Ad Soyad:
Hülya Demir
Gastroenteroloji-Hepatoloji ve Beslenme
(312) 305 19 93
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinden mezun oldu. Aynı Üniversitede Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalında uzmanlık eğitimini 1999’da ve Çocuk Gastroenteroloji yan dal uzmanlık eğitimini 2002 yılında tamamladı. 2006 yılında doçent ve 2013 yılında profesör oldu. 2007’ de 4 ay süre ile ABD’de Iowa Üniversitesi Çocuk Gastroenteroloji Bölümünde çalışmalarda bulundu. Genel gastroenteroloji hastalıkları yanında kronik karaciğer hastalıkları, lipid depo hastalıkları, çölyak hastalığı ve motilite bozuklukları (kabızlık, reflü) ile ilgilenmektedir.
A1. Özsoylu, Ş., N. Koçak, H. Demir, A. Yüce, F. Gürakan ve H. Özen, “Propranolol for Primary and Secondary Prophylaxis of Variceal Bleeding in Children with Cirrhosis,” Turk J Pediatr, 42, 31-33 (2000).
A2. Demir, H., A. Yüce, N. Koçak, H. Özen ve F. Gürakan, “Celiac Disease in Turkish Children: Presentation of 104 Cases,” Pediatr Int, 42, 483-487 (2000).
A3. Yüce, A., N. Koçak, H. Demir, F. Gürakan, H. Özen, İ.N. Saltık ve F. Özçay, “Evaluation of Diagnostic Parameters of Wilson’s Disease in Childhood,” Indian J Gastroenterol, 22, 4-6 (2003).
A4. Saltık, İ.N., H. Demir, D. Engin, O.D. Ertunç, Y. Akyön ve N. Koçak, “The CagA Status of Helicobacter pylori Isolates from Dyspeptic Children in Turkey,” FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol, 36, 147-149 (2003).
A5. Kavak, U.S., A. Yüce, N. Koçak, H. Demir, İ.N. Saltık, F. Gürakan ve H. Özen, “Bone Mineral Density in Children with Untreated and Treated Celiac Disease,” J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 37, 434-436 (2003).
A6. Yüce, A., H. Demir, İ.N. Saltık Temizel ve N. Koçak, “Serum Carnitine and Selenium Levels in Children with Celiac Disease,” Indian J Gastroenterol, 23, 87-88 (2004).
A7. Saltık-Temizel, İ.N., N. Koçak, H. Özen ve H. Demir, “Serum Hyaluronic Acid Concentrations in Children with Cirrhosis,” Indian J Gastroenterol, 23, 129-130 (2004).
A8. Özçay, F., N. Koçak, İ.N. Saltık Temizel, H. Demir, H. Özen, A. Yüce ve F. Gürakan, “Helicobacter pylori Infection in Turkish Children: Comparison of Diagnostic Tests, Evaluation of Eradication Rate, and Changes in Symptoms after Eradication,” Helicobacter, 9, 242-248 (2004).
A9. Gürakan, F., M. Eren, N. Koçak, A. Yüce, H. Özen, İ.N. Saltık-Temizel ve H. Demir, “Extrahepatic Portal Vein Thrombosis in Children: Etiology and Long-term Follow-up,” J Clin Gastroenterol, 38, 368-372 (2004).
A10. Saltık-Temizel, İ.N., N. Koçak ve H. Demir, “Lamivudine and High-dose Interferon-a Combination Therapy for Naive Children with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection,” J Clin Gastroenterol, 39, 68-70 (2005).
A11. Demir, H., H. Özen, N. Koçak, İ.N. Saltık-Temizel ve F. Gürakan, “Does Simultaneous Gastric and Esophageal pH Monitoring Increase the Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?” Turk J Pediatr, 47, 14-16 (2005).
A12. Saltık-Temizel, İ.N., N. Koçak, H. Özen, A. Yüce, F. Gürakan ve H. Demir, “Inflammatory Bowel Disease-like Colitis in a Young Turkish Child with Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b and Elevated Platelet Count,” Turk J Pediatr, 47, 180-182 (2005).
A13. Demir, H., A. Yüce, M. Çaglar, G. Kale, N. Koçak, H. Özen, F. Gürakan ve İ.N. Saltık-Temizel, “Cirrhosis in Children with Celiac Disease,” J Clin Gastroenterol, 39, 630-633 (2005).
A14. Turkbey, B., M. Karcaaltincaba, H. Demir, Z. Akcoren, A. Yuce ve M. Haliloglu, “Multiple Hyperplastic Nodules in the Liver with Congenital Absence of Portal Vein: MRI Findings,” Pediatr Radiol, 36, 445-448 (2006).
A15. Uslu, N., I.N. Saltik-Temizel, H. Demir, Y. Usta, H. Ozen, F. Gurakan, A. Yuce, N. Kocak, “Bone mineral density in children with cirrhosis,” J Gastroenterol, 41, 873-877 (2006).
A16. Tavil, B., B. Kuskonmaz, M. Kasem, H. Demir, M. Cetin, D. Uckan, “Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin in Combination with Lamivudine for Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation in Children Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation,” Pediatr Transplant, 10, 966-969 (2006).
A17. Saltik-Temizel, I.N., S. Ersoy-Evans, H. Demir, A. Yuce, “Pityriasis lichenoides chronica: an association with autoimmune hepatitis?” Pediatr Dermatol, 24, 71-73 (2007).
A18. Uslu, N., H. Demir, I.N. Saltik-Temizel, R. Topaloglu, F. Gurakan, A. Yuce,
“Acute Tubular Injury Associated with Mesalazine Therapy in an Adolescent Girl
with Inflammatory Bowel Disease,” Dig Dis Sci, 3, [Epub ahead of print] (2007).
A19. Kupeli, S., A. Varan, H. Demir, B. Aydın, A. Yuce, M. Buyukpamukcu, “Association of Helicobacter pylori and Childhood Lymphoma,” J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 29, 301-304 (2007).
A20. Tavil, B., M. Cetin, M. Tuncer, F. Gumruk, A. Yuce, H. Demir, S. Aytac, B. Kuskonmaz, S.Unal, S. Yetgin, “The rate of hepatitis B and C virus infections and the importance of HBV
vaccination in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia,” Hepatol Res, 37, 498-502 (2007).
A21. Orhan D., G. Kale, I.N. Saltik, H. Demir, A. Bulun, E. Karaoğlu, M. Caglar., “Immunohistochemical detection of Helicobacter pylori infection in gastric biopsies of urea breath test-positive and -negative pediatric patients,” Turk J Pediatr, 50, 34-39 (2008).
A22. Usta Y., I.N. Saltik-Temizel, H. Demir, N. Uslu, H. Ozen, F. Gurakan, A. Yuce, “Comparison of short- and long-term treatment protocols and the results of second-line quadruple therapy in children with Helicobacter pylori infection,” J Gastroenterol, 43, 429-433 (2008).
A23. Saltik-Temizel, I.N., M. Eren, H. Demir, N. Uslu, Y. Usta, H. Ozen, F. Gürakan, A. Yüce,”Bone mineralization in children with inflammatory bowel disease: what is the role
of zinc?,”Turk J Gastroenterol, 19, 234-238 (2008).
A24. Doherty D, Parisi MA, Finn LS, Gunay-Aygun M, Al-Mateen M, Bates D, Clericuzio C, Demir H, Dorschner M, van Essen AJ, Gahl WA, Gentile M, Gorden NT, Hikida A, Knutzen D, Ozyurek H, Phelps I, Rosenthal P, Verloes A, Weigand H, Chance PF, Dobyns WB, Glass IA. Mutations in 3 genes (MKS3, CC2D2A and RPGRIP1L) cause COACH syndrome (Joubert syndrome with congenital hepatic fibrosis)”, J Med Genet, 47(1), 8-21, (2010). A25. Balamtekin, N., N. Uslu, Ç. Temuçin, H. Demir, I.N. Saltık-Temizel, “A rare cause of carpal tunnel syndrome in childhood:Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis”, Cent Eur J Med, 5, 742-744 (2010). A26. Uslu, N., F. Gürakan, A. Yüce, H. Demir, P. Tarugi, “Abetalipoproteinemia in an infant with severe clinical phenotype and a novel mutation,” Turk J Pediatr, 52, 73-77 (2010). A27. Uslu, N., G. Baysoy, H. Demir, I.N. Temizel, A. Yuce, “Safety of ribavirin in adolescent thalassemic patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection,” J Clin Virol, 48, 66-68 (2010). A28. Uslu, N., A. Yüce, H. Demir, I.N. Saltik-Temizel, Y. Usta, E. Yilmaz, N. Beşbaş, F. Gürakan, H. Ozen, S. Ozen, “The Association of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Mediterranean Fever Gene MEFV) Mutations in Turkish Children,” Dig Dis Sci, 55, 3488-3494 (2010). A29. Uslu, N., Y. Usta, N. Balamtekin, H. Demir, I.N. Saltik-Temizel, A. Yüce, “Inflammatory bowel disease in infancy,” Indian J Gastroenterol, 28, 224-225 (2009). A30. Uslu, N., H. Demir, G. Balta, I.N. Saltık-Temizel, H. Özen, F. Gürakan, A. Yüce, “Hemophagocytic syndrome in a child with severe Crohn’s disease and familial Mediterranean fever,” J Crohns Colitis, 4, 341-344 (2010).A31. Uslu N, Usta Y, Saltik-Temizel IN, Demir H, Gürakan F, Ozen H, Yüce A. “Ineffectiveness of infliximab therapy in severe infantile Crohn’s disease.” J Crohns Colitis 2010;4:106-109.
A32. Balamtekin N, Uslu N, Baysoy G, Usta Y, Demir H, Saltik-Temizel IN, Ozen H, Gürakan F, Yüce A. The presentation of celiac disease in 220 Turkish children.Turk J Pediatr. 2010 May-Jun;52(3):239-44.
A33. Uslu N, Saltik-Temızel IN, Demır H, Gürakan F, Ozen H, Yüce A. Serum selenium concentrations in cirrhotic children. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2010 Jun;21(2):153-5.
A34. Uslu, N., H. Demir, T. Karagöz, I.N. Saltık-Temizel, “Dilated cardiomyopathy in celiac disease: role of carnitine deficiency”,
Acta Gastroenterol Belg, 73, 530-531 (2010).
A35. Arıkan-Ayyıldız, Z., A. Yuce, N. Uslu-Kızılkan, H. Demir, F. Gurakan, “Immunoglobulin abnormalities and effects of enzyme replacement therapy in children with Gaucher disease”,
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 56, 664-666 (2011).
A36. Baysoy, G., G. Daar, H. Demir, S. Aytac Elmas, M. Haliloğlu, N. Besbas, “Internal iliac vein thrombosis in pediatric Crohn’s disease”,
J Crohns Colitis, 5, 57-59 (2011).
A37. Balamtekin, N., H.Demir, G. Baysoy, N. Uslu, A. Yüce, “Obesity in adolescents with celiac disease: two adolescents and two different presentations”,
Turk J Pediatr, 53, 314-316 (2011).
A38. Dalgic, B., S. Sari, B. Basturk, A. Ensari, O. Egritas, A. Bukulmez, Z. Baris, Turkish Celiac Study Group, “Prevalence of celiac disease in healthy Turkish school children”,
Am J Gastroenterol, 106, 1512-1517 (2011).
A39 . Balamtekin, N., N. Uslu, G. Baysoy, I. Saltik-Temizel, H. Demir, A. Yüce, “Responsiveness of children with celiac disease to different hepatitis B vaccination protocols”,
Turk J Gastroenterol, 22, 27-31 (2011).
A40. Dalgic, B., S. Sari, B. Basturk, A. Ensari, O. Egritas, A. Bukulmez, Z. Baris, Türk Çölyak Çalışma Grubu, “The evaluation of factors and symptoms related to celiac disease in Turkish children”, Turk Arch Ped, 46, 323-330 (2011).
A41. Gumus, E., O. Karaca, M.O. Babaoglu, G. Baysoy, N. Balamtekin, H. Demir, N. Uslu, A. Bozkurt, A. Yuce, U. Yasar, “Evaluation of lansoprazole as a probe for assessing cytochrome P450 2C19 activity and genotype-phenotype correlation in childhood”,
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 68, 629-636 (2012).
A42. Barış, Z., I.N. Saltık Temizel, N. Uslu, Y. Usta, H. Demir, F. Gürakan, H. Özen, A.Yüce, “Acute liver failure in children: 20-year experience”,
Turk J Gastroenterol, 23, 127-134 (2012).
A43. Balamtekin, N., H. Demir, G. Baysoy, N. Uslu, D. Orhan, Z. Akçören, H. Özen, F. Gürakan, I.N. Saltık-Temizel, A. Yüce, “Fecal calprotectin concentration is increased in children with celiac disease: relation with histopathological findings”,
Turk J Gastroenterol, 23, 503-508 (2012).
A44. Al-Zubeidi, D., H. Demir, W.P. Bishop, R.M. Rahhal, “Gastrojejunal feeding tube use by pediatric gastroenterologists: 10-year experience in a pediatric academic center”,
J Pediatr Gastroenterol, 56, 523-527 (2013).
A45. Demir, H., G. Hızal, N. Uslu Kızılkan, F. Gürakan, B. Talim, T. Coşkun, G. Kale, A. Yüce, “Serum alpha-fetoprotein levels in neonatal cholestasis”,
Turk J Pediatr, 55, 152-157 (2013).
A46. Baysoy, G., I.N. Saltik-Temizel, N. Uslu, N. Balamtekin, H. Demir, F Gurakan, H. Ozen, Y. Akyon, A. Yuce, “Ornidazole-based sequential therapy is not effective in Helicobacter pylori eradication in children”, Turk J Gastroenterol, 24, 382-386 (2013).
A47. Hizarcioglu-Gulsen H, Saltik-Temizel IN, Demir H, Gurakan F, Ozen H, Yuce A. Intractable diarrhea of infancy: 10 years of experience. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 59(5), 571-6 (2014).
A48. Maçin S, Demir H, Özen H, Yüce A, Akyön Y. Determination of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance patterns in pediatric gastroenterology patients: the Hacettepe experience. Turk J Pediatr, 57(3), 254-7 (2015).
A49. Balamtekin N, Aksoy Ç, Baysoy G, Uslu N, Demir H, Köksal G, Saltık-Temizel İN, Özen H, Gürakan F, Yüce A. Is compliance with gluten-free diet sufficient? Diet composition of celiac patients. Turk J Pediatr, 57(4):374-9 (2015)
A50. Maçin S, Kaya F, Çağdaş D, Hizarcioglu-Gulsen H, Saltik-Temizel IN, Tezcan İ, Demir H, Ergüven S, Akyön Y. Detection of parasites in children with chronic diarrhea. Pediatr Int, 58(6):531-3 (2016) |
A51. Aydemir Y, Gürakan F, Saltık Temizel İN, Demir H, Oğuz KK, Yalnızoğlu D, Topçu M, Özen H, Yüce A. Evaluation of central nervous system in patients with glycogen storage disease type 1a. Turk J Pediatr, 58(1):12-18 (2016).
A52. Uslu Kızılkan N, Bozkurt MF, Saltık Temizel IN, Demir H, Yüce A, Caner B, Özen H. Comparison of multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring and reflux scintigraphy in pediatric patients with suspected gastroesophageal reflux. World J Gastroenterol, 22(43):9595-9603 (2016).
A53. Aydemir Y, Pınar A, Hızal G, Demir H, Saltık Temizel IN, Özen H, Akbıyık F, Yüce A. Neutrophil volume distribution width as a new marker in detecting inflammatory bowel disease activation. Int J Lab Hematol, 39(1):51-57 (2017).
A54. Soyer T, Yalçın Ş, Demir N, Karhan AN, Saltık-Temizel İN, Demir H, Tanyel FC. Does Nissen fundoplication improve deglutition in children? Turk J Pediatr, 59(1): 28-34(2017).
A55. Gumus E, Haliloglu G, Karhan AN, Demir H, Gurakan F, Topcu M, Yuce A. Niemann-Pick disease type C in the newborn period: a single-center experience. Eur J Pediatr, 176(12):1669-1676(2017).
A56. Sönmez HE, Karhan AN, Batu ED, Bilginer Y, Gümüş E, Demir H, Yüce A, Özen S. Gastrointestinal system manifestations in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin Rheumatol, 36(7):1521-1526(2017). |
A58. Gultekingil A, Teksam O, Gulsen HH, Ates BB, Saltık-Temizel İN, Demir H. Risk factors associated with clinically significant gastrointestinal bleeding in pediatric ED. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Apr;36(4):665-668.
A59. Karhan AN,Gümüş E,Demir H,Saltik Temizel İN,Yüce A,Özen H. Amoebic colitis presenting with hypo-albuminaemia in an eight-month-old breastfed girl. Paediatr Int Child Health.2018 May 8:1-3.
A60. Aydemir Y, Akcoren Z, Demir H,Saltik Temizel IN, Ozen H, Yuce A. Clinical and histopathological features of immunoglobulin G4-associated autoimmune hepatitis in children. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 34(4):742-746 (2019).
A61. Karhan AN, Aykan HH, Gümüş E, Dönmez Y, Alehan D, Özkutlu S, Demir H, Saltık Temizel İN, Özen H, Yüce A. Assessment of cardiac function and electrocardiographic findings in patients with Wilson's disease. Cardiol Young. 2019 Sep;29(9):1183-1188.
A62. Cagdas D, Halaçlı SO, Tan Ç, Lo B, Çetinkaya PG, Esenboğa S, Karaatmaca B, Matthews H, Balcı-Hayta B, Arıkoğlu T, Ezgü F, Aladağ E, Saltık-Temizel İN, Demir H, Kuşkonmaz B, Okur V, Gümrük F, Göker H, Çetinkaya D, Boztuğ K, Lenardo M, Sanal Ö, Tezcan İ. A Spectrum of Clinical Findings from ALPS to CVID: Several Novel LRBA Defects. J Clin Immunol. 2019 Oct;39(7):726-738.
A63. İnci Yaman Bajin, Hülya Demir, İnci Nur Saltık Temizel, Hasan Özen, Aysel Yüce. Long term follow-up of children with chronic hepatitis B: a single center experience
Turk J Pediatr 2019; 61 (6): 846-851.
A64. Berberoğlu Ateş B, Varan A, Demir H, Akyüz C, Yüce A, Coexistence or a related condition: an infant with retinoblastoma and gaucher disease, Turk J Ped 2019; 61(3): 449-452.
A65. Agakisiyeva G, Yildirim D, Hizarcioglu-Gulsen H, et al. Nutritional characteristics of patients with functional constipation aged 4 years and older. Minerva Pediatrica. 2020 Sep.
A66.Hızarcıoğlu Gülşen H, Kurtulus A. Ascites: a loadstar for the diagnosis and management of an intracranial tumor. Turk J Pediatr. 2020;62(5):863-867.
A67. Aydemir Y, Hizarcioglu Gulsen H, Yilmaz E, Baris Z, Akcoren Z, Orhan D, Demir H. Clinical Significance of Inlet Patch in Children, Osmangazi Journal of Medicine, 2020.
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Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | A.B.D. de 4 ay süre ile araştırma ve eğitim faaliyetleri | |||||||||
Yabancı Dil | İngilizce |
: (312) 305 19 93
: hudemir@hacettepe.edu.tr