Ad Soyad:
Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı
(312) 305 15 62
TED Ankara Koleji ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi İngilizce Tıp Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları alanında uzmanlık eğitimini tamamladı. Aynı üniversitenin Mikrobiyoloji ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda uzman olarak çalışmalarına devam etti. 1998 yılında doçent, 2004 yılında profesör ünvanını aldı.
1997-1998 yıllarında, 9 ay süreyle University of Texas, Houston-TX, A.B.D.’de invazif mikozların tedavisi için geliştirilen antifungal ilaçların farmakokinetik, klinik ve in vitro özellikleri ve antifungal duyarlılık testleri konularında araştırmalar yaptı. 2000 yılında “Hacettepe Üniversitesi 1998-1999 Akademik Yılı Bilimde Teşvik Ödülü”nü, 2005 yılında “TÜBİTAK Bilimde Teşvik Ödülü”nü aldı.
Dr. Arıkan Akdağlı, 1996 yılından beri Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Mikoloji Laboratuvarı Sorumlusu olarak görevini sürdürmektedir. İnvazif mikozların tanısı, antifungal ilaçlar ve antifungal duyarlılık testleri, primer ilgi ve çalışma alanlarıdır.
S. Arıkan, D. Gür, M. Akova. Comparison of Etest, microdilution and colorimetric microdilution with reference broth macrodilution method for antifungal susceptibility testing of clinically significant Candida species isolated from immunocompromised patients. Mycoses 1997; 40: 291-296.
S. Arıkan, M. Akova, M. Hayran, O. Özdemir, M. Erman, D. Gür, S. Ünal. Correlation of in vitro fluconazole susceptibility with clinical outcome for severely ill patients with oropharyngeal candidiasis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998; 26: 903-908.
S. Arıkan, Ö. Uzun, Y. Çetinkaya, S. Kocagöz, M. Akova, S. Ünal. Primary cutaneous aspergillosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients: Two cases and review. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1998; 27: 641-643.
M. A. Pfaller, S. Arıkan, M. Lozano-Chiu, Y. S. Chen, S. Coffman, S. A. Messer, R. Rennie, C. Sand, T. Heffner, J. H. Rex, J. Wang, N. Yamane. Clinical evaluation of the ASTY colorimetric microdilution panel for antifungal susceptibility testing. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1998; 36: 2609-2612.
M. Lozano-Chiu, S. Arıkan, V.L. Paetznick, E.J. Anaissie, D. Loebenberg, J.H. Rex. Treatment of murine fusariosis with SCH 56592. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1999; 43: 589-591.
M. Lozano-Chiu, S. Arıkan, V. L. Paetznick, E. J. Anaissie, J. H. Rex. Optimizing voriconazole susceptibility testing of Candida: Effects of incubation time, endpoint rule, species of Candida, and level of fluconazole susceptibility. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1999; 37: 2755-2759.
S. Arıkan, M. Lozano-Chiu, V. Paetznick, S. Nangia, J. H. Rex. Microdilution susceptibility testing of amphotericin B, itraconazole and voriconazole against clinical isolates of Aspergillus and Fusarium species. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1999; 37: 3946-3951.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. New agents for treatment of systemic fungal infections. Emerging Drugs 2000; 5: 135-160.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. NS-718. Current Opinion in Anti-infective Investigational Drugs Journal 2000; 2: 413-415.
Ö. Uzun, S. Arıkan, S. Kocagöz, B. Sancak, S. Ünal. Susceptibility testing of voriconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole and amphotericin B against yeast isolates in a Turkish University Hospital and effect of time of reading. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2000; 38: 101-107.
S. Arıkan, J. F. Barrett. Antifungal agents and efflux pump inhibitors. The Investigational Drugs Journal 2000, 3: 1411-1415.
S. Arıkan, M. Lozano-Chiu, V. Paetznick, J. H. Rex. In vitro susceptibility testing methods for caspofungin against Aspergillus and Fusarium isolates. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2001, 45: 327-330.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. Lipid-based antifungal agents: Current Status. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2001; 7: 393-415.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. Nystatin LF. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2001; 2: 488-495.
S. Arıkan, M. Lozano-Chiu, V. Paetznick, J. H. Rex. In vitro synergy of caspofungin and amphotericin B against Aspergillus and Fusarium. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002; 46: 245-247.
S. Arıkan, L. Ostrosky-Zeichner, M. Lozano-Chiu, V. Paetznick, D. Gordon, T. Wallace, J. H. Rex. In vitro activity of nystatin compared with those of liposomal nystatin, amphotericin B, and fluconazole against clinical Candida isolates. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2002; 40: 1406-1412.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. Ravuconazole. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2002; 3: 555-561.
S. Arıkan, J. H. Rex. New agents for treatment of systemic fungal infections: Current status. Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs 2002; 7: 3-32.
S. Arıkan, G. Hasçelik. Comparison of NCCLS microdilution method and Etest in antifungal susceptibility testing of clinical Trichosporon asahii isolates. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2002; 43:107-111.
S. Arıkan, V. Paetznick, J. H. Rex. Comparative evaluation of disk diffusion with microdilution assay in susceptibility testing of caspofungin against Aspergillus and Fusarium isolates. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002; 46: 3084-3087.
S. Arıkan. Lipid-based antifungal agents: a concise overview. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters 2002; 7: 919-922.
Ç. Ergin, D. Ergin, S. Arıkan. Prevalence of dermatomycoses in Mal de Meleda patients: A field study. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 10: 753-755.
A. Ergin, S. Arıkan. Comparison of microdilution and disc diffusion methods in assessing the in vitro activity of fluconazole and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil against vaginal Candida isolates. Journal of Chemotherapy 2002; 14: 465-472.
S. Arıkan, P. Yurdakul, G. Hasçelik. Comparison of two methods and three end points in determination of in vitro activity of micafungin against Aspergillus spp. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2003; 47: 2640-2643.
A. Karaarslan, S. Arıkan, F. Karaarslan, E. Sesli Çetin. A skin infection caused by Scedosporium apiospermum. Mycoses 2003; 46: 524-526.
A. Karaarslan, S. Arıkan, M. Ozcan, K. M. Özcan. In vitro activity of terbinafine and itraconazole against Aspergillus species isolated from otomycosis. Mycoses 2004; 47: 284-287.
D. Seçkin, S. Arıkan, M. Haberal. Deep dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum with concomitant disseminated nocardiosis in a renal transplant recipient. Journal of American Academy of Dermatology 2004; 51: S173-S176.
S. Arıkan, B. Sancak, G. Hasçelik. In vitro activity of caspofungin compared to amphotericin B, fluconazole, and itraconazole against Candida strains isolated in a Turkish University Hospital. Medical Mycology 2005; 43: 171-178.
B. Sancak, Ş. Çolakoğlu, Z. C. Açıkgöz, S. Arıkan. Incubation at room temperature may be an independent factor that induces chlamydospore production in Candida dubliniensis. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2005; 52: 305-309.
C. Burnik, N. D. Altıntaş, G. Özkaya, T. Serter, Z. T. Selçuk, P. Fırat, S. Arıkan, M. Cuenca-Estrella, A. Topeli. Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to Cryptococcus albidus pneumonia: Case report and review of the literature. Medical Mycology 2007; 45: 469-473.
M. Ayhan, B. Sancak, A. Karaduman, S. Arıkan, S. Şahin. Colonization of neonate skin by Malassezia species: Relationship with neonatal cephalic pustulosis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2007; 57:1012-1018. Epub 2007 Sep 24.
S. Arıkan. Current status of antifungal susceptibility testing methods. Invited Review Article. Medical Mycology 2007; 45: 569-587.
J. L. Rodriguez Tudela, J. P. Donnely, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arıkan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, M. Cuenca-Estrella, E. Dannaoui, D. Denning, W. Fegeler, P. Gaustad, N. Klimko, C. Lass-Floerl, C. Moore, M. Richardson, A. Schmalreck, J. Stenderup, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing-Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing: EUCAST-AFST). EUCAST Technical Note on fluconazole. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: 193-195.
Ş. Alp, B. Sancak, S. Arıkan. Determination of in vitro susceptibility of Candida species to amphotericin B by E-test and previously proposed MIC breakpoints on two different media (Candida türlerinin amfoterisin B’ye duyarlılığının Etest ve iki farklı besiyeri ile önerilmiş olan direnç sınır değerlerine göre araştırılması). Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 2008; 42: 293-300 (article in Turkish).
S. Arıkan, B. Sancak, Ş. Alp, G. Hasçelik, P. McNicholas. Comparative in vitro activities of posaconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin B against Aspergillus and Rhizopus, and synergy testing for Rhizopus. Medical Mycology 2008; 12: 1-7, [Epub ahead of print], Sep;46(6):567-73.
Ş. Alp, S. Arıkan. Investigation of extracellular elastase, acid proteinase and phospholipase activities as putative virulence factors in clinical isolates of Aspergillus species. J Basic Microbiol 2008; 48: 1-7 [Epub ahead of print].
J. L. Rodriguez-Tudela, J. P. Donnelly, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arıkan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E, Chryssanthou, M. Cuenca-Estrella, E. Dannaoui, D. W. Denning, , W. Fegeler, C. Lass-Flörl , C. Moore, M. Richardson, P. Gaustad, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij. Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) of the ESCMID European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). EUCAST DEFINITIVE DOCUMENT E.DEF 9.1: Method for the determination of broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentrations of antifungal agents for conidia forming moulds. EUCAST E.DEF 9.1 July 2008 AND EUCAST Technical Note on the method for the determination of broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentrations of antifungal agents for conidia–forming moulds. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: 982-984.
J. L. Rodriguez-Tudela, J. P. Donnelly, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arıkan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E, Chryssanthou, M. Cuenca-Estrella, E. Dannaoui, D. W. Denning, , W. Fegeler, C. Lass-Flörl , C. Moore, M. Richardson, P. Gaustad, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij. Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) of the ESCMID European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). EUCAST Technical Note on voriconazole. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: 985-987.
D. Alabaz, F. Kibar, S. Arıkan, B. Sancak, U.Çelik, N. Aksaray, M. Turgut. Systemic phaeohyphomycosis due to Exophiala (Wangiella) in an immunocompetent child. Medical Mycology 2009; 1-5, iFirst article; 47(6):653-7
A. Kalkanci, T. Sugita, S. Arıkan, M: Yücesoy, B. Ener, F. Otağ, N. Kiraz, S. Kuştimur, B. Sancak, C. Evci, G. Emektaş. Molecular identification, genotyping, and drug susceptibility of the basidiomycetous yeast pathogen Trichosporon isolated from Turkish patients. Medical Mycology Febr 2010; 48: 141.
S. Alp, B. Sancak, G. Hascelik, S. Arıkan. Influence of different susceptibility testing methods and media on determination of the relevant fluconazole minimum inhibitory concentrations for heavy trailing Candida isolates with low-high phenotype. Mycoses; 2010 Nov;53(6):475-80.
Z. Sarıbaş, P. Yurdakul, G. Çetin-Hazırolan, S. Arıkan-Akdağlı. Influence of serum on in vitro susceptibility testing of echinocandins for Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondii. Mycoses. 2011 Jun 12. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.2011.02050.x. [Epub ahead of print]; 2012 Mar; 55:156-60.
C. Lass-Flörl, M. C. Arendrup, J. L. Rodriguez-Tudela, M. Cuenca-Estrella, P. Donnelly, W. Hope; European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing-Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (M. C. Arendrup, W. W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, S. Arikan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, E. Dannaoui, P. Gaustad, H. Jarv, N. Klimko, C. B. Moore, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij). EUCAST technical note on amphotericin B. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011 Dec; 17(12):E27-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03644.x. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
M. C. Arendrup, M. Cuenca-Estrella, J. P. Donnelly, W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, J. L. Rodriguez-Tudela; European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST-AFST) (M. C. Arendrup, W. W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, S. Arikan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, E. Dannaoui, P. Gaustad, H. Jarv, N. Klimko, C. B. Moore, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij). EUCAST technical note on posaconazole. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011 Nov;17(11):E16-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03646.x. Epub 2011 Sep 16.
M. C. Arendrup, J. L. Rodriguez-Tudela, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, J. P. Donnelly, W. Hope; European committee on antimicrobial susceptibility testing - subcommittee on antifungal susceptibility testing (EUCAST-AFST) (M. C. Arendrup, W. W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, S. Arikan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, E. Dannaoui, P. Gaustad, H. Jarv, N. Klimko, C. B. Moore, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij). EUCAST technical note on anidulafungin. Clin Microbiol Infect 2011 Nov;17(11):E18-20. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03647.x. Epub 2011 Sep 16.
M. C. Arendrup, M. Cuenca-Estrella, C. Lass-Flörl, W. W. Hope; European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST-AFST; M. C. Arendrup, W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, S. Arikan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, P. Gaustad, A. Groll, H. Jarv, N. Klimko, O. Lortholary, C. Moore, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij). EUCAST technical note on Aspergillus and amphotericin B, itraconazole, and posaconazole. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18: E248-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2012.03890.x. Epub 2012 Apr 30.
M. C. Arendrup, M. Cuenca-Estrella, C. Lass-Flörl,, W. Hope; European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Subcommittee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST-AFST; M. C. Arendrup, W. Hope, C. Lass-Flörl, M. Cuenca-Estrella, S. Arikan, F. Barchiesi, J. Bille, E. Chryssanthou, P. Gaustad, A. Groll, H. Jarv, N. Klimko, O. Lortholary, T. Matos, C. Moore, A. Schmalreck, A. Velegraki, P. Verweij). EUCAST technical note on the EUCAST definitive document EDef 7.2: Method for the determination of broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentrations of antifungal agents for yeasts. EDef 7.2 (EUCAST-AFST). Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18: E246-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2012.03880.x. Epub 2012 May 8.
S. Arikan-Akdagli. Azole resistance in Aspergillus: global status in Europe and Asia. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2012; 1272: 9-14.
A. J. Ullmann, O. A. Cornely, J. P. Donnelly, M. Akova, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, M. Bassetti, J. Bille, T. Calandra, E. Castagnola, J. Garbino, A. H. Groll, R. Herbrecht, W. W. Hope, H. E. Jensen, B. J. Kullberg, C. Lass-Flörl, O. Lortholary, W. Meersseman, G. Petrikkos, M. D. Richarson, E. Roilides, P. E. Verweij, C. Viscoli, and M. Cuenca-Estrella for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: developing European guidelines in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 1-8.
M. Cuenca-Estrella, P. E. Verweij, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, J. Bille, J. P. Donnelly, H. E. Jensen, C. Lass-Flörl, M. D. Richarson, M. Akova, M. Bassetti, T. Calandra, E. Castagnola, O. A. Cornely, J. Garbino, A. H. Groll, R. Herbrecht, W. W. Hope, B. J. Kullberg, O. Lortholary, W. Meersseman, G. Petrikkos, E. Roilides, C. Viscoli, and A. J. Ullmann for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: diagnostic procedures. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 9-18.
O. A. Cornely, M. Bassetti, T. Calandra, J. Garbino, B. J. Kullberg, O. Lortholary, W. Meersseman, M. Akova, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, J. Bille, E. Castagnola, M. Cuenca-Estrella, J. P. Donnelly, A. H. Groll, R. Herbrecht, W. W. Hope, H. E. Jensen, C. Lass-Flörl, G. Petrikkos, M. D. Richarson, E. Roilides, P. E. Verweij, C. Viscoli, and A. J. Ullmann for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: non-neutropenic adult patients. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 19-37.
W. W. Hope, E. Castagnola, A. H. Groll, E. Roilides, M. Akova, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, M. Bassetti, J. Bille, O. A. Cornely, M. Cuenca-Estrella, J. P. Donnelly, J. Garbino, R. Herbrecht, H. E. Jensen, B. J. Kullberg, C. Lass-Flörl, O. Lortholary, W. Meersseman, G. Petrikkos, M. D. Richarson, P. E. Verweij, C. Viscoli, and A. J. Ullmann for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: preventio and management of invasive infections in neonates and children caused by Candida spp. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 38-52.
A. J. Ullmann, M. Akova, R. Herbrecht, C. Viscoli, C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, M. Bassetti, J. Bille, T. Calandra, E. Castagnola, O. A. Cornely, J. P. Donnelly, J. Garbino, A. H. Groll, W. W. Hope, H. E. Jensen, B. J. Kullberg, C. Lass-Flörl, O. Lortholary, W. Meersseman, G. Petrikkos, M. D. Richarson, E. Roilides, P. E. Verweij, and M. Cuenca-Estrella for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012: adults with hematological malignancies and after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT). Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 53-67.
O. Lortholary, G. Petrikkos, M. Akova, M. C. Arendrup, S. Arikan-Akdagli, M. Bassetti, J. Bille, T. Calandra, E. Castagnola, O. A. Cornely, M. Cuenca-Estrella, J. P. Donnelly, J. Garbino, A. H. Groll, R. Herbrecht, W. W. Hope, H. E. Jensen, B. J. Kullberg, C. Lass-Flörl, W. Meersseman, M. D. Richarson, E. Roilides, P. E. Verweij, C. Viscoli, and A. J. Ullmann for the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG). ESCMID guideline for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases 2012:patients with HIV infection or AIDS. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18(Suppl. 7): 68-77.
I. Tosun, Z. Akyuz, N. Cebeci Guler, D. Gulmez, G. Bayramoglu, N. Kaklıkkaya, S. Arikan-Akdagli, F. Aydin. Distribution, virulence attributes and antifungal susceptibility patterns of Candida parapsilosis complex strains isolated from clinical samples. Med Mycol 2013; 51: 483-492.
G. Hazirolan, E. Canton, S. Sahin, S. Arikan-Akdagli. Head-to-head comparison of inhibitory and fungicidal activities of fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole against clinical isolates of Trichosporon asahii. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013; 57:4841-4847.
M. C. Arendrup, T. Boekhout, M. Akova, J.F. Meis, O. A. Cornely, O. Lortholary; The ESCMID EFISG study group and ECMM, S. Arikan-Akdagli, M. Cuenca-Estrella, E. Dannaoui, A. D. van Diepeningen, A. H. Groll, J. Guarro, J. Guinea, W. Hope, M. Lackner, K. Lagrou, F. Lanternier, C. Lass-Flörl, J. Meletiadis, P. Munoz, L. Pagano, M. D. Richardson, E. Roilides A. M. Tortorano, A. J. Ullmann. ESCMID/ECMM Joint Clinical Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Rare Invasive Yeast Infections. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Sep 18. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12360. [Epub ahead of print].
M. Nucci, K. A. Marr, M. J. Vehreschild, C. A. de Souza, E. Velasco, P. Cappellano, F. Carlesse, F. Queiroz-Telles, D. C. Sheppard, A. Kindo, S. Cesaro, N. Hamerschlak, C. Solza, W. J. Heinz, M. Schaller, A. Atalla, S. Arikan-Akdagli, H. Bertz, C. Galvão Castro Jr, R. Herbrecht, M. Hoenigl, G. Härter, N. E. Hermansen, A. Josting, L. Pagano, M. J. Salles, S. B. Mossad, D. Ogunc, A. C. Pasqualotto, V. Araujo, P. F. Troke, O. Lortholary, O. A. Cornely, E. Anaissie. Improvement in the outcome of invasive fusariosis in the last decade. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013 Oct 1. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12409. [Epub ahead of print].
İnvazif mikozların tanısı, antifungal ilaçlar ve antifungal duyarlılık testleri
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Yüksek Öğrenim |
Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | University of Texas, Houston-TX, A.B.D.’de invazif mikozların tedavisi için geliştirilen antifungal ilaçların farmakokinetik, klinik ve in vitro özellikleri ve antifungal duyarlılık testleri konularında çalışma ve araştırmalar | |||
Yabancı Dil | İngilizce |
: (312) 305 15 62