji uzmanlık eğitimine başladım. Kasım 2002’de bu eğitimi tamamlayarak Çocuk Nefroloji ve Romatoloji uzmanı oldum. 2004-2005 arasında 1 yıl süreyle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde Michigan Üniversitesi/Ann Arbor’da nefrolojide genetik çalışmalar yapmak üzere bulundum. Döndükten sonra Kasım 2005’de Hacetepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı’nda yardımcı doçent, Aralık 2006’da da doçent olarak atandım. 2018’de Profesör olarak atandığım aynı fakülte ve anabilim dalında Profesör olarak çalışmaktayım. 2006 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi bünyesinde nefrolojide genetik çalışmaların yapıldığı “Nefrogenetik Laboratuvarı”nı kurdum. Avrupa Birliği projelerine ortak olarak katıldım ve tamamı laboratuvarımız ve üniversitemiz imkanlarıyla tamamlanan 4 yeni genin keşfini Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleştirdim. Uluslararası işbirliğiyle 9 yeni genin keşfine de birincil katkı sundum.
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Yabancı Dildeki Yayınlar
Original articles
- F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, D. Uckan, M. Tuncer, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, U. Saatci, A.Bakkaloglu. The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. Clin Rheumatol 2003; 22: 265-267.
- A. Duzova , A. Bakkaloglu , N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, F. Ozaltin, Y. Bassoy, E. Yilmaz. Role of A-SAA in monitoring subclinical inflammation and in colchicine dosage in familial Mediterranean fever. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21: 509-514.
- Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Turgay Coskun, Sila Ozalp, Umit Saatci, Aysin Bakkaloglu, A. Meguid El Nahas. Relationship of leptin and insulin-like growth factor I to nutritional status in hemodialyzed children. Pediatr Nephrol 2003;18(12):1255-1259.
- C Sackesen, A Bakkaloglu, B E Sekerel, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, E Yilmaz, G Adalioglu, S Ozen. Decreased frequency of atopy in pediatric patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever. Ann Rheum Dis 2004; 63 : 187-190
- Aysin Bakkaloglu, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Banu Balci, Nesrin Besbas, Rezan Topaloglu, Fatih Ozaltin, Engin Yilmaz. The ınfluence of SAA1, SAA2 gene polymorphisms on renal amyloidosis, and on SAA/CRP value in patients with familial Mediterranean fever in the Turkish population. J Rheumatol 2004; 31(6): 1139-42.
- Fatih Ozaltin, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Umut Kavak, Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Nesrin Besbas. The significance of IgA class of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in childhood Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Clin Rheumatol. 2004;23(5):426-9.
- Ali Duzova, Fatih Ozaltin, Alev Ozon, Nesrin Besbas, RezanTopaloglu, Seza Ozen, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Bone mineral density in children with familial Mediterranean fever. Clin Rheumatol 2004;23(3):230-4.
- Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Ferhat Catal, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 and interleukin-8 in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2004; 9(8):864-8.
- Ruf RG, Schultheiss M, Lichtenberger A, Karle SM, Zalewski I, Mucha B, Everding AS, Neuhaus T, Patzer L, Plank C, Haas JP, Ozaltin F, Imm A, Fuchshuber A, Bakkaloglu A, Hildebrandt F; APN Study Group. Prevalence of WT1 mutations in a large cohort of patients with steroid-resistant and steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 2004; 66(2): 564-70.
- Rezan Topaloglu, Fatih Ozaltin, Engin Yilmaz, Seza Ozen, Banu Balci, Nesrin Besbas, Aysin Bakkaloglu. E148Q is a disease causing MEFV mutation: a phenotypic evaluation in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. Ann Rheum Dis 2005; 64(5):750-2
- Turkish FMF Study Group. Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) in Turkey: Results of a Nationwide Multicenter Study. Medicine (Baltimore), 2005; 84(1), 1-11
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Safak Gucer, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Gulsev Kale, Melda Caglar. Apoptosis and proliferation in childhood proliferative glomerulonephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2005; 20, 1572-1577
- Bettina Mucha, Fatih Ozaltin, Bernward G. Hinkes, Katrin Hasselbacher, Rainer G. Ruf, Michael Schultheiss, Daniela Hangan, Bethan Hoskins, Anne Schulze Everding, Radovan Bogdanovic, Thomas Seeman, Bernd Hoppe, Friedhelm Hildebrandt, and Members of the APN Study Group. Mutations in the Wilms’ Tumor 1 Gene Cause Isolated Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and Occur in Exons 8 and 9. Pediatr Res 2006; 59(2): 325-331.
- Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Rezan Topaloglu, Umut Bayrakci, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Cyclosporine drug monitoring with C0 and C2 concentrations in children with stable renal allograft function. Pediatr Transplant 2006, 10: 168-171.
- Hasselbacher K, Wiggins RC, Matejas V, Hinkes BG, Mucha B, Hoskins BE, Ozaltin F, Nurnberg G, Becker C, Hangan D, Pohl M, Kuwertz-Broking E, Griebel M, Schumacher V, Royer-Pokora B, Bakkaloglu A, Nurnberg P, Zenker M, Hildebrandt F. Recessive missense mutations in LAMB2 expand the clinical spectrum of LAMB2-associated disorders. Kidney Int. 2006; 70(6): 1008-1012
- Bernward Hinkes, Roger C Wiggins, Rasheed Gbadegesin, Christopher N Vlangos, Dominik Seelow, Gudrun Nürnberg, Puneet Garg, Rakesh Verma, Hassan Chaib, Bethan E Hoskins, Shazia Ashraf, Christian Becker, Hans Christian Hennies, Meera Goyal, Bryan L Wharram, Asher D Schachter, Sudha Mudumana, Iain Drummond, Dontscho Kerjaschki, Rüdiger Waldherr, Alexander Dietrich, Fatih Ozaltin, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Roxana Cleper, Lina Basel-Vanagaite, Martin Pohl, Martin Griebel, Alexey N Tsygin, Alper Soylu, Dominik Müller, Caroline S Sorli, Tom D Bunney, Matilda Katan, Jinhong Liu, Massimo Attanasio, John F O'Toole, Katrin Hasselbacher, Bettina Mucha, Edgar A Otto, Rannar Airik, Andreas Kispert, Grant G Kelley, Alan V Smrcka, Thomas Gudermann, Lawrence B Holzman, Peter Nürnberg&Friedhelm Hildebrandt. Positional cloning uncovers mutations in PLCE1 responsible for a nephrotic syndrome variant that may be reversible. Nat Genet 2006; 38(12):1397-1405
- Utsch B, Bokenkamp A, Benz MR, Besbas N, Dotsch J, Franke I, Frund S, Gok F, Hoppe B, Karle S, Kuwertz-Broking E, Laube G, Neb M, Nuutinen M, Ozaltin F, Rascher W, Ring T, Tasic V, van Wijk JA, Ludwig M. Novel OCRL1 Mutations in Patients With the Phenotype of Dent Disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2006; 48(6): 942-954.
- Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A, Dusunsel R, Soylemezoglu O, Ozaltin F, Poyrazoglu H, Kasapcopur O, Ozkaya O, Yalcinkaya F, Balat A, Kural N, Donmez O, Alpay H, Anarat A, Mir S, Gur-Guven A, Sonmez F, Gok F; On behalf of Turkish Pediatric Vasculitis Study Group. Childhood vasculitides in Turkey: a nationwide survey. Clin Rheumatol 2007; 26(2):196-200
- Bernward G Hinkes, Bettina Mucha, Christopher N Vlangos, Rasheed Gbadegesin, Jinhong Liu, Katrin Hasselbacher, Daniela Hangan, Fatih Ozaltin, Martin Zenker, Friedhelm Hildebrandt and Members of the APN Study Group. Nephrotic syndrome in the first year of life: Two thirds of cases are caused by mutations in four genes (NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1, or LAMB2). Pediatrics 2007; 119(4): e907-19.
- Mehls, O .Wühl, E., Schaefer, F., Anarat, A., Bakkaloglu, A., Ozaltin, F., Peco-Antic, A., Querfeld, U., Gellermann, J., Sallay, P., Drozdz, D., Bonzel, K.-E., Wingen, A.-M., Zurowska, A., Balasz, I., Perfumo, F., Canepa, A., Müller-Wiefel, D.E., Zepf, K., Offner, G., Enke, B., Hadtstein, C., Berg, U., Celsi, G., Emre, S., Sirin, A., Bilge, I., Çaliskan, S, Mir, S., Serdaroglu, E., Greiner, C., Eichstädt, H., Wygoda, S., Hohbach-Hohenfeliner, K., Jeck, N., Klaus, G., Appiani, A., Ardissino, G., Testa, S., Montini, G., Niaudet, P., Charbit, M., Dusek, J., Caldas-Afonso, A., Teixeira, A., Picca, S., Matteucci, C., Wigger, M., Fischbach, M., Terzic, J., Fydryk, J., Urasinski, T., Coppo, R., Peruzzi, L., Jankauskiene, A., Litwin, M., Abuauba, M., Grenda, R., Arbeiter, K., Neuhaus, T.J. Pharmacological renoprotection in children with chronic kidney disease. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 2007; 36 (1): 6-11.
- Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Basaran C, Aki TF, Karabulut E, Duzova A, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu M, Bakkaloglu A. Carotid intima-media thickness in children and young adults with renal transplant: internal carotid artery vs. common carotid artery. Pediatr Transplant 2007; 11(8):888-894
- Ozaltin F, Heeringa S, Poyraz CE, Bilginer Y, Kadayifcilar S, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Hildebrandt F, Bakkaloglu A. Eye involvement in children with primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Pediatr Nephrol 2008;23(3): 421-427.
- Gbadegesin R, Hinkes BG, Hoskins BE, Vlangos CN, Heeringa SF, Liu J, Loirat C, Ozaltin F, Hashmi S, Ulmer F, Cleper R, Ettenger R, Antignac C, Wiggins RC, Zenker M, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in PLCE1 are a Major Cause of Isolated Diffuse Mesangial Sclerosis (IDMS). Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007; 23(4): 1291-1297.
- Hinkes B, Vlangos C, Heeringa S, Mucha B, Gbadegesin R, Liu J, Hasselbacher K, Ozaltin F, Hildebrandt F; and Members of the APN Study Group. Specific podocin mutations correlate with age of onset in steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 19(2):365-71.
- Duzova A, Aki T, Bakkaloglu A, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Ozaltin F, Bilginer Y, Demirkaya E, Bakkaloglu M. Triple immunosuppression with tacrolimus in pediatric renal transplantation: single-center experience. Transplant Proc 2008;40(1):132-4.
- Bilginer Y, Topaloglu R, Aki FT, Demirkaya E, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A, Erkan I, Bakkaloglu M. Outcome of primary glomerular disease in pediatric renal transplantation: a single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 2008;40(1):129-31.
- Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Basaran C, Duzova A, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A. Evaluation of intima media thickness of the common and internal carotid arteries with inflammatory markers in familial Mediterranean fever as possible predictors for atherosclerosis. Rheumatol Int 2008; 28: 1211-1216
- Heeringa SF, Vlangos CN, Chernin G, Hinkes B, Gbadegesin R, Liu J, Hoskins BE, Ozaltin F, Hildebrandt F; Members of the APN Study Group. Thirteen novel NPHS1 mutations in a large cohort of children with congenital nephrotic syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008; 23(11):3527-33
- Besbas N, Draaken M, Ludwig M, Deren O, Orhan D, Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F.A novel CLCN7 mutation resulting in a most severe form of autosomal recessive osteopetrosis. Eur J Pediatr 2009; 168: 1449-1454
- Gimpel C, Wühl E, Arbeiter K, Drozdz D, Trivelli A, Charbit M, Gellermann J, Dusek J, Jankauskiene A, Emre S, Schaefer F; ESCAPE Trial Group. Superior consistency of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children: implications for clinical trials. J Hypertens 2009; 27: 1568-74.
- Tabatabaeifar M, Schlingmann KP, Litwin M, Emre S, Bakkaloglu A, Mehls O, Antignac C, Schaefer F, Weber S; ESCAPE Trial Group. Pediatr Nephrol 2009 24:2361-8.
- ESCAPE Trial Group. Strict blood-pressure control and progression of renal failure in children. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1639-50.
- Altugan FS, Ozen S, Aktay-Ayaz N, Güçer S, Topaloğlu R, Düzova A, Ozaltin F, Beşbaş N. Treatment of severe Henoch-Schönlein nephritis: justifying more immunosuppression. Turk J Pediatr 2009;51(6):551-5.
- Canpınar H, Özaltın F, Bilginer Y, Bakkaloğlu A, Özen S. Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 cell surface expression reflects endotoxin tolerance in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Turk J Pediatr 2010; 52: 22-27
- Topaloglu R, Er I, Dogan BG, Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A, Gur D. Risk factors in community-acquired urinary tract infections caused by ESBL-producing bacteria in children. Pediatr Nephrol 2010;25(5):919-25.
- Beşbaş N, Ozaltin F, Emre S, Anarat A, Alpay H, Bakkaloğlu A, Baskin E, Buyan N, Dönmez O, Düşünsel R, Ekim M, Göko F, Gür-Güven A, Kavukçu S, Mir S, Sönmez F. Clinical course of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in Turkish children: a report from the Turkish Pediatric Nephrology FSGS Study Group. Turk J Pediatr. 2010 May-Jun;52(3):255-61
- Chernin G, Vega-Warner V, Schoeb DS, Heeringa SF, Ovunc B, Saisawat P, Cleper R, Ozaltin F, Hildebrandt F; Group Members of the GPN Study. Genotype/Phenotype Correlation in Nephrotic Syndrome Caused by WT1 Mutations. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2010; 5(9):1655-62.
- Borzych D, Rees L, Ha IS, Chua A, Valles PG, Lipka M, Zambrano P, Ahlenstiel T, Bakkaloglu SA, Spizzirri AP, Lopez L, Ozaltin F, Printza N, Hari P, Klaus G, Bak M, Vogel A, Ariceta G, Yap HK, Warady BA, Schaefer F. The bone and mineral disorder of children undergoing chronic peritoneal dialysis. Kidney Int 2010;78(12):1295-304.
- Demirkaya E, Ozen S, Bilginer Y, Ayaz NA, Makay BB, Unsal E, Erguven M, Poyrazoglu H, Kasapcopur O, Gok F, Akman S, Balat A, Cavkaytar O, Kaya B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A, Arisoy N, Ozdogan H, Bakkaloglu S, Turker T. The distribution of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the eastern Mediterranean: results from the registry of the Turkish Paediatric Rheumatology Association. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2011;29(1):111-6
- Topaloğlu R, Bilginer Y, Alikaşifoğlu A, Ozaltin F, Beşbaş N, Ozen S, Bakkaloğlu A. Neuroendocrine immune system in familial Mediterranean fever. Turk J Pediatr 2010;52(6):588-93.
- Tayfur AC, Besbas N, Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Bakkaloglu M, Aki FT, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A. Follow-up of patients with juvenile nephronophthisis after renal transplantation: a single center experience. Transplant Proc 2011;43(3):847-9
- Heeringa SF, Chernin G, Chaki M, Zhou W, Sloan AJ, Ji Z, Xie LX, Salviati L, Hurd TW, Vega-Warner V, Killen PD, Raphael Y, Ashraf S, Ovunc B, Schoeb DS, McLaughlin HM, Airik R, Vlangos CN, Gbadegesin R, Hinkes B, Saisawat P, Trevisson E, Doimo M, Casarin A, Pertegato V, Giorgi G, Prokisch H, Rötig A, Nürnberg G, Becker C, Wang S, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A, Bakkaloglu SA, Müller D, Beissert A, Mir S, Berdeli A, Varpizen S, Zenker M, Matejas V, Santos-Ocaña C, Navas P, Kusakabe T, Kispert A, Akman S, Soliman NA, Krick S, Mundel P, Reiser J, Nürnberg P, Clarke CF, Wiggins RC, Faul C, Hildebrandt F. COQ6 mutations in human patients produce nephrotic syndrome with sensorineural deafness. J Clin Invest 2011;121(5):2013-24
- Ozaltin F, Ibsirlioglu T, Taskiran EZ, Baydar DE, Kaymaz F, Buyukcelik M, Kilic BD, Balat A, Iatropoulos P, Asan E, Akarsu NA, Schaefer F, Yilmaz E, Bakkaloglu A; the PodoNet Consortium. Disruption of PTPRO Causes Childhood-Onset Nephrotic Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 2011; 89: 139-147
- Mele C,Iatropoulos P, Donadelli R, Calabria A,Maranta R, Cassis P,Buelli S,Tomasoni S,Piras R, Krendel M,Bettoni S,Morigi M, Delledonne M, Pecoraro C, Abbate I, Capobianchi MR, Hildebrandt F, Otto E, Schaefer F, Macciardi F, Ozaltin F, Emre S, Ibsirlioglu T, Benigni A, Remuzzi G, Noris M, PodoNet Consortium. MYO1E Mutations and Childhood Familial Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. N Engl J Med 2011; 365:295-306.
- Topaloglu R, Vilboux T, Coskun T, Ozaltin F, Tinloy B, Gunay-Aygun M, Bakkaloglu A, Besbas N, van den Heuvel L, Kleta R, Gahl WA. Genetic basis of cystinosis in Turkish patients: a single-center experience. 2012; 27(1):115-21.
- Gürakan F, Baysoy G, Wedenoja S, Uslu N, Ozen H, Ozaltin F, Höglund P. Three cases of a rare disease, congenital chloride diarrhea, summons up the variation in the clinical course and significance of early diagnosis and adequate treatment in the prevention of intellectual disability. Turk J Pediatr. 2011 Mar-Apr;53(2):194-8
- Cil O, Ertunc M, Gucer KS, Ozaltin F, Iskit AB, Onur R. Endothelial Dysfunction and Increased Responses to Renal Nerve Stimulation in Rat Kidneys during Rhabdomyolysis-Induced Acute Renal Failure: Role of Hydroxyl Radical. Ren Fail 2012;34(2):211-20.
- Gokce M, Bilginer Y, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Cetin M, Gumruk F, Ozen S. Hematological features of pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus: suggesting management strategies in children. Lupus 2012; 21(8): 878-84.
- Wei C, Trachtman H, Li J, Dong C, Friedman AL, Gassman JJ, McMahan JL, Radeva M, Heil KM, Trautmann A, Anarat A, Emre S, Ghiggeri GM, Ozaltin F, Haffner D, Gipson DS, Kaskel F, Fischer DC, Schaefer F, Reiser J; for the PodoNet and FSGS CT Study Consortia. Circulating suPAR in Two Cohorts of Primary FSGS. J Am Soc Nephrol 2012; 23: 2051-2059
- Ozaltin F, Li B, Rauhauser A, An SW, Soylemezoglu O, Gonul II, Taskiran EZ, Ibsirlioglu T, Korkmaz E, Bilginer Y, Duzova A, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Ashraf S, Du Y, Liang C, Chen P, Lu D, Vadnagara K, Arbuckle S, Lewis D, Wakeland B, Quigg RJ, Ransom RF, Wakeland EK, Topham MK, Bazan NG, Mohan C, Hildebrandt F, Bakkaloglu A, Huang CL, Attanasio M. DGKE Variants Cause a Glomerular Microangiopathy That Mimics Membranoproliferative GN. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013; 24: 377-384
- Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Iskit AB, Cil O, Akcoren Z, Kale G, Bakkaloglu A. Role of CXCR1 (CKR-1) in Inflammation of Experimental Mesangioproliferative Glomerulonephritis. Ren Fail 2013;35(3):380-5.
- Lipska BS, Iatropoulos P, Maranta R, Caridi G, Ozaltin F, Anarat A, Balat A, Gellermann J, Trautmann A, Erdogan O, Saeed B, Emre S, Bogdanovic R, Azocar M, Balasz-Chmielewska I, Benetti E, Caliskan S, Mir S, Melk A, Ertan P, Baskin E, Jardim H, Davitaia T, Wasilewska A, Drozdz D, Szczepanska M, Jankauskiene A, Higuita LM, Ardissino G, Ozkaya O, Kuzma-Mroczkowska E, Soylemezoglu O, Ranchin B, Medynska A, Tkaczyk M, Peco-Antic A, Akil I, Jarmolinski T, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Dusek J, Simonetti GD, Gok F, Gheissari A, Emma F, Krmar RT, Fischbach M, Printza N, Simkova E, Mele C, Ghiggeri GM, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium. Genetic screening in adolescents with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 2013;84(1):206-13
- Ozaltin F. Primary coenzyme Q10 (CoQ 10) deficiencies and related nephropathies. Pediatr Nephrol 2014; 29: 961-669
- Topaloglu R, Orhan D, Bilginer Y, Karabulut E, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Kale G, Besbas N. Clinicopathological and immunohistological features in childhood IgA nephropathy: a single-centre experience. Clin Kidney J 2013;6(2):169-175.
- Bouchireb K, Boyer O, Gribouval O, Nevo F, Huynh-Cong E, Morinière V, Campait R, Ars E, Brackman D, Dantal J, Eckart P, Gigante M, Lipska BS, Liutkus A, Megarbane A, Mohsin N, Ozaltin F, Saleem MA, Schaefer F, Soulami K, Torra R, Garcelon N, Mollet G, Dahan K, Antignac C. NPHS2 Mutations in Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome: A Mutation Update and the Associated Phenotypic Spectrum. Hum Mutat 2014; 35(2):178-86
- Genotype–phenotype associations in WT1 glomerulopathy. Lipska BS, Ranchin B, Iatropoulos P, Gellermann J, Melk A, Ozaltin F, Caridi G, Seeman T, Tory K, Jankauskiene A, Zurowska A, Szczepanska M, Wasilewska A, Harambat J, Trautmann A, Peco-Antic A, Borzecka H, Moczulska A, Saeed B, Bogdanovic R, Kalyoncu M, Simkova E, Erdogan O, Vrljicak K, Teixeira A, Azocar M, Schaefer F and the PodoNet Consortium. Kidney Int 2014;85:1169-78.
- Gülhan B, Topaloğlu R, Karabulut E, Ozaltın F, Aki FT, Bilginer Y, Beşbaş N. Post-transplant hypertension in pediatric kidney transplant recipients. Pediatr Nephrol 2014; 29:1075-80
- Taskiran EZ, Korkmaz E, Gucer S, Kosukcu C, Kaymaz F, Koyunlar C, Bryda EC, Chaki M, Lu D, Vadnagara K, Candan C, Topaloglu R, Schaefer F, Attanasio M, Bergmann C, Ozaltin F. Mutations in ANKS6 cause a Nephronophthisis-Like Phenotype with End Stage Renal Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 2014; 25 :1653-1661
- Ozaltin F, Bilginer Y, Gülhan B, Bajin I, Erdogan O, Hayran M, Yılmaz E, Ozen S. Diagnostic validity of colchicine in patients with Familial Mediterranean fever. Clin Rheumatol. 2014; 33: 969-74.
- Gee HY, Ashraf S, Wan X, Vega-Warner V, Esteve-Rudd J, Lovric S, Fang H, Hurd TW, Sadowski CE, Allen SJ, Otto EA, Korkmaz E, Washburn J, Levy S, Williams DS, Bakkaloglu SA, Zolotnitskaya A, Ozaltin F, Zhou W, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in EMP2 cause childhood-onset nephrotic syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 2014; 94: 884-90
- Trautmann A, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Gheisari A, Melk A, Azocar M, Anarat A, Caliskan S, Emma F, Gellermann J, Oh J, Baskin E, Ksiazek J, Remuzzi G, Erdogan O, Akman S, Dusek J, Davitaia T, Özkaya O, Papachristou F, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Urasinski T, Testa S, Krmar RT, Hyla-Klekot L, Pasini A, Özcakar ZB, Sallay P, Cakar N, Galanti M, Terzic J, Aoun B, Caldas Afonso A, Szymanik-Grzelak H, Lipska BS, Schnaidt S, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium. Spectrum of steroid-resistant and congenital nephrotic syndrome in children: the PodoNet registry cohort. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015;10: 592-600
- Cil O, Besbas N, Duzova A, Topaloglu R, Peco-Antić A, Korkmaz E, Ozaltin F. Genetic abnormalities and prognosis in patients with congenital and infantile nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2015; 30: 1279-87.
- Korkmaz E, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz BS, Boyer O, Gribouval O, Fourrage C, Tabatabaei M, Schnaidt S, Gucer S, Kaymaz F, Arici M, Dinckan A, Mir S, Bayazit AK, Emre S, Balat A, Rees L, Shroff R, Bergmann C, Mourani C, Antignac C, Ozaltin F, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium. ADCK4-Associated Glomerulopathy Causes Adolescence-Onset FSGS. J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 27: 63-68.
- Shroff R, Aitkenhead H, Costa N, Trivelli A, Litwin M, Picca S, Anarat A, Sallay P, Ozaltin F, Zurowska A, Jankauskiene A, Montini G, Charbit M, Schaefer F, Wühl E; ESCAPE Trial Group. Normal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Are Associated with Less Proteinuria and Attenuate Renal Failure Progression in Children with CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; 27: 314-322.
- Besbas N, Kalyoncu M, Cil O, Ozgul RK, Bakkaloglu A, Ozaltin F. MCP1 2518 A/G polymorphism affects progression of childhood focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Ren Fail 2015; 37: 1435-1439.
- Braun DA, Schueler M, Halbritter J, Gee HY, Porath JD, Lawson JA, Airik R, Shril S, Allen SJ, Stein D, Al Kindy A, Beck BB, Cengiz N, Moorani KN, Ozaltin F, Hashmi S, Sayer JA, Bockenhauer D, Soliman NA, Otto EA, Lifton RP, Hildebrandt F. Whole exome sequencing identifies causative mutations in the majority of consanguineous or familial cases with childhood-onset increased renal echogenicity. Kidney Int 2016; 89:468-75
- Braun DA, Sadowski CE, Kohl S, Lovric S, Astrinidis SA, Pabst WL, Gee HY, Ashraf S, Lawson JA, Shril S, Airik M, Tan W, Schapiro D, Rao J, Choi WI, Hermle T, Kemper MJ, Pohl M, Ozaltin F, Konrad M, Bogdanovic R, Büscher R, Helmchen U, Serdaroglu E, Lifton RP, Antonin W, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in nuclear pore genes NUP93, NUP205 and XPO5 cause steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nat Genet 2016;48:457-65
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- Eroglu FK, Kasapçopur Ö, Beşbaş N, Ozaltin F, Bilginer Y, Barut K, Mensa-Vilaro A, Nakagawa K, Heike T, Nishikomori R, Arostegui J, Ozen S. Genetic and clinical features of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes in Turkish children. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2016 May
- Topaloglu R, Batu ED, Yıldız Ç, Korkmaz E, Özen S, Beşbaş N, Özaltın F. Familial Mediterranean feve patients homozygous for E148Q variant. Int J Rheum Dis 2016
- Yüksel S, Evrengül H, Özçakar ZB, Becerir T, Yalçın N, Korkmaz E, Ozaltin F. First-Line, Early and Long-Term Eculizumab Therapy in Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: A Case Series in Pediatric Patients. Paediatr Drugs 2016;18:413-420
- Batu ED, Sönmez HE, Hazırolan T, Özaltın F, Bilginer Y, Özen S. Tociluzumab treatment in childhood takayasu arteritis: Case series of four patients and systemic review of the literatüre. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2016
- Besbas N, Gulhan B, Soylemezoglu O, Ozcakar ZB, Korkmaz E, Hayran M, Ozaltin F. Turkish pediatric atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome registry: initial analysis of 146 patients. BMC Nephrol 2017; 18:6, 2-10.
74. Atmaca M, Gulhan B, Korkmaz E, Inozu M, Soylemezoglu O, Candan C, Bayazıt AK, Elmacı AM, Parmaksiz G, Duzova A, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozaltin F. Follow-up results of patients with ADCK4 mutations and the efficacy of CoQ10 treatment. Pediatr Nephrol. 2017 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00467-017-3634-3
75. Trautmann A, Schnaidt S, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz BS, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Emma F, Anarat A, Melk A, Azocar M, Oh J, Saeed B, Gheisari A, Caliskan S, Gellermann J, Higuita LMS, Jankauskiene A, Drozdz D, Mir S, Balat A, Szczepanska M, Paripovic D, Zurowska A, Bogdanovic R, Yilmaz A, Ranchin B, Baskin E, Erdogan O, Remuzzi G, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Kuzma-Mroczkowska E, Litwin M, Murer L, Tkaczyk M, Jardim H, Wasilewska A, Printza N, Fidan K, Simkova E, Borzecka H, Staude H, Hees K, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium. Long-Term Outcome of Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome in Children. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017;28: 3055-3065
76. Topaloglu R, Gulhan B, İnözü M, Canpolat N, Yilmaz A, Noyan A, Dursun İ, Gökçe İ, Gürgöze MK, Akinci N, Baskin E, Serdaroğlu E, Demircioğlu Kiliç B, Yüksel S, Övünç Hacihamdioğlu D, Korkmaz E, Hayran M, Ozaltin F; contributors of The Turkish Cystinosis Study Group. The Clinical and Mutational Spectrum of Turkish Patients with Cystinosis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017
77. Lipska-Ziętkiewicz BS, Gellermann J, Boyer O, Gribouval O, Ziętkiewicz S, Kari JA, Shalaby MA, Ozaltin F, Dusek J, Melk A, Bayazit AK, Massella L, Hyla-Klekot L, Habbig S, Godron A, Szczepańska M, Bieniaś B, Drożdż D, Odeh R, Jarmużek W, Zachwieja K, Trautmann A, Antignac C, Schaefer F; PodoNet Consortium. Low renal but high extrarenal phenotype variability in Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia. PLoS One. 2017;12: e0180926.
78. Braun DA, Rao J, Mollet G, Schapiro D, Daugeron MC, Tan W, Gribouval O, Boyer O, Revy P, Jobst-Schwan T, Schmidt JM, Lawson JA, Schanze D, Ashraf S, Ullmann JFP, Hoogstraten CA, Boddaert N, Collinet B, Martin G, Liger D, Lovric S, Furlano M, Guerrera IC, Sanchez-Ferras O, Hu JF, Boschat AC, Sanquer S, Menten B, Vergult S, De Rocker N, Airik M, Hermle T, Shril S, Widmeier E, Gee HY, Choi WI, Sadowski CE, Pabst WL, Warejko JK, Daga A, Basta T, Matejas V, Scharmann K, Kienast SD, Behnam B, Beeson B, Begtrup A, Bruce M, Ch'ng GS, Lin SP, Chang JH, Chen CH, Cho MT, Gaffney PM, Gipson PE, Hsu CH, Kari JA, Ke YY, Kiraly-Borri C, Lai WM, Lemyre E, Littlejohn RO, Masri A, Moghtaderi M, Nakamura K, Ozaltin F, Praet M, Prasad C, Prytula A, Roeder ER, Rump P, Schnur RE, Shiihara T, Sinha MD, Soliman NA, Soulami K, Sweetser DA, Tsai WH, Tsai JD, Topaloglu R, Vester U, Viskochil DH, Vatanavicharn N, Waxler JL, Wierenga KJ, Wolf MTF, Wong SN, Leidel SA, Truglio G, Dedon PC, Poduri A, Mane S, Lifton RP, Bouchard M, Kannu P, Chitayat D, Magen D, Callewaert B, van Tilbeurgh H, Zenker M, Antignac C, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in KEOPS-complex genes cause nephrotic syndrome with primary microcephaly. Nat Genet. 2017;49:1529-1538
79. Warejko JK, Tan W, Daga A, Schapiro D, Lawson JA, Shril S, Lovric S, Ashraf S, Rao J, Hermle T, Jobst-Schwan T, Widmeier E, Majmundar AJ, Schneider R, Gee HY, Schmidt JM, Vivante A, van der Ven AT, Ityel H, Chen J, Sadowski CE, Kohl S, Pabst WL, Nakayama M, Somers MJG, Rodig NM, Daouk G, Baum M, Stein DR, Ferguson MA, Traum AZ, Soliman NA, Kari JA, El Desoky S, Fathy H, Zenker M, Bakkaloglu SA, Müller D, Noyan A, Ozaltin F, Cadnapaphornchai MA, Hashmi S, Hopcian J, Kopp JB, Benador N, Bockenhauer D, Bogdanovic R, Stajić N, Chernin G, Ettenger R, Fehrenbach H, Kemper M, Munarriz RL, Podracka L, Büscher R, Serdaroglu E, Tasic V, Mane S, Lifton RP, Braun DA, Hildebrandt F. Whole Exome Sequencing of Patients with Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2018;13:53-62.
80. Çakar N, Ozcakar ZB, Ozaltin F, Koyun M, Celikel Acar B, Bahat E, Gulhan B, Korkmaz E, Yurt A, Yılmaz S, Soylemezoglu O, Yalcinkaya F. Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Children Aged <2 Years. Nephron. 2018;139:211-218.
81. Fidan K, Göknar N, Gülhan B, Melek E, Yıldırım ZY, Baskın E, Hayran M, Gülleroglu K, Özçakar ZB, Ozaltin F, Soylemezoglu O. Extra-Renal manifestations of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in children. Pediatr Nephrol 2018;33:1395-1403.
82. Akyol A, Güner G, Özşeker HS, Işık A, Atcı Ö, Uzun S, Atayar E, Ozaltin F, Gedikoğlu G, Sökmensüer C, Fearon ER. An immunohistochemical approach to detect oncogenic CTNNB1 mutations in primary neoplastic tissues. Lab Invest 2019 ; 99: 128-137
83. Eroglu FK, Ozaltin F, Gönç N, Nalçacıoğlu H, Özçakar ZB, Yalnızoğlu D, Güçer Ş, Orhan D, Eminoğlu FT, Göçmen R, Alikaşifoğlu A, Topaloğlu R, Düzova A. Response to Early Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation Is not Sustained in CoQ10 Deficiency Caused by CoQ2 Mutation. Pediatr Neurol 2018; 88: 71-74.
84. Topaloğlu R, Gülhan B, Çelegen K, İnözü M, Hayran M, Düzova A, Ozaltin F. Rituximab for Children With Difficult-to-Treat Nephrotic Syndrome: Its Effects on Disease Progression and Growth. Front Pediatr 2019; 7: 313. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00313
85. Eroglu FK, Orhan D, İnözü M, Duzova A, Gulhan B, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R. CD80 expression and infiltrating regulatory T cells in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood. Pediatr Int. 2019; 61: 1250-1256.
86. Peker O, Aki FT, Kumbasar U, Guvener M, Yılmaz M, Dogan R, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Topaloglu R, Peynircioglu B, Demircin M. Surgical management of renovascular hypertension in children and young adults: a 13-year experience. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2019; 29: 746-752.
87. Atmaca M, Gülhan B, Atayar E, Bayazıt AK, Candan C, Arıcı M, Topaloğlu R, Özaltın F. Long-term follow-up results of patients with ADCK4 mutations who have been diagnosed in the asymptomatic period: effects of early initiation of CoQ10 supplementation. Turk J Pediatr 2019; 61: 657-663.
88. Ozdemir G, Gulhan B, Atayar E, Saygılı S, Soylemezoglu O, Ozcakar ZB, Eroglu FK, Candan C, Demir BK, Soylu A, Yüksel S, Alpay H, Agbas A, Duzova A, Hayran M, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R. COL4A3 mutation is an independent risk factor for poor prognosis in children with Alport syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2020; 35: 1941-1952.
89. Yüksel S, Işık Gönül İ, Canpolat N, Gökçe İ, Gülfem Özlü S, Birsin Özçakar Z, Ozaltin F, Söylemezoğlu O. Renal Biopsy Prognostic Findings in Children With Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2020 May 14:1093526620925947. doi: 10.1177/1093526620925947.
90. Lipska-Ziętkiewicz BS, Ozaltin F, Hölttä T, Bockenhauer D, Bérody S, Levtchenko E, Vivarelli M, Webb H, Haffner D, Schaefer F, Boyer O. Genetic aspects of congenital nephrotic syndrome: a consensus statement from the ERKNet-ESPN inherited glomerulopathy working group. Eur J Hum Genet 2020 May 28. doi: 10.1038/s41431-020-0642-8. Online ahead of print.
91. Saygili S, Atayar E, Canpolat N, Elicevik M, Kurugoglu S, Sever L, Caliskan S, Ozaltin F. A homozygous HOXA11 variation as a potential novel cause of autosomal recessive CAKUT. Clin Genet. 2020; 98: 390-395.
92. Topaloglu R, Keser AG, Gülhan B, Ozaltin F, Demir H, Çiftci T, Demir N, Temucin ÇM, Yuce A, Akhan O. Cystinosis beyond kidneys: gastrointestinal system and muscle involvement. BMC Gastroenterol. 2020;20: 242. doi: 10.1186/s12876-020-01385-x.
93. Tastemel Ozturk T, Kanbur N, Ozmert EN, Gulhan B, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Duzova A. Predictors for the use of herbal and dietary supplements in children and adolescents with kidney and urinary tract diseases. Eur J Pediatr. 2020 Aug 6. doi: 10.1007/s00431-020-03757-7.
94. Çetinkaya PG, Gülhan B, Düzova A, Beşbaş N, Hayran M, Topaloğlu R, Özaltın F. Clinical characteristics of children with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract and predictive factors of chronic kidney disease. Turk J Pediatr. 2020;62(5):746-755. doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2020.05.005.
- Özçakar ZB, Ozaltin F, Gülhan B, Çomak E, Parmaksız G, Baskın E, Topaloğlu R, Kasap Demir B, Canpolat N, Yuruk Yildirim Z, Demircioğlu Kılıç B, Yüksel S, Söylemezoğlu O. Transplantation in pediatric aHUS within the era of eculizumab therapy. Pediatr Transplant. 2020 Nov 20:e13914. doi: 10.1111/petr.13914. Online ahead of print.Pediatr Transplant. 2020. PMID: 33217100
- Asi T, Düzova A, Doğan HS, Karakurt G, Bahadır ÖF, Bozacı AC, Gülhan B, Özaltın F, Aki FT, Tekgül S, Topaloğlu R. Determinants of outcomes in chronic pediatric peritoneal dialysis: a single center experience. Turk J Pediatr. 2020;62(6):940-948. doi: 10.24953/turkjped.2020.06.005.
Kısa raporlar1. Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Keriman Tinaztepe, Safak Gucer , Seza Ozen, Mehmet Bakkaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Successful renal transplantation in a child with ANCA associated microscopic polyangiitis. Pediatr Nephrol 2003; 18: 696-699.
2. Fatih Ozaltin, Bilgehan Yalcin, Diclehan Orhan, Neriman Sari, Melda Caglar, Nesrin Besbas, Aysin Bakkaloglu. An unusual cause of acute renal failure: renal lymphoma. Pediatr Nephrol 2004 19(8): 912-4.
3. Baskin E, Selda Bayrakci U, Alehan F, Ozdemir H, Oner A, Horvath R, Vega-Warner V, Hildebrandt F, Ozaltin F. Respiratory-chain deficiency presenting as diffuse mesangial sclerosis with NPHS3 mutation. Pediatr Nephrol 2011;26:1157-61
4. Besbas N, Gulhan B, Karpman D, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Korkmaz E, Ozaltin F. Neonatal onset atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome successfully treated with eculizumab. Pediatr Nephrol 2013;28: 155-8
Vaka raporları
1. Sevim Balci, Sevinç Bostanoglu, Gülçin Altınok, Fatih Özaltın. Sibs diagnosed prenatally with situs inversus totalis, renal and pancreatic dysplasia, and cysts: a new syndrome? Am J Med Genet 1999 Jan 15; 82(2):166-9
2. S Balcı, G. Altınok, F. Ozaltin, D. Aktas, E. A. Niron, B. Önol. Laryngeal atresia presenting as fetal ascites, olygohydramnios and lung appearance mimicking cystic adenomatoid malformation in a 25-week-old fetus with Fraser syndrome. Prenat Diagn 1999 Sep; 19(9): 856-58.
3. Sevim Balci, Sevinç Bostanoğlu, Gülçin Altınok, Fatih Özaltin. New syndrome?: Three sibs diagnosed prenatally with situs inversus totalis, renal and pancreatic dysplasia, and cysts. Am J Med Genet 2000 Jan 31; 90(3):185-7
4. Sevgi Yetgin, Mualla Çetin , Idil Yenicesu, Fatih Özaltın, Duygu Uckan. Acute parvovirus B19 infection mimicking juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Eur J Haematol 2000 Oct; 65(4):276-8.
5. N.Besbas, A. Duzova, R. Topaloglu, F. Gok, F. Ozaltin, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu. Pulmonary haemorrhage in a 6-year-old boy with Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Clin Rheumatol 2001; 20(4):293-6.
6. Semerci C Nur, Bebitoglu Ilhan, Kacar Ayper, Yurttagül Sinan, Erçakmak Serdar, Ertoy Dilek, Özaltin Fatih, Balci Sevim. An unusual fetus with complete absence of thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, bilateral renal agenesis, VSD, meningomyelocele, imperforate anus, and teratoma. Clin Dysmorphol 2001 Jan;10(1):57-60.
7. Balcı S, Nabaei SM, Ozaltin F, Onol B. Bilateral subpleural ectopic brain tissue in a 23-week-old fetus. Turk J Pediatr 2001; 43(3): 273-275.
- N.Beşbas, E. Özyürek, F. Balkancı, S. Ozen, I. Saatçi, F. Özaltın, A.Bakkaloğlu. Behçet’s disease with severe arterial involvement in a child. Clin Rheumatol 2002 May; 21(2): 176-179.
- Fatih Ozaltin, Ebru Aypar, Nesrin Besbas, Nural Kiper, Gulsev Kale, Dicle Orhan, Aysin Bakkaloglu and Seza Ozen. Sino-Pulmonary-Renal disease in a child. Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal 2004;2(1):51-62.
- Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Nikola Jeck, Hannsjörg Seyberth, Michael Ludwig. CLCN5 mutation (R347X) associated with hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis in a Turkish child: an unusual presentation of Dent’s disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2005; 20; 1476-1479.
- Sevim Balcı, Abdullah Barış Akcan, Mehmet Emin Şenocak, Arbay Özden Çiftçi, Fatih Özaltın. A 13-year-old female with Turner syndrome and achalasia. Turk J Pediatr 2006; 48: 272-274
- Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Erdogan I, Aki TF, Demircin M, Bakkaloglu M, Bakkaloglu A. Right atrial thrombosis complicating renal transplantation in a child. Pediatr Transplant 2008; 12:251-255
- Yildirim I, Ceyhan M, Bayrakci B, Uysal M, Kuskonmaz B, Ozaltin F. A case report of thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ failure secondary to salmonella enterica serotype typhi infection in a pediatric patient: successful treatment with plasma exchange. Ther Apher Dial 2010;14(2):226-9.
- Hakan N, Aydin M, Erdogan O, Cavusoglu YH, Aycan Z, Ozaltin F, Zenciroglu A, Apaydin S, Gunes R, Sahin G, Cinar G, Okumus N. A novel WT1 gene mutation in a newborn infant diagnosed with Denys-Drash syndrome. Genet Counsel 2012; 23(2): 255-261.
- Ameli S, Mazaheri M, Zare-Shahabadi A, Ozaltin F, Asgarian F, Monajemzadeh M, Bazargani B, Ataei N, Hajezadeh N, Madani A, Esfahani T, Isaian A, Zenker M, Rezaei N. NPHS2 gene mutation in an Iranian family with familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nefrologia. 2012;32(5):674-676
- Topaloglu R, Taskiran EZ, Tan C, Erman B, Ozaltin F, Sanal O. C1q deficiency: identification of a novel missense mutation and treatment with fresh frozen plasma. Clin Rheumatol 2012; 31(7):1123-6.
- Aypar E, Celebi-Tayfur A, Keser M, Odabaş D, Ozaltin F, Paksoy Y, Ozen S. Takayasu arteritis in a 4-year-old girl: case report and brief overview of the pediatric literature. Turk J Pediatr. 2012 Sep-Oct;54(5):536-9
- Ameli S, Mazaheri M, Zare-Shahabadi A, Ozaltin F, Asgarian F, Monajemzadeh M, Bazargani B, Ataei N, Hajezadeh N, Madani A, Esfahani T, Isaian A, Zenker M, Rezaei N. NPHS2 gene mutation in an Iranian family with familial steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Nefrologia. 2012;32: 674-676.
- Aydin B, Ipek MS, Ozaltin F, Zenciroğlu A, Dilli D, Beken S, Okumuş N, Hoşağasi N, Saygili-Karagöl B, Kundak A, Renda R, Aydog O. A novel mutation of laminin β-2 gene in Pierson syndrome manifested with nephrotic syndrome in the early neonatal period. Genet Couns. 2013;24(2):141-7
- Peco-Antić A, Ozaltin F, Parezanović V, Milosevski-Lomić G, Zdravković V.Proteinuria in Frasier syndrome. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2013 Sep-Oct;141(9-10):685-8.
- Besbas N, Gulhan B, Gucer S, Korkmaz E, Ozaltin F. A novel CFHR5 mutation associated with C3 glomerulonephritis in a Turkish girl. J Nephrol 2014; 27: 457-60
- Lupus in a patient with cystinosis: is it drug induced? Eroglu FK, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Ozen S. Lupus 2015; 24:1452-1454
- Gozdem Kayki, Davut Bozkaya, Fatih Ozaltin , Diclehan Orhan, Figen Kaymaz, Emine Korkmaz & Sule Yigit. Epidermolysis Bullosa with Pyloric Atresia and Aplasia Cutis in a Newborn Due to Homozygous Mutation in ITGB4. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2017; 36:332-339
- Bastug F, Nalcacioglu H, Ozaltin F, Korkmaz E, Yel S. Nephropathic Cystinosis Mimicking Bartter Syndrome: a Novel Mutation. Iran J Kidney Dis 2018;12: 61-63
- Saygili S, Canpolat N, Sever L, Caliskan S, Atayar E, Ozaltin F. Persistent hypoglycemic attacks during hemodialysis sessions in an infant with congenital nephrotic syndrome: Questions. Pediatr Nephrol. 2018 Jun 29
- Sürmeli-Döven S, Delibaş A, Gürses İ, Kayacan UR, Coşkun-Yılmaz B, Esen K, Korkmaz E, Özaltın F. Hemolytic uremic syndrome and IgA nephropathy in a child: Coincidence or not? Turk J Pediatr. 2018;60(1):81-85.
Editöre mektup
1. Özden Sanal, Fatih Özaltin, İlhan Tezcan, Fügen Ersoy. Serum IgD concentrations in patients with ataxia telangiectasia and with selective IgA deficiency. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1998 Jul, 116(3):246.
5. F. Ozaltın, A. Bakkaloglu, M. Orhon, A. Duzova, M. Irkec. Bilateral uveitis in a 7-year-old patient with familial Mediterranean fever. An extremely rare complication. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2001 Sep-Oct; 19 (5 Suppl 24): S80-1.
6. Fatih Ozaltin, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Inci Nur Saltik, Hulya Demir , Ali Duzova, Almıla Bulun, Nesrin Besbas, Rezan Topaloglu , Seza Ozen. Helicobacter pylori infection in Turkish children with familial Mediterranean fever: is it a cause of persistent inflammation? Clin Rheum 2004; 23: 186-187.
7. Balci YI, Tavil B, Fidan G, Ozaltin F. Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in a child with steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Eur J Pediatr. 2007;166: 757-758.
8. Balci S, Ozaltin F, Bostanoğlu S. New syndrome--situs inversus totalis with cystic dysplasia of kidneys, pancreas and bowing. Clin Dysmorphol. 2010 Jul;19(3):173-4.
Cok Merkezli Calismalardan Cikan Yayınlar
ESCAPE trial
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- Wuhl E, Hadtstein C, Mehls O, Schaefer F, ESCAPE Trial Group. Ultradian but not Circadian Blood Pressure Rhythms Correlate with Renal Dysfunction in Children with Chronic Renal Failure. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005; 16:746-54
- Matteucci MC, Wuhl E, Picca S, Mastrostefano A, Rinelli G, Romano C, Rizzoni G, Mehls O, de Simone G, Schaefer F, ESCAPE Trial Group. Left ventricular geometry in children with mild to moderate chronic renal insufficiency. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Jan;17(1):218-26
- Schonfelder EM, Knuppel T, Tasic V, Miljkovic P, Konrad M, Wuhl E, Antignac C, Bakkaloglu A, Schaefer F, Weber S; ESCAPE Trial Group. Mutations in Uroplakin IIIA are a rare cause of renal hypodysplasia in humans. Am J Kidney Dis. 2006;47:1004-12
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- “PodoNet: Consortium for Clinical, Genetic and Experimental Research into Hereditary Diseases of the Podocyte”, E-RARE (ERA-Net for research programs on rare diseases) Projesi, Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2008.
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- A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, 6 week study to evaluate the dose response of valsartan on blood pressure reduction in children 1-5 years old with hypertension, followed by a 2 week placebo withdrawal period (CVAL489K2303). Faz 3 çalışma, Yardımcı Araştırıcı, 2008
Diğerleri (Kongre Özetleri)
1. Balci S, Bostanoglu S, Altinok G, Özaltın F. Two siblings with situs inversus totalis, renal and pancreatic dysplasia and cyst. Both of them diagnosed prenatally at 31 and 15 weeks old. Is it a new autosomal recessive syndrome? European Journal of Human Genetics 1998; 6(1): P1.052, p54.
2. Ayşin Bakkaloğlu , Seza Ozen , Esra Baskın , Nesrin Beşbaş, Osman Kasapçopur, Ali Düzova, Fatih Özaltın . A series of childhood microscopic polyangitis and classic polyarteritis nodosa: the significance of ANCA. VII European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress: Annual Sceintific Meeting of PRES. Ann Rheum Dis 2000;59(9):746
3. N. Besbas, F. Ozaltin, E. Baskin, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, U. Saatçi Epithelial cell derived neutrophil activator in Henoch-Schonlein purpura in childhood. VII European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress: Annual Sceintific Meeting of PRES. Ann Rheum Dis 2000; 59(9):746
4. F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, D. Uçkan, M. Tuncer, S. Ozen, R. Topaloglu, A. Bakkaloglu. Role of apoptosis in childhood leucocytoclastic vasculitis. VII European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress: Annual Sceintific Meeting of PRES. Ann Rheum Dis 2000; 59(9):714.
5. F. Ozaltin, E.Baskin, N. Besbas, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, U. Saatçi. Epithelial cell-derived neutrophil activator levels in Henoch Schonlein purpura in childhood. Pediatric Nephrol 2000; 14(6): C72, P104
6. Ali Duzova, Ayşin Bakkaoglu , Nesrin Besbas , Şafak Gücer , Keriman Tinaztepe , Rezan Topalglu , Seza Ozen , Fatih Ozaltin , Ümit Saatci . Cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin A in the treatment of primary MPGN inchildren. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June, Vieanna Austria. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2001:16:A67
7. Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen , Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin , Ferhat Catal , Rezan Topaloglu , Ayşin Bakkaloglu. Acute renal failure in children: Experience of a tertiary health center in Turkey. The 12thCongress of the IPNA, 1-5 September 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Pediatr Nephrol 2001;16: C67, P39.
8. Ali Duzova , Ayşin Bakkaoglu, Nesrin Besbas, Şafak Gücer, Keriman Tinaztepe, Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen, Fatih Ozaltin, Ümit Saatci . Cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin A in the treatment of primary MPGN inchildren. The 12thCongress of the IPNA, 1-5 September 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Pediatr Nephrol 2001;16: C82, P95
9. Fatih Özaltın, Nesrin Besbas, Duygu Uçkan, Murat Tuncer , Rezan Topaloğlu, Seza Özen, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. The 12thCongress of the IPNA, 1-5 September 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Pediatr Nephrol 2001;16: C150, P379
10. Seza Ozen , Engin Yılmaz, Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Ali Duzova, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Nesrin Besbas, Ümit Saatci. Mutation analysis and amyloidosis and evidence for a high carrier rate in the Turkish population. The 12thCongress of the IPNA, 1-5 September 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Pediatr Nephrol 2001;16: C151, P383
- Fatih Ozaltin , Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Nesrin Besbas, Durdal Us, Mehmet Bakkaloglu, Ali Duzova , Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen. Serum bone turnover parameters in uremic children under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The 12thCongress of the IPNA, 1-5 September 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Pediatr Nephrol 2001;16: C170, P460
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Turgay Coskun, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress-Cophenhagen, Denmark, July 14-17 2002; (Abs). Nephrol Dial Transplant 2002; 17 (Suppl 1); 75
- Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Ferhat Catal, Rezan Topaloglu, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Yucel Bassoy, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress-Cophenhagen, Denmark, July 14-17 2002; (Abs). Nephrol Dial Transplant 2002; 17 (Suppl 1); 305
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Turgay Coskun, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under CAPD. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C54: O35.
- Nesrin Besbas, Ferhat Catal, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Yucel Bassoy, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C51: O25.
- Bakkaloğlu A, Yilmaz E, Balcı B, Kutlay S, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Erturk S, Oner A, Besbas N. SAA1 polymorphism is a predictor for amyloid development in familial Mediterranean fever. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C84:P090.
- Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A. Bone mineral content, serum and urinary bone turnover parameters in familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-81: B20.
18. Topaloglu R, Ozaltin F, Balci B, Bakkaloglu A, Ozen S, Besbas N. The phenotypic features of the E148Q mutation in the Turkish patients with FMF. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-82: B23.
- Sackesen C, Ozen S, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Sekerel B, Bakkaloglu A. Decreased atopic sensitization in children with familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-86: C6.
- Ozaltin F, Bakkaloglu A, Saltik IN, Duzova A, Ozen S, Besbas N. Helicobacter pylori infection in Turkish children with familial Mediterranean fever: is it a causative agent inducing inflammation?. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-87: C9.
- Duzova A, Gumruk F, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Altay C, Bakkaloglu A. The prevalence of beta-thalassemia trait in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-89: C17.
- Besbas N, Alikasifoglu M, Ozen S, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Tuncbilek E, Bakkaloglu A. Do RAS gene (ACE and AT1) polymorphisms affect the risk and outcome of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis? Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): S-257: M802.
- Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A, Gucer S, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Caglar M. The role of apoptosis in the course of crescentic glomerulonephritis in childhood. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): S-526: T761.
- N. Besbas,F. Ozaltin, M. Alikasifoglu, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu. The efficacy of ınfliximab in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 539.
- F.Ozaltin, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Seza Ozen, Umut Kavak, Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Rezan Topaloglu, Nesrin Besbas. The significance of IgA class of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 548.
- U. Kavak, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltın, M. Kalyoncu, A. Bakkaloglu. Effect of early cortıcosteroid therapy on developing delayed nephritis in Henoch-Schonleın purpura. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 548
- F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, A. Ozon, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu. Bone mineral density in children with familial mediterranean fever. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 558.
- C. Sackesen, A. Bakkaloglu, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen. Atopy is decreased in pediatric patients wıth familial mediterranean fever. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 559.
- R. Topaloglu, F.Ozaltin, E. Yilmaz, B. Balci, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, N. Besbas. The phenotypic features of the individuals wıth E148Q mutation: a mutation causing familial mediterranean fever? Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 560.
- Yigitbas E, Uner A, Dorak MT, Ding WZ, Tatayoglu G, Balci B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Ozen S, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Yilmaz E, Bakkaloglu A, Ozguc M, Kansu E, Fraser PA. MICA exon 5 microsatellite alleles in Turkish patients with FMF. Hum Immunol 65: S105-S105 Suppl. 1, 2004
- Bilginer Y, Guc D, Dogan L, Bakkaloglu A, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Prakken B, Albani S, Ozen S. T-Cell response against heat shock peptides and streptococci in pediatric Henoch Schonlein purpura and polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis Rheum 50 (12): 4093-4093 DEC 2004.
- Ali Duzova, Mukaddes kalyoncu, Tuncay Aki, Umut Bayrakci, Fatih Ozaltin, Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Calcineurin inhibitors combined with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone in pediatric renal recipients: single center experience. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C44; PP-061
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Safak Gucer, Gulsev Kale, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Melda Caglar. Prognosis of acute poststreptococcal crescentic glomerulonephritis (APSCG) in children. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C68; PP-200
- Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Nesrin Besbas, Koksal Ozgul, Ali Duzova, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen, Meral Ozguc, Aysin Bakkaloglu. G/A polymorhism and levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in children with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C73; PP-230
- Hasselbacher K, Wiggins R, Mucha B, Hinkes B, Pohl M, Zenker M, Ozaltin F, Bakkaloglu A, Hangan D, Hildebrandt F. Recessive Mutations in LAMB2 as cause of congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS). J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, 16: 92A; SA-FC048
- Mucha BE, Ozaltin F, Hinkes B, Hasselbacher K, Ruf RG, Schultheiss M, Bakkaloglu A, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in the WT1 gene cause isolated steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome and occur in exons 8 and 9. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, 16: 365A; F-PO126.
- Mucha BE, Hinkes B, Ozaltin F, Schultheiss M , Ruf RG, Hasselbacher K, Bakkaloglu A, Hildebrandt F. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is primarily caused by mutations in nephrin, podocin and WT1. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, 16: 365A; F-PO127
- Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Kalyoncu M, Sakalli O, Bayrakci U, Emre R, Bakkaloglu A. Peritoneal function test as a basis of assessment od adequate therapy in children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Perit Dial Int 2006, 26 (Suppl 1); pp s48.
- Y Bilginer, B Salancı, S Ozen, M Alikasifoglu, O Kasapcopur, F Ozaltin, R topaloglu, A Bakkaloglu. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene A1298C polymorphism does not reflect the efficiacy of methotrexate in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65(Suppl II): p245, THU0430
- Y Bilginer, C Basaran, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, R Topaloglu, S Ozan, M Ozmen, A Bakkaloglu. Long term implications of inflammation in familial Mediterranean fever assessed by intima media thickness: a predictor for atherosclerosis? Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65(Suppl II): p100, OP0152
- Y. Bilginer, N Gonc, A. Duzova, F Ozaltin, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, N Besbas, A Bakkaloglu. Adrenocortical functions in children with chronic renal failure. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1560, 600(P)
- Y Bilginer, R Topaloglu, F Aki, I Erkan, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, S Ozen, A Bakkaloglu. Outcome of primary glomerular disease in pediatric transplantation: a single center experience. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1577, 669(P)
- Y Bilginer, S Heeringa, C Poyraz, F Ozaltin, S Kadayifcilar, N Besbas, R Topaloglu, S Ozen, F Hildebrandt, A Bakkaloglu. Eye involvement in children with primary FSGS. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1612, 811(P)
- Berdeli A, Aktay Ayaz N, Ozen S, Demirkaya E, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A.Can Toll-like receptor 2 polymorphism affect the phenotype of heterozygous? Clin Exp Rheumatol 2008; 26(2): 188, N1
- F Schaefer, D Borzych, S Testa, M Cantwell, M Lipka, F Ozaltin, AR Watson, G Klaus, E Verrina, S Bakkaloglu, N Aksu, BA Warrady, International Pediatric PD Network (IPPN). Are the pediatric K/DOQI bone guidelines appropriate for children on chronic peritoneal dialysis? Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1585; O11
- Y Bilginer, A Duzova, N Gonc, F Ozaltin, E Baskin, E Demirkaya, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, N Besbas, ABakkaloglu. Is there a defect in neuroendocrine immune system contributing the inflammation in chronic renal failure? Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1612; P063
- N Besbas, M Draaken, M Ludwig, O Deren, D Orhan, Y Bilginer, F Ozaltin. A family with a novel CLCN7 mutation presented with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis and tubulopathy. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1650; P216
- Y bilginer, I Erdogan, A Duzova, N Besbas, M Sahin, F Ozaltin, E Demirkaya, A Celiker, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, A Bakkaloglu. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1688; P365
- R Topaloglu, I Er, B Dogan-Guciz, D Gur, Y Bilginer, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, A Bakkaloglu. Treatment and outcome in community acquired UTI caused by extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing enteric bacteria in children. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1703; P428
- Duzova A, Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Demirkaya E, Bakkaloglu M, Bakkaloglu A. Comparison between serum creatinine and serum csytatin C level in monitoring renal transplantation. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 73; Abstract #115
- Duzova A, Bilginer Y, Aki FT, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A. Preemptive renal transplantation in a mediterranean country. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 82; Abstract #155
- Bilginer Y, Erdogan I, Duzova A, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A, Bakkaloglu M. Sinus tachycardia related to tacrolimus after kidney transplantation in children and young adults. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 133; Abstract #363
- Lipska BS, Iatropoulos P, Ranchin B,….Ozaltin F,….Schaefer F, Podonet Consortium. WT1 screening in nephrotic syndrome-lessons from PodoNet. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 161; #OP24
- Besbas N, Gulhan B, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Yildiz C, Ozaltin F. Atypical HUS and Eculizumab Treatment: Experience of a Tertiary Center. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1630; #OP47
- Trautman A, Ozaltin F, Bodria M….Schaefer F. Response to intensified immunusuppressive therapy predicts long-term prognosis in steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1639; #OP65
- Hacihamdioglu DO, Ozaltin F, Zeybek C, Kalman S, Demirkaya E, Gok F. The benefits of cyclosporine treatment of the patient with NPHS2 mutation. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1703; #P131.
- Topaloglu R, Gulhan B, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Besbas N. Rituximab in steroid dependent and resistant nephrotic syndrome patients. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1710; #P146.
- Gulhan B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bilginer Y, Tayfur AC, Yildiz C, Besbas N. Peritoneal dialysis in children under two years of age. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1799; #P341.
- Gulhan B, Topaloglu R, Bilginer Y, Tayfur AC, Yildiz C, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Ozen S, Aki FT, Besbas N. Conversion to sirolimus in pediatric renal transplant recipients. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1818; #P381
Yurtdışı bildirilerSözlü Sunum
- Fatih Özaltın , Nesrin Besbas , Duygu Uçkan , Murat Tuncer , Rezan Topaloğlu , Seza Özen, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June, 2001, Vieanna Austria. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2001:16:A59
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Turgay Coskun, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under CAPD. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C54: O35.
- Nesrin Besbas, Ferhat Catal, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Yucel Bassoy, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C51;O25.
- F.Ozaltin, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Seza Ozen, Umut Kavak, Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Rezan Topaloglu, Nesrin Besbas. The significance of IgA class of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. Xth European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES. 2-5 October 2003, Stresa, Italy.
- Hasselbacher K, Wiggins R, Mucha B, Hinkes B, Pohl M, Zenker M, Ozaltin F, Bakkaloglu A, Hangan D, Hildebrandt F. Recessive Mutations in LAMB2 as cause of congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS). The American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2005; November 8-13 2005, Philadelphia, USA. J Am Soc Nephrol (Abstracts issue) 2005, 16: 92A; SA-FC048
- Y Bilginer, C Basaran, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, R Topaloglu, S Ozan, M Ozmen, A Bakkaloglu. Long term implications of inflammation in familial Mediterranean fever assessed by intima media thickness: a predictor for atherosclerosis? Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2006), 21-24 June 2006, Amsterdam. Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65(Suppl II): p100, OP0152
- Yelda Bilginer, Rezan Topaloglu, Ayfer Alikasifoglu, Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Seza Ozen, Aysn Bakkaloglu. Is there a defect in the neuroendocrine immune system in familial Mediterranean fever? 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, 5-9 September 2007. Abstract YIM OP-9, p 31
- F Schaefer, D Borzych, S Testa, M Cantwell, M Lipka, F Ozaltin, AR Watson, G Klaus, E Verrina, S Bakkaloglu, N Aksu, BA Warrady, International Pediatric PD Network (IPPN). Are the pediatric K/DOQI bone guidelines appropriate for children on chronic peritoneal dialysis? 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1585; O11
- F. Ozaltin, T. Ibsirlioglu, Z.E.Taskiran, D.Ertoy Baydar, F. Kaymaz, M. Buyukcelik, P.Iatropoulos, N.A. Akarsu, F. Schaefer, A. Bakkaloglu. Disruption of the ptpro gene causes childhood onset nephrotic syndrome. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1573-1590; OS3-FRI-139
- A. Trautmann, K. Heil, F. Ozaltin, M. Azocar, S. Emre, S. Caliskan, F. Emma, G.M. Ghiggeri, F. Schaefer, fort he PodoNet consortium. Multidrug resistance and genetic diagnosis define poor long-term prognosis in Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome (SRNS). 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1573-1590; OS3-FRI-456
- B.S.Lipska, A. Trautmann, A. Anarat, F. Ozaltin, G. Caridi, M. Noris, F. Schaefer, P. Consortium. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1573-1590; OS3-FRI-378
- Lipska BS, Iatropoulos P, Ranchin B,….Ozaltin F,….Schaefer F, Podonet Consortium. WT1 screening in nephrotic syndrome-lessons from PodoNet. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 161; #OP24
- Besbas N, Gulhan B, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Yildiz C, Ozaltin F. Atypical HUS and Eculizumab Treatment: Experience of a Tertiary Center. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1630; #OP47
- Trautman A, Ozaltin F, Bodria M….Schaefer F. Response to intensified immunusuppressive therapy predicts long-term prognosis in steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1639; #OP65
Poster sunumları
1. Ozaltin F, Balci S, Tekinalp G, Akçören Z, Eryılmaz M, Göğüs S, Öztürk C. A severe case of Walker-Warburg syndrome with hydrencephalus, cataract, glaucoma, microphtalmia and anorchia in a one day old male infant. 29th Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics, Genova 1997, P2.023
2. Ozaltin F, Beşbaş N, Tuncer A, Gürgey A, Tuncer G, Saatçi Ü. Evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation associated with rheumatoid vasculitis: could it be related to macrophage activation syndrome? Fifth European Conference On Pediatric Rheumatology. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, October 15-19, 1997; F18.
3. Engin Yılmaz , Seza Ozen , Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Ali Duzova , Fatih Ozaltin , Rezan Topaloglu , Nesrin Besbas, Ümit Saatci , Meral Ozguc. Mutation analysis and amyloidosis and evidence for a high carrier rate in the Turkish population. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June 2001 , Vieanna, Austria. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, .pp25
4. Ali Duzova , Seza Ozen, Nesrin Besbas , Fatih Ozaltin , Ferhat Catal , Rezan Topaloglu , Ayşin Bakkaloglu . Acute renal failure in children: Experience of a tertiary health center in Turkey. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June 2001, Vieanna, Austria. pp83
- Fatih Ozaltin , Nesrin Besbas , Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Turgay Coskun , Ali Duzova , Seza Ozen , Rukiye Emre, Rezan Topaloglu , Serdar Tekgül, Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Nutritional assessment of children on continuous ambulatory peritonela diaysis: value of leptin snd IGF-1. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June 2001, Vieanna, Austria. pp224.
- Fatih Ozaltin, Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Nesrin Besbas , Durdal Us, Mehmet Bakkaloglu, Ali Duzova , Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen. Serum bone turnover parameters in uremic children under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June 2001, Vieanna, Austria. pp307.
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Turgay Coskun, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress-Cophenhagen, Denmark, July 14-17 2002; P422.
- Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Ferhat Catal, Rezan Topaloglu, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Yucel Bassoy, Aysin Bakkaloglu. The role of MCP-1 and IL-8 in acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. XXXIX ERA-EDTA Congress-Cophenhagen, Denmark, July 14-17 2002; P422.
- Bakkaloğlu A, Yilmaz E, Balcı B, Kutlay S, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Erturk S, Oner A, Besbas N. SAA1 polymorphism is a predictor for amyloid development in familial Mediterranean fever. 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Pediatr Nephrol (Abstracts) 17; C84:P090.
- Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bakkaloglu A. Bone mineral content, serum and urinary bone turnover parameters in familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-81: B20.
- Topaloglu R, Ozaltin F, Balci B, Bakkaloglu A, Ozen S, Besbas N. The phenotypic features of the E148Q mutation in the Turkish patients with FMF. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-82: B23.
- Sackesen C, Ozen S, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Sekerel B, Bakkaloglu A. Decreased atopic sensitization in children with familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-86: C6.
- Ozaltin F, Bakkaloglu A, Saltik IN, Duzova A, Ozen S, Besbas N. Helicobacter pylori infection in Turkish children with familial Mediterranean fever: is it a causative agent inducing inflammation?. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-87: C9.
- Duzova A, Gumruk F, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Altay C, Bakkaloglu A. The prevalence of beta-thalassemia trait in patients with familial Mediterranean fever. III International Conference on Familial Mediterranean Fever and Hereditary Inflammatory Disorders. 23-27 September 2002, Montpellier. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2002; 20(4) (Suppl 26): S-89: C17.
- Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A, Gucer S, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Caglar M. The role of apoptosis in the course of crescentic glomerulonephritis in childhood. World Congress of Nephrology. 8-12 June2003, Berlin. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): S-526: T761.
- Besbas N, Alikasifoglu M, Ozen S, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Tuncbilek E, Bakkaloglu A. Do RAS gene (ACE and AT1) polymorphisms affect the risk and outcome of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis? World Congress of Nephrology. 8-12 June2003, Berlin.Nephrol Dial Transplant 2003; 18 (Suppl 4): S-257: M802.
- N. Besbas,F. Ozaltin, M. Alikasifoglu, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu. The efficacy of ınfliximab in the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Xth European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES. 2-5 October 2003, Stresa, Italy.
- U. Kavak, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen, A. Duzova, F. Ozaltın, M. Kalyoncu, A. Bakkaloglu. Effect of early cortıcosteroid therapy on developing delayed nephritis in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Xth European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES. 2-5 October 2003, Stresa, Italy.
- F. Ozaltin, A. Duzova, A. Ozon, N. Besbas, R. Topaloglu, S. Ozen, A. Bakkaloglu. Bone mineral density in children with familial mediterranean fever. Xth European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES. 2-5 October 2003, Stresa, Italy.
- C. Sackesen, A. Bakkaloglu, F. Ozaltin, R. Topaloglu, N. Besbas, S. Ozen. Atopy is decreased in pediatric patients wıth familial mediterranean fever. Xth European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress Annual Scientific Meeting of PRES. 2-5 October 2003, Stresa, Italy.
- R. Topaloglu, F.Ozaltin, E. Yilmaz, B. Balci, A. Bakkaloglu, S. Ozen, N. Besbas. The phenotypic features of the individuals wıth E148Q mutation: a mutation causing familial mediterranean fever? Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003; 21(4): pp 560.
- Dicle Guc, A. L. Dogan, A. Bakkaloglu, F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, B. Prakken, S. Albani, S. Ozen. Cellular response against streptococci in paediatric Henoch Schonlein purpura and polyarteritis nodosa. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. 9-12 June 2004, Berlin, FRI0461.
- Yigitbas E, Uner A, Dorak MT, Ding WZ, Tatayoglu G, Balci B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Ozen S, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Yilmaz E, Bakkaloglu A, Ozguc M, Kansu E, Fraser PA. MICA exon 5 microsatellite alleles in Turkish patients with FMF. Hum Immunol 2004; 65 (Suppl 1): S105-S105
- Bilginer Y, Guc D, Dogan L, Bakkaloglu A, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Prakken B, Albani S, Ozen S. T-Cell response against heat shock peptides and streptococci in pediatric Henoch Schonlein purpura and polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50 (12): 4093-4093.
- Ali Duzova, Mukaddes kalyoncu, Tuncay Aki, Umut Bayrakci, Fatih Ozaltin, Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Calcineurin inhibitors combined with mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone in pediatric renal recipients: single center experience. 39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology 10-13 September 2005, Istanbul. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C44; PP-061
- Fatih Ozaltin, Nesrin Besbas, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Safak Gucer, Gulsev Kale, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Melda Caglar. Prognosis of acute poststreptococcal crescentic glomerulonephritis (APSCG) in children. 39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology 10-13 September 2005, Istanbul. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C68; PP-200
- Mukaddes Kalyoncu, Nesrin Besbas, Koksal Ozgul, Ali Duzova, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen, Meral Ozguc, Aysin Bakkaloglu. G/A polymorhism and levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in children with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. 39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology 10-13 September 2005, Istanbul. Pediatr Nephrol 2005, 20: C73; PP-230
- Mucha BE, Ozaltin F, Hinkes B, Hasselbacher K, Ruf RG, Schultheiss M, Bakkaloglu A, Hildebrandt F. Mutations in the WT1 gene cause isolated steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome and occur in exons 8 and 9. The American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2005; November 8-13 2005, Philadelphia, USA .J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, 16: 365A; F-PO126.
- Mucha BE, Hinkes B, Ozaltin F, Schultheiss M , Ruf RG, Hasselbacher K, Bakkaloglu A, Hildebrandt F. Congenital nephrotic syndrome is primarily caused by mutations in nephrin, podocin and WT1.The American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2005; November 8-13 2005, Philadelphia, USA . J Am Soc Nephrol 2005, 16: 365A; F-PO127
- Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Kalyoncu M, Sakalli O, Bayrakci U, Emre R, Bakkaloglu A. Peritoneal function test as a basis of assessment od adequate therapy in children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). 26th Annual Conference on Peritoneal Dialysis, February 26-28, 2006, San Francisco, California. Perit Dial Int 2006, 26 (Suppl 1); pp s48.
- Y Bilginer, B Salancı, S Ozen, M Alikasifoglu, O Kasapcopur, F Ozaltin, R topaloglu, A Bakkaloglu. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene A1298C polymorphism does not reflect the efficiacy of methotrexate in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR 2006), 21-24 June 2006, Amsterdam. Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65(Suppl II): p245, THU0430
- Yelda Bilginer, Ceren Erdogan Poyraz, Fatih Ozaltin, Sibel Kadayifcilar, Nesrin besbas, Rezan Topaloglu, Seza Ozen, Friedhelm Hildebrandt, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Eye involvement in children with primary FSGS. XLIV ERA-EDTA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 June 2007. Abstract ERA07L_1494: SaP178
- Ali Duzova, Ozlem Bircan, Seza Ozen, Fatih Ozaltin, Rezan Topaloglu, Nesrin Besba, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Final diagnosis of patients referred to a tertiary referral center with rheumatic complaints. 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, 5-9 September 2007. Abstract PP-186, p 307
- Yelda Bilginer, Nesrin Besbas, Fatih Ozaltin, Ali Duzova, Seza Ozen, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu. Cerebral and pulmonary involvement: rare manifestations in Henoch-Schonlein purpura with familial Mediterrranean fever. 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, 5-9 September 2007. Abstract PP-255, p383
- Fatih Ozaltin, Hande Canpinar, Yelda Bilginer, Umut Kalyoncu, Rezan Topaloglu, Aysin Bakkaloglu, Seza Ozen. TLR expression in peripheral blood samples of patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and Behcet’s disease. 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, İstanbul, 5-9 September 2007. Abstract PP,256, p 384.
- Y. Bilginer, N Gonc, A. Duzova, F Ozaltin, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, N Besbas, A Bakkaloglu. Adrenocortical functions in children with chronic renal failure. 14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Budapest, 31 August-4 September 2007. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1560, 600(P)
- Y Bilginer, R Topaloglu, F Aki, I Erkan, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, S Ozen, A Bakkaloglu. Outcome of primary glomerular disease in pediatric transplantation: a single center experience. 14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Budapest, 31 August-4 September 2007. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1577, 669(P)
- Y Bilginer, S Heeringa, C Poyraz, F Ozaltin, S Kadayifcilar, N Besbas, R Topaloglu, S Ozen, F Hildebrandt, A Bakkaloglu. Eye involvement in children with primary FSGS. 14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Budapest, 31 August-4 September 2007. Pediatr Nephrol 2007; 22(9): 1612, 811(P)
- Berdeli A, Aktay Ayaz N, Ozen S, Demirkaya E, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Bakkaloglu A. Can Toll-like receptor 2 polymorphism affect the phenotype of heterozygous? 5th International Congress on FMF and Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases. April 4-8, 2008, Rome. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2008; 26(2): 188, N1
- Y Bilginer, A Duzova, N Gonc, F Ozaltin, E Baskin, E Demirkaya, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, N Besbas, ABakkaloglu. Is there a defect in neuroendocrine immune system contributing the inflammation in chronic renal failure? 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1612; P063
- N Besbas, M Draaken, M Ludwig, O Deren, D Orhan, Y Bilginer, F Ozaltin. A family with a novel VLCN7 mutation presented with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis and tubulopathy. 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1650; P216
- Y bilginer, I Erdogan, A Duzova, N Besbas, M Sahin, F Ozaltin, E Demirkaya, A Celiker, S Ozen, R Topaloglu, A Bakkaloglu. 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008. Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1688; P365
- R Topaloglu, I Er, B Dogan-Guciz, D Gur, Y Bilginer, F Ozaltin, N Besbas, A Bakkaloglu. Treatment and outcome in community acquired UTI caused by extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing enteric bacteria in children. 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008.Pediatr Nephrol 2008; 23: 1703; P428
- Duzova A, Bilginer Y, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Besbas N, Demirkaya E, Bakkaloglu M, Bakkaloglu A. Comparison between serum creatinine and serum csytatin C level in monitoring renal transplantation. 5th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association, April 18-21, 2009, İstanbul. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 73; Abstract #115
- Duzova A, Bilginer Y, Aki FT, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A. Preemptive renal transplantation in a mediterranean country. 5th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association, April 18-21, 2009, İstanbul. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 82; Abstract #155
- Bilginer Y, Erdogan I, Duzova A, Besbas N, Ozaltin F, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Bakkaloglu A, Bakkaloglu M. Sinus tachycardia related to tacrolimus after kidney transplantation in children and young adults. 5th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association, April 18-21, 2009, İstanbul. Pediatr Transplant 2009; 13 (Suppl 1): 133; Abstract #363
- F. Ozaltin, N. Besbas, A.B. Iskit, O. Cil, Z. Akcoren, G. Kale, A. Bakkaloglu. CKR-1 may play a role in inflammation in experimental mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1573-1590; PS1-FRI-140
- B. Gulhan, D. Ö. Hacıhamdioğlu, Y. Bilginer, F. Özaltın, T. Aki, A. Düzova, S. Özan, N. Beşbaş, R. Topaloğlu. Hypertension after renal transplantation in children. 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1573-1590; PS1-THU-411.
- Hacihamdioglu DO, Ozaltin F, Zeybek C, Kalman S, Demirkaya E, Gok F. The benefits of cyclosporine treatment of the patient with NPHS2 mutation. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1703; #P131.
- Topaloglu R, Gulhan B, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Besbas N. Rituximab in steroid dependent and resistant nephrotic syndrome patients. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1710; #P146.
- Gulhan B, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Topaloglu R, Ozen S, Bilginer Y, Tayfur AC, Yildiz C, Besbas N. Peritoneal dialysis in children under two years of age. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1799; #P341
- Gulhan B, Topaloglu R, Bilginer Y, Tayfur AC, Yildiz C, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Ozen S, Aki FT, Besbas N. Conversion to sirolimus in pediatric renal transplant recipients. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Pediatr Nephrol 2012; 27: 1818; #P381
- Eroglu FK, Tavil B, Ozaltin F, Besbas N, Ozen S, Cetin M, Gumruk F, Topaloglu R. Contributory risk factors for development of thrombosis in children with nephrotic syndrome. The sixteenth congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, August 30-September 3, 2013, Shangai International Convention Center, Shangai, China; Abstract#P-SUN154
- Hacihamdioglu DO, Besbas N, Alehan D, Oguz B, Ozaltin F, Duzova A, Ozen S, Topaloglu R, Gok F. The effect of fibroblast growth factor 23 on left ventricular function in peritoneal dialysis children. The sixteenth congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, August 30-September 3, 2013, Shangai International Convention Center, Shangai, China; Abstract#P-SUN326
Türkçe Yayınlar
1. Nesrin Beşbaş, Fatih Özaltın. Renal osteodistrofi: patogenez ve tedavi ilkeleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi 1998; 41: 565-580.
2. Nesrin Beşbaş, Fatih Özaltın. Sistemik Vaskülitler. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 1999; 20(6):703-25.
3. Fatih Özaltın, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. Hipertansiyon taraması. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 2000; 21(3): 353-61.
- Fatih Özaltın, Nesrin Beşbaş. Nefrolojide Otoimmunite. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 2002; 23(4): 414-25.
- Fatih Özaltın, Seza Özen. Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi. Türkiye Tıp Dergisi 2003; 10(2): 93-97.
- Fatih Özaltin, Seza Özen. Jüvenil spondiloartritler, Türkiye Klinikleri İmmunoloji Romatoloji, 2004, 4(1), 58-67.
- Fatih Özaltın, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu, “Sodyum ve su dengesi”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, 2007; 29(1): 41-60.
- Fatih Özaltın, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu, “Sodyum dengesi bozuklukları ve tedavisi”, Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, 2007; 29(1): 61-92.
- Fatih Özaltın. Nefroloji ve Genetik. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr Sci 2008; 4(1): 164-178.
Kitap Bölümleri-
- Nesrin Beşbaş, Fatih Özaltın. Renal osteodistrofi patogenez ve tedavi ilkeleri. Pediatride Gelişmeler (Editörler. İ Özalp, M. Yurdakök, T. Coşkun), Ankara 1999; s 828-842.
- Fatih Özaltın. Asit baz bozuklukları. Çocuklarda Sıvı ve Elektrolit Tedavisi (Editörler O. Söylemezoğlu, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu), Güneş Tıp Kitapevleri, Ankara, 2008; 153-181.
Türkçe’ye Çeviri-
- Romatizmal Hastalıklar. Rudolph’s Fundamentals of Pediatrics (Türkçe) 3.Baskı. Çeviri editörü: Murat Yurdakök. Sayfa 271-288.
Yurtiçi bildiriler
Sözlü Sunumlar
1. Balcı S, Onol B, Nabei M, Özaltın F, Söylemezoğlu F. Akciğerde ektopik beyin dokusunun görüldüğü 23 haftalık bir fetusun sunumu. XIII.Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi, 4-8 Eylül 1997 İstanbul, S18.
2. S.Balcı, S.Bostanoğlu, G.Altınok, F.Özaltın. Prenatal fetal US ile tanı alan iki kardeşte renal, pankreatik displazi ve kist, timik hipoplazi, situs inversus totalis, alt ektremite kemiklerinde yaylanma ila karakterize yeni otozomal resesif bir sendrom. 3.Tıbbi Görüntüleme ve Girişimsel Radyoloji Kongresi, 28 Ekim-2 Kasım 1997, Antalya, S802.
3. F. Özaltın, N.Beşbaş, A. Tuncer, A. Gürgey, S. Özdemir, G. Tuncer. Sistemik Juvenil Romatoid Artrit’e (JRA) Bağlı Vaskülit ve DİK. I.Ulusal Pediatrik Romatoloji Kongresi. 10-11 Nisan 1997, Ankara.
4. Fatih Özaltın , Nesrin Besbas , Duygu Uçkan , Murat Tuncer, Rezan Topaloğlu , Seza Özen , Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. Çocuklarda Henoch-Schönlein purpurasında apoptosisin rolü. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. 5-9 Eylül 2001, Kapadokya, Sayfa 8, SS/021
- Ferhat Çatal , Nesrin Besbas , Fatih Özaltın , Rezan Topaloglu, Ali Düzova , Seza Özen, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. Akut poststreptokoksik glomerulonefritte MCP-1 ve IL-8'in patogenezdeki yeri. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. 5-9 Eylül 2001, Kapadokya,Sayfa 8, SS/023
- Fatih Özaltın , Serdar Tekgül , Mehmet Bakkaloğlu , Saadettin Eskiçorapçı, Seza Özen , Rezan Topaloğlu , Nesrin Besbas , Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. Pediatrik SAPD: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Deneyimi. 6. Ulusal Çocuk Ürolojisi Kongresi, 19-21 Eylül 2001 Samsun.
- Ali Düzova, Fatih Özaltın, Nesrin Beşbaş, Rezan Topaloğlu, Seza Özen, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu. Ailevi Akdeniz ateşinde kemik mineral kontenti, serum ve idrar kemik döngüsü belirleyicileri. 1.Ulusal Osteoporoz Kongresi, 7-11 Ekim 2002, Antalya.
- Bakkaloğlu A, Düzova A, Balcı B, Beşbaş N, Topaloğlu R, Özaltın F, Özen S, Yılmaz E. Ailevi Akdeniz ateşinde SAA1, SAA2 gen polimorfizmlerinin renal amiloidoz ve SAA düzeyleri üzerine etkisi. 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya.
- Özaltın F, Beşbaş N, Coşkun T, Düzova A, Özen S, Topaloğlu R, Bakkaloğlu A. Sürekli ayaktan periton diaylizi uygulanan son dönem böbrek yetmezliğindeki çocuklarda beslenme durumunun değerlendirilmesinde leptin ve IGF-1'in yeri. 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya.
- Sevim Balcı, Barış Akcan, Arbay Özden Çiftçi, Mehmet Emin Şenocak, Fatih Özaltın.Turner sendromlu ve akalazyalı bir vaka. Çocukluktan Erişkinliğe Turner Sendromu. Pediatrik Endokrinoloji ve Oksoloji Derneği Sempozyumu-II, 7 Haziran 2003, İstanbul.
Poster Sunum
1. Fatih Özaltın , Nesrin Besbas N, Duygu Uçkan , Murat Tuncer , Rezan Topaloğlu , Seza Özen , Ayşin Bakkaloğlu . The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul 14-15 June 2001, pp49 , P6
2. Ali Duzova, Ayşin Bakkaoglu , Nesrin Besbas , Şafak Gücer , Keriman Tinaztepe , Rezan Topalglu , Seza Ozen, Fatih Ozaltin, Ümit Saatci . Cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin A in the treatment of primary MPGN in children. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul, 14-15 June 2001,. pp49 , P7
3. Ali Duzova , Seza Ozen , Nesrin Besbas , Fatih Ozaltin , Ferhat Catal , Rezan Topaloglu, Ayşin Bakkaloglu . Acute renal failure in children: Experience of a tertiary health center in Turkey. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul, 14-15 June 2001, pp 52, P20
4. Fatih Ozaltin , Ayşin Bakkaloglu , Nesrin Besbas , Durdal Us , Mehmet Bakkaloglu , Ali Duzova, Rezan Topaloglu , Seza Ozen. Serum bone turnover parameters in uremic children under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul 14-15 June 2001, ,pp 53, P21
5. Fatih Ozaltin , Nesrin Besbas , Ayşin Bakkaloglu , Turgay Coskun , Ali Duzova , Seza Ozen , Rukiye Emre , Rezan Topaloglu , Serdar Tekgül , Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Nutritional assessment of children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal diaysis: value of leptin snd IGF-1. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul, 14-15 June 2001, pp 53, P22
6. Seza Ozen , Engin Yılmaz , Ayşin Bakkaloglu , Ali Duzova , Fatih Ozaltin , Rezan Topaloglu , Nesrin Besbas , Ümit Saatci . Mutation analysis in Familial Mediterranean fever and amyloidosis and evidence for a high carrier rate in the Turkish population. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul,, 14-15 June 2001, pp 57, P40
7. Ozen S , Ertoy D, Heidet l, Cohen-Solal L, Besbas N, Topaloglu R, Duzova A, Ozaltin F, Ozen H, Bakkaloglu A, Antignac C. Benign Familial hematuria associated with a novel COL4A4 mutation. 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, Istanbul 14-15 June 2001, pp 58, P44
8. Ali Düzova, Ayşin Bakkaloğlu , Nesrin Besbas , Şafak Güçer , Keriman Tınaztepe , Rezan Topaloğlu , Seza Özen , Fatih Özaltın , Ümit Saatçi . Çocukluk çağı MPGN tedavisinde silofosfamid ve siklosporin A tedavisi. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. Kapadokya, 5-9 Eylül 2001, Sayfa 14, P-GN/007.
9. Fatih Özaltın , Ayşin Bakkaloglu , Nesrin Besbas , Durdal Us, Ali Düzova , Rukiye Emre, Seza Özen , Rezan Topaloglu, Serdar Tekgül , Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi uygulanan çocuk hastalarda serum kemik turnover parametreleri. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. Kapadokya, 5-9 Eylül 2001, Sayfa 50, P-P/116
- Fatih Özaltın , Nesrin Besbas , Ayşin Bakkaloglu, Turgay Coskun , Ali Düzova , Seza Özen, Rukiye Emre, Rezan Topaloglu, Serdar Tekgül, Mehmet Bakkaloglu. Sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi uygulanan çocukların nutrisyonel değerlendirmesi: Leptin ve IGF-1'in değeri. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. Kapadokya 5-9 Eylül 2001,Sayfa 50, P-PD/117
- Kavak U, Özaltın F, Orhan D, Beşbaş N, Kale G, Bakkaloğlu A. Nefrokalsinozisin eşlik ettiği konjenital mezoblastik nefroma. 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya.
Katıldığım Ulusal ve Uluslar arası Bilimsel Toplantılar
1. 18. Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi. 5-9 Eylül 2001 Kapadokya, (Sözlü sunum)
2. 6.Ulusal Çocuk Ürolojisi Kongresi, 19-21 Eylül 2001, Samsun, (Sözlü sunum)
3. XXXVIII Congress of the ERA-EDTA, 24-27 June, 2001, Vieanna Austria, (Sözlü sunum)
- 1stMeeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group, 14-15 June 2001, Istanbul, (Poster sunumu)
- The 5th EuRoPD Meeting, 4-7 May 2002, Brussels, Belgium. (Dinleyici olarak).
- 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao ( Sözlü sunum)
- 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya (Sözlü sunum)
- VIII. Tıpta Uzmanlık Eğitimi Kurultayı, 30 Kasım-1 Aralık 2002, Ankara (Moderatör yardımcısı)
- World Congress of Nephrology, 8-12 June 2003, Berlin. (Poster sunumu).
- 39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology 10-13 September 2005, Istanbul (poster sunumu)
- American Society of Nephrology, Renal Week 2005. 8-13 November 2005, Philadelphia, USA (poster sunumu)
- 2nd Meeting of Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group (SEPNWG), 7-9 April, 2006, Belgrade, Serbia&Montenegro (dinleyici olarak)
- 14th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress, 5-9 September 2007, İstanbul (poster sunumu).
- 42nd Annual Meeting ESPN, Lyon, 11-14 September 2008 (poster sunumu).
- 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 14-17 September 2011, Hotel Crotia, Dubrovnik-Cavtat, Crotia. (oral ve poster sunumu)
- 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (oral, poster sunumu ve konuşmacı olarak)
- 01 G 003 numaralı Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Güdümlü altyapı projesinde yardımcı araştırıcı.
- Scientific committee member. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
- CME course coordinator. Genetics in Nephrology: From DNA to Kidney Diseases. October 06, 2012 Kaya Hotel Convention Center Izmir, Turkey
Dereceler ve Ödüller
1- Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dönem Birinciliği (Haziran 1994).
2- The role of apoptosis in childhood Henoch Schonlein purpura. European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria 24-27 June, 2001. “Best abstracts presented by young authors” ödülü
3- The value of leptin and IGF-I in the malnutrition of children under CAPD (sözlü sunum). 36th Annual Meeting of European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, 20-23 September 2002, Bilbao. Kongre "grant" i (kayıt ve konaklama ücreti kongre sekreteryası tarafından karşılandı).
4- Ailevi Akdeniz ateşinde kemik mineral kontenti, serum ve idrar kemik döngüsü belirleyicileri (sözlü sunum). 1.Ulusal Osteoporoz Kongresi, 7-11 Ekim 2002, Antalya (birincilik)
5- Sürekli ayaktan periton diaylizi uygulanan son dönem böbrek yetmezliğindeki çocuklarda beslenme durumunun değerlendirilmesinde leptin ve IGF-1'in yeri (sözlü sunum). 3.Ulusal Pediatrik Nefroloji Kongresi, 10-13 Kasım 2002, Antalya, (Anadolu Böbrek Vakfı Eğitim Teşvik Ödülü)
6- The role of apoptosis in the course of crescentic glomerulonephritis in childhood. World Congress of Nephrology. 8-12 June2003, Berlin (ESPN ödülü)
7- Hacettepe Üniversitesi 2004-2005 Akademik Yılı Bilimde Teşvik Ödülü (26.09.2006)
Ulusal kongrelerde davetli konuşmacı
1- Fokal segmental nefroskleroz. 23.Ulusal Nefroloji Hipertansiyon Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, 28 Ekim-1Kasım 2006, Antalya
2- Herediter böbrek hastalıklarına genetik tanı yaklaşımında pratik öneriler. Çocuk nefroloji sempozyumu, 21-23 Kasım 2006, İstanbul.
3- FMF gen mutasyonları ve tedavi yaklaşımları. 2.Eskişehir Pediatri Günler 28-30 Haziran 2007, Eskişehir
4- Podonet projesi. 5.Ulusal Çocuk nefroloji Kongresi. 9-12 Ekim 2008, Kapadokya
5- 1.Nefropatoloji Kursuna eğitici olarak katılım:27-28 Mart 2010, Ankara
6- Steroide rezistan nefrotik sendromda kalıtım. 9.Ulusal Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi, 1-5 Aralık 2010, İstanbul.
7- Sekans bazlı çalışma ve temel özellikleri. 3.Ulusal Transplantasyon İmmunolojisi ve Genetiği Kongresi, 21-24 Nisan 2011, Sarıgerme, Muğla
8- Çocuklarda Romatizmal Hastalıklar Kursu-II’ye eğitici olarak katılım: 05 Mayıs 2012, Ankara
9- Fokal segmental glomeruloskleroz:Patogenezden tedaviye, 30.Ulusal Nefroloji, Hipertansiyon ve Transplantasyon Kongresi, 13-17 Kasım 2013, Maxx Royal Oteli, Antalya
10- Nefrotik sendromun genetiği. 8.Ulusal Çocuk Nefroloji Kongresi, 29 Ekim-1 Kasım 2014, Cornelia Diamond Hotel, Antalya
Uluslar arası kongrelerde davetli konuşmacı
1- Gene hunting strategies. PodoNet Steering Committee Meeting, 20 April 2008, Heidelberg, Germany.
2- Recessive forms of SRNS. International podocyte disorders symposia. 6.Ulusal Çocuk Nefroloji Kongresi, 7-10 Ekim 2010, Ankara.
3- Podonet Project:Genetic results. ESCAPE network clinical trial days, 13-14 May 2011, Heidelberg
4- COQ mutations. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, 6-8 September 2012, Auditorium Maximumof the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
5- Structure of DNA. CME course. Genetics in Nephrology: From DNA to Kidney Diseases. October 06, 2012 Kaya Hotel Convention Center Izmir, Turkey
6- Principles of PCR. CME course. Genetics in Nephrology: From DNA to Kidney Diseases. October 06, 2012 Kaya Hotel Convention Center Izmir, Turkey
7- Genetics of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. 5th Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group Meeting. 22-25 April 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
8- Complment C3 related nephropathies. 5th Southeastern European Pediatric Nephrology Working Group Meeting. 22-25 April 2015, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9- New developments in genetics of aHUS. The 3rd Congress of Mediterranean Kidney Society. 10-13 June 2015, Lodge Hotel, Kapadokya.
10- Clinical implications of genetics: Nephrotic syndrome. 51th Annual Meeting of European Society For Paediatric Nephrology. 3-6 October 2018, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Antalya
11- Should we screen healthy family members of children with inherited diseases? 51th Annual Meeting of European Society For Paediatric Nephrology. 3-6 October 2018, Kaya Palazzo Hotel, Antalya
Pediatric Nephrology
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi
Scientific Committee Member, IPNA 2013, August 30-September 3, 2013, Shangai, China
Abstract reviewer, IPNA 2013, August 30-September 3, 2013, Shangai, China
Local Organizing Committe Member, ESPN 2018, 3-6 October 2018, Antalya, Turkey
Abstract reviewer, ESPN 2018, 3-6 October 2018, Antalya, Turkey
Çocuk Nefroloji; Kalıtsal böbrek hastalıklarının genetiği (nefrogenetik); Çocuk Romatoloji
Lise |
Lisans |
Yüksek Öğrenim |
Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | 2004-2005 arasında 1 yıl süreyle Michigan Üniversitesi, Ann Arbor, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'de doktora sonrası araştırmacı olarak görev vapmıştır | |||||||||||||||
Yabancı Dil | İngilizce |
: (312) 305 12 46
: fozaltin@hacettepe.edu.tr
: linkedin.com/pub/www.fatihozaltin.com