
Ad Soyad:
Gazi Huri
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji
2003 ylında Ankara Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu. 2003-2008 tarihleri arasinda Hacettepe Üniversitesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı'nda Ortopedi Uzmaligini aldı. 2012- 2014 yılları arasında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde Johns Hopkins Universitesi Spor Cerrahisi ve Omuz Cerrahisi Kliniği'nde çalıştı. Ulusal ve Uluslararası birçok ortopedi derneği aktif üyeliği bulunan Dr.Gazi Huri, Avrupa Ortopedi Federasyonu'na (EFORT) bağlı"Federation of Orthopaedics Traniees in Europe (FORTE)" (Avrupa Genç Ortopedi Federasyonu) başkanlığını yürütmektedir.
Kendi uzmanlık alanında yaptığı çalışmalarla birçok ulusal ve uluslararası ödüle layık görülmüş olup çok sayıda yurt ici ve yurt dışı yayınları bulunmaktadır.
International Publications
1.A unique type of rectus femoris injury in an adolescent professional soccer
Gazi Huri, Justin Dubin, Kerem Özgönen, Defne Kaya, Mahmut Nedim
Jounal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS-Am) Case Connector
(in press) doi:10.2106/JBJS.CC.M.00290
2.Cutaneous burn from a radiofrequency ablation probe during shoulder
Talati RK, Dein EJ, Huri G, McFarland EG.. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ).
2014;in press
3.Endoscopy Assisted Percutaneous Repair of Achilles Tendon Ruptures
Mahmut Nedim Doral, Gazi Huri, Egemen Turhan, Defne Kaya, Gürhan
Dönmez, Kadir Büyükdoğan, Mustafa Sargon
Eur J Endosc Laparosc Surg2014;1(2) 61-65
4.Scapula fracture and os acromiale after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Demos TC, Lomasney LM, Familiari F,Huri G, Gonzalez-Zapata A,
McFarland EG.
Orthopedics. 2014 Jul 1;37(7):434-95. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20140626-01
5. Functional outcomes of minimal invasive percutaneous platosteosynthesis
(MIPPO) in humerus shaft fractures: A clinical study
G. Huri. O.S. Bicer, H. Ozturk, M.A.Deveci. I.Tan
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2014 (accepted) in press
6.Failed Remplissage Procedure [video]
Gazi H, Familiari F, Gonzalez-Zapata A, McFarland EG. Cover image. Arthroscopy.
2014; in press.
7.Treatment options for rotator cuff tear arthropathy.
Huri G, Familiari F, McFarland EG.
Seminars in Arthroplasty. 2014;in press
8.Supraspinatus tears after total shoulder arthroplasty: a review of diagnosis
and treatment.
Familiari F,Huri G, McFarland EG.
Seminars in Arthroplasty. 2014;in press
9.An alternative endoscopic portal for suprascapular nerve approach: an
anatomic study.
Huri G,Uzumcugil A, Bicer OS, Ozturk H, McFarland EG, Doral MN.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014;in press
doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-2903-y
10.Is percutaneous plate advancement suitable for all levels of anterior
humeral surface? A Cadaveric Study
Gazi Huri, Omer S Biçer, Akif Mirioğlu, Mehmet A Deveci, Hakan Öztürk,
İsmet Tan
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2014 (accepted) in press
11.Humerus Fracture in a Baseball Pitcher after Biceps Tenodesis
Eric Dein,Gazi Huri,John C Gordan, Edward McFarland
Am J Sports Medicine. 2014in press
12.Treatment of superior labrum anterior posterior lesions: a literature review
Gazi Huri,Yoon Suk Hyun, Nickolas G Garbis, Edward McFarland
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2014;48(3):290-297 doi:
13.New glenohumeral arthrosis in a patient 2 years after superior labrum repair
NG Garbis,G Huri,EGMcFarland
[video] Arthroscopy. 2014; in press
14.Uncommon indications of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Hyun YS,Huri G, Garbis NG, McFarland EG.
Clin Orthop Surg. 2013;5:243-255 doi: 10.4055/cios.2013.5.4.243
15.An unusual case of hand xanthomatosis
Gazi Huri, Noah Jaochim
Case Rep Orthop. 2013:183018doi: 10.1155/2013/183018
16.A novel repair method for the treatment of acute Achilles tendon rupture with
minimally invasive approach using button implant: A biomechanical study
Gazi Huri, Omer Sunar Biçer, Levent Özgözen, Yurdanur Uçar, Nickolas G
Garbis,Yoon Suk Hyun
Foot and Ankle Surgery, Volume 19. Issue 4, p 261-266 2013
doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2013.06.12
17.A biomimetic growth factor delivery strategy for enhanced regeneration of
iliac crest defects
P.Yılgör Huri, G.Huri,U Yaşar,Y. Uçar,N. Dikmen, N. Hasırcı, V. Hasırcı
Biomed Mater. 2013 19;8(4):045009 doi:10.1088/1748-6041/8/4/045009
18.Unusual Cause of Knee Locking.
Gazi Huri,Omer Sunkar Bicer
Case Reports in Orthopedics, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 837140
doi: 10.1155/2013/837140
19.Arthroscopy-assisted reduction versus open reduction in the fixation of
medialmalleolar fractures
Egemen Turhan, Mahmut Nedim Doral, Murat Demirel, Ahmet Ozgur Atay,
MuratBozkurt, Onur Bilge,Gazi Huri, Kivanc Atesok and Defne Kaya
European Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Dec 2013
doi: 10.1007/s00590-012-1100-2
20.A new fixation technique for phalangeal neck fracture in adults: Report of 2
Ayhan Kılıç,Gazi Huri
Techniques in Orthopaedics December 2013 - Volume 28 - Issue 4 - p 333-337
doi: 10.1097/BTO.0b013e31827b71b8
21.Minimal invasive approach to proximal humerus fractures with diaphysis
extensionin elderly
G. Huri, O. S. Bicer, M. Atabek, Y. Iyetin
Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences, Vol. 1, 2013, no. 2, 59 – 68
22.Minimal invasive acute medial collateral ligament stabilization with partial
anterior cruciate ligament deficiency
M. N. Doral, D. Kaya,G. Huri,E. Turhan, G. Donmez, O. Bilge, A. Uzumcugil, O.
A. Atay, J. Nyland
Clinical and Experimental Medical Sciences, Vol. 1, 2013, no. 2, 69 – 81
23.Minimal Invasive Technique In Treatment Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
Of Ankle
Gazi Huri; Özcan Pehlivan; Levent Kamacı; Ahmet O Atay; Mahmut N Doral
Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery: June 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 2 - p 96–
99doi: 10.1097/BTF.0b013e31824f169f
24.Tissue Engineering Strategies in Ligament Regeneration: Review article
Caglar Yilgor, Pinar Yilgor Huri,Gazi Huri
Stem Cells Int. 2012;2012:374676. doi: 10.1155/2012/374676
25.Development of Femoral Trochlear Groove in Growing Rabbits with
Gazi Huri,Ahmet O Atay, Bilge Ergen, Kıvanç Atesok, Darren L Johnson,
Mahmut N Doral
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Feb;20(2):232-8
doi: 10.1007/s00167-011-1603-0
26.An Atypical Metastasis of Follicular-Type Adenocarcinoma of the Thyroid
Gland to Thumb
Gazi Huri
Case Rep Orthop. 2011;2011:735789 doi:10.1155/2011/735789
27.Minimal Invasive Technique in Capitellum Fracture Treatment
Gazi Huri; Mahmut N Doral; Gursel Leblebicioglu; Ahmet O Atay;
AkinUzumcugil; DefneKaya; TerryL Whipple
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery: March 2011 - Volume 12 - Issue 1
- p 18–20 doi: 10.1097/BTE.0b013e31820c72cc
28.The Effect of Posterior Distraction on Vertebral Growth in Immature Pigs:
An Experimental Simulation of Growing Rod Technique
Güney Yılmaz;Gazi Huri; Gökhan Demirkıran; Kenan Daglioglu; Cenk
Ozkan; Ahmet Alanay; Emre Acaroglu; Muharrem Yazici
Spine, 35(7): 730-733, 2010doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181bcc3a3
29.Fractures of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus in pediatric age: a case
Gazi Huri,Özgür Ahmet Atay, Gürsel Leblebicioğlu, Mahmut Nedim Doral
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B, 18(6), 354-356, 2009 doi: 10.1097/BPB.0b013e32832f0662
National Publıcations
30.Diz Ekleminde Sınırlı Yüzey Artroplasti Uygulamaları
Doral MN, Dönmez G,Huri G, Turhan E, Kaya D
Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics 2013;6(4):98-101
31.High voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation adjunct to rehabilitation program for
patellofemoral pain syndrome: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Defne Kaya, İnci Yüksel, Michael James Callaghan, Hande Güney Özgur
AhmetAtay, Seyit Çıtaker,Gazi Huri, Onur Bilge, Mahmut Nedim Doral
Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon. 2013;24(1):01-08
32.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in early stage avascular necrosis of femoral head
Gazi Huri, Kadir Dundar, Yusuf Iyetin, M. Nedim Doral
The Medical Journal of Goztepe Training and Research Hospital, September
2011,p.108 -111doi:10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2011.108
33.Assessment of eccentric coordination, endurance, andmuscle strength in
patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome.
Defne Kaya,İnci Yüksel,Seyit Çıtaker,Gazi Huri, Hande Güney, Onur Bilge,Gürhan
Dönmez, Özgür Ahmet Atay, Mahmut Nedim Doral
Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon 2010 (21) 3; 108-116
34.Wrist arthroscopy: Arthroscopic treatment of disordes
Gazi Huri, Gursel Leblebicioğlu, Mehmet Ayvaz, Akın Üzümcügil, Mahmut
Türkiye Klinikleri, J. Surgery Med. Sci., 2(3), 40-46, 2009.
35.Revascularization and Orthopedic Treatment of A Child With
Popliteal ArteryInjury
H.I.Uçar, I.Akel, T.Serter,G.Huri, M.Tok, M.Öç, T.Tatar,
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, (33)3,145-149, 2007.
36.Approach ToPediatricPolytrauma Patient
Gazi Huri, Cemalettin Aksoy
Türkiye Klinikleri, J. Surgery Med. Sci., 3(30):1-6, 2007.
37.The Evaluation And Treatment Of Shoulder Dislocations
Mahmut Nedim Doral,Gazi Huri, Özgür Ahmet Atay
Türkiye Klinikleri, J. Surgery Med. Sci., 3(52), 30-36, 2007
Oral Presentations
1.Early Results Of Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty For
Osteoarthritis Of The
Shoulder With Severe Glenoid Bone Loss Without Bone Grafting
Gazi Huri,Yoon Suk Hyun,Steve A. Petersen, Uma Srikumaran, Edward McFarland15th EFORT Congress, 4 - 6 June 2014 (accepted)
2.Use of the Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (Rtsa) for
Patients with
Osteoarthritis and Glenoid Bone Loss: An Alternative to Bone
Gazi Huri, Yoon Suk Hyun, Nickolas Garbis, Edward G.
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Closed Meeting,
2013, Las Vegas
3.Preoperative Factor Influencing Patient Satisfaction and Correlation Between Commonly Used Clinical Outcome Scales and Patients Satisfaction After Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Steve A. Petersen, Uma Srikumaran, Yoon Suk Hyun,Gazi Huri, Edward G. Mcfarland
American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Closed Meeting,
2013, Las Vegas
4.Total Omuz Artroplastisi Sonrasi Sinir Yaralanmalari
Eric Dein, Jong Hoon Ji, Yoon Suk Hyun, Steve Peterson, Edward
Mcfarland,Gazi Huri
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplement 1, 2013, p.81
5.Türkiye’de Ortopedi Ve Travmatoloji Asistanlarinin Uzmanlik
Eğitiminin Değerlendirilmesi: Tanimlayici Çalişma
Gazi Huri, Alpaslan Şenköylü, Seçil Özkan, Yusuf Sertan Çabuk,
Fehmi VolkanÖztuna, Önder Aydingöz
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.89
6.Erişkin Femur Trokanterik Bölge Kiriklarinda Kanal Içi Kalça
Çivisi Ile Osteosentez Sonuçlari
Ömer Sunkar Biçer, Mehmet Ali Deveci, H. Orkun Varmiş,Gazi
Huri,Cenk Özkan, Mustafa Tekin, Ismet Tan
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.113
7.The strength deficit of thigh muscles in acute and chronic
anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Gazi Huri,Akif Mirioğlu, İsmet Tan
11. Turk Spor Yaralanmalari, Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
(TUSYAD) Kongresi,2012
8.An alternative endoscopic portal for suprascapular nerve
approach: An Anatomic Study.
Akın Üzümcügil,Gazi Huri,Omer Sunkar Biçer, Mahmut Nedim
-11. Turk Spor Yaralanmalari, Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
(TUSYAD) Kongresi,2012
-23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.81
9.Endobutton yardimli transosseoz asil tamirinin biyomekanik
ozellikleri ve Krakow teknigi ile karsilastirilmasi
Gazi Huri,Levent Özgözen, Omer Sunkar Biçer, Yurdanur Uçar
11. Turk Spor Yaralanmalari, Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
(TUSYAD) Kongresi,2012
10.Surgical treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures: The
comparision of open and percutaneous methods in a rabbit
Guney Yılmaz, Mahmut Nedim Doral, Egemen Turhan, Gurhan
Donmez, Defne Kaya, Ahmet Ozgur Atay, Gazi Huri, Kivanc
11. Turk Spor Yaralanmalari, Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
(TUSYAD) Kongresi,2012
11.Is percutaneous plate advancement suitable for all levels of
anterior humeral surface? A Cadaveric Study
Gazi Huri, O. Sunkar Bicer, Hakan Ozturk, Akif Mirioglu, M. Ali
Deveci, Cenk Ozkan, Ismet Tan
7thTurkish Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress,
İstanbul, Türkiye 2012
12.Mınimal Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis in Humerus Fractures
Gazi Huri, Yusuf İyetin, Mesut Atabek, Arif Ümit Özdağan,
Murat Girgin
XXII. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress,
Antalya, 2011
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 45, supplement 1, November,
p.13, 2011
13.Scarf Osteotomies: Results in severe hallux valgus
Gazi Huri, Yusuf İyetin, Mesut Atabek, Arif Ümit Özdoğan,
Murat Girgin
XXII. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress,
Antalya, 2011
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 45, supplement 1, November,
p.95, 2011
14.Torn Discoid Lateral Menisci Treated with Partial Central
Menisectomy and Suture Repair of Peripheral Tear
Çağlar Yılgör, Özgür Ahmet Atay, Bilge Ergen,Gazi Huri,Gürhan
Dönmez, Defne Kaya, Mahmut Nedim Doral
6thInternationalEuropean Federation of National Associations of
Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology Congress, Brussel, 2010
15.The preemptive analgesic effect of diclofenac sodium (DS)
after arthroscopic kneesurgery
Gazi Huri,Mahmut Nedim Doral, Yasemin Burcu Üstün, Defne
Kaya, Özgür Ahmet Atay, Akın Üzümcügil
6thInternationalEuropean Federation of National Associations of
Sports Traumatology Congress, Brussel, 2010
16.In Diabetıc Neuropathic Wound (Dnw) Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy (Hbot) And Total Contact Cast (Tcc) Combination
G Huri, K Dündar
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society Annual Scientific
Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL USA, 3-5 June 2010.
17.Multiple Tendon Xsantomatosis; Bilateral Hand İnvolvement
G Huri, A Üzümcügil, G Leblebicioğlu, MN Doral
12thTurkish Society of Upper Extremity and Hand Surgery
Congress, May 2010, Antalya, Turkey
18.Development of Femoral Trochlear Groove in Growing Rabbit
After PatellarInstability
G.Huri, O.A.Atay, M.N.Doral
American Academy of Orthopaedics Surgeons (AAOS) Annual
Meeting, 23-28February 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic
Sports Traumatology Congress, EFOST 2008, Antalya, Turkey
22.An unusual cause of lateral knee pain: Giant cell tumor of
the lateral aspect ofthe knee joint- a case report
G.Huri, G.Leblebicioğlu, O.Atay, T.Başaran, M.N.Doral
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic
Sports Traumatology Congress, EFOST 2008, Antalya, Turkey
23.Treatment of talus osteochondral lesions with microfracture
and postoperative intraarticular hyaluronan injection; functional
results in one year
M.N.Doral, O.Bilge, O.Atay, A.Uzumcugil, G.Donmez,
D.Kaya,G.Huri, G.Leblebicioğlu
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic
Sports TraumatologyCongress, EFOST 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
24.Arthroscopic treatment of a synovial chondromatosis case at
the ankle joint
O.Bilge, M.N.Doral, O.Atay, D.Kaya, A.Uzumcugil,G.Huri,
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic
SportsTraumatologyCongress, EFOST 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
25.Growing rod instrumentation and vertebral body growth. A
radiologicalinvestigation in immature pigs.
G Yılmaz, C.Ozkan, G.Demirkıran,G.Huri, K.Daglıoglu, M.Yazıcı
-European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, EPOS 27thAnnual
Meeting, Warsow,Poland, April 9-12 2008.
J Child Orthop (2008), 2 (Suppl 1), S29
26.Endoscopic achilles tendon repairs and clinical outcomes
M.N.Doral, H.Adli,G.Huri, O.A.Atay, O.Tetik, G.Leblebicioğlu,
A.Uzümcügil, M.Bozkurt, G.Dönmez, U.Diliçıkık, U.Mermerkaya,
T.Aydoğ, D.Kaya, İ.Yüksel, H.Demirel
11. National Sport Medicine Congress, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
27.Comparing the clinical results of proximal femoral nail
fixation and minimalinvasive dynamic hip screw fixation in
instable intertrochanteric femur fractures.
G.Huri, M.Ayvaz, Ö.Çağlar, G.Demirkıran, E.Acaroğlu
National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress,
Ankara 2007
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Supplementum III, 2007, 41, p.35.
28.Neglected Median Nerve Entrapment and Brachial Artery
injury in childrenfollowing traumatic elbow dislocations
A. Uzumcugil,G. Huri, D. Olgun, G. Leblebicioglu and, M. N.
- Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand,
March 20th 2007 – June 1st 2007, Athens, Greece
The Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume (JHSE) vol 32 E
Supplement, 2007, p.46.
-National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress,
Ankara 2007Turkey
(poster presentation) / proceeding published in: Acta
Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Supplementum III,
2007, 41, p.231.
29.Ultrastructural structure of discoid meniscus
O.A.Atay,G.Huri, M.N.Doral, M.Pekmezci, M.Sargon, M.Ayvaz,
8.Turkish Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery
Congress,2006,Kuşadası, Turkey.
Poster Presentations
1.A biomimetic growth factor delivery strategy enhanced
regeneration of pelvic defects
Pınar Yilgor Huri,Gazi Huri, Ümit Yaşar, Yurdanur Uçar, Nurten
Dikmen, Vasıf Hasırcı
Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Congress, St.Antonio,
2.AO Klavikular "Hook" Plagina Sekonder Gelisen
Komplikasyonlarin Azaltilmasi Icin Yeni Bir Radyolojik
Goruntuleme: "H-View"
Gazi Huri,Gab Lae Kim, Eui Soo Lee, Yoon Suk Hyun
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.241
3.Endoskopik Perkutan Aşil Tendon Onarimi Sonrasi Eklem
Pozisyon Hissi
Defne Kaya, Mahmut Nedim Doral, Uğur Toprak, Hande Güney,
Feza Korkusuz, Egemen Turhan, Gurhan Donmez, Gazi Huri
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
4.Beyzbol Oyucusunda Subpektoral Biseps Tenodezi Sonrasi
Gelisen Humerus Kirigi
Eric Dein,Gazi Huri, John Gordon, Edward G Mcfarland
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.241
5.Omuz Artroskopisinde "Radiofrequency" Kullanimina Bagli
Gelisen Cilt Yanigi
Gazi Huri,Edward G Mcfarland, Rushi Talati, Eric Dein, Yoon
Suk Hyun
23. Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi, 2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.242
6.An Alternative Endoscopic Portal For Suprascapular Nerve
Approach: An Anatomic Study
Akin Üzümcügil,Gazi Huri, Omer Sunkar Biçer, Mahmut Nedim Doral
American Academy of Orthopaedics Surgeons, AAOS, Chicago,USA2013
7.Tissue Engineering Scaffold Regularity Affects Extent of Bone
Regeneration: a Rabbit Pelvis Model
Gazi Huri, Pınar Huri, Yurdanur Uçar, Mahmut Nedim Doral
American Academy of Orthopaedics Surgeons, AAOS, Chicago,USA 2013
8.Sınırlı Yüzey Artroplasti Uygulamaları
MN Doral, G Dönmez,G Huri, E Turhan, D Kaya
1.Türkçe konuşan ülkeler ortopedi ve travmatoloji buluşması, Antalya,2013
Acta Orhop Trau Turc Volume 37, supplemet 1, 2013, p.365
9.Flexor Tendon Injuries in Pediatric Population
Gazi Huri, Sefa Kılıç, Ömer Sunkar, Biçer, Mehmet Ali Deveci, Cenk Özkan, Ismet Tan
XVIIth FESSH Congress, 20-23 June 2012, Antwerp, Belgium
10.Is minimal osteoplate synthesis reliable and applicable at all
levels of humeral
shaft fractures? : Clinical and cadaveric study outcomes
Gazi Huri, O. Sunkar Bicer, Hakan Ozturk, Akif Mirioglu, Ismet
13th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Basel,
2012 Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg (2012) 38 (Suppl 1):S1–S217
doi: 10.1007/s00068-012-0185-y
11.Cubital Tunel Syndrome caused by arteriovenous malformation: A case report
Yusuf İyetin,Gazi Huri, Mesut Atabek, Arif Ümit Özdoğan, Murat Girgin, Burak Beksaç.
XXII. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress,
12.Kemik rejenerasyonunda alkalen fosfataz, Osteokalsin ve tip 1 prokolajen peptid düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
Edibe KOÇ.Ümit YAŞAR, ,Gazi HURİ, Nurten DİKMEN, Pınar
23. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 2011 Adana, Türkiye
Turk J Biochem, 2011; 36 (S2)
13.Kemik rejenerasyonunda üç boyutlu doku mühendisliği iskelelerinin incelenmesi: biyokimyasal karakterizasyon
Ümit Yaşar, Edibe Koç,Gazi Huri, Nurten Dikmen, Pınar Yılgör
23. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 2011 Adana , Türkiye
Turk J Biochem, 2011; 36 (S2)
14.Arthroscopy assisted reduction and fixation of capitellum
Gazi Huri, Mahmut Nedim Doral, Gürsel Leblebicioğlu, Defne
Kaya, Ahmet Özgür Atay, Akın Üzümcügil
10thTurkish Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery
Congress October 12-16, 2010, Antalya
15.Evaluation Of The Functional Degree After Isolated Surgical
Enforcement of Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) of The Knee
Mahmut Nedim Doral,Gazi Huri,Defne Kaya, Özgür Ahmet Atay,
Gürhan Dönmez, Onur Bilge, UğurMermerkaya,EgemenTurhan
10thTurkish Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery
Congress, October 12-16, 2010, Antalya
16.Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis Of Ankle
Gazi Huri, Özcan Pehlivan, Levent Kamacı, Çağlar Yılgör, Özgür
Ahmet Atay, Defne Kaya, Mahmut Nedim Doral
21. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress
2009, İzmir, Turkey
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc Vol43, Suppl 1, p180, 2009
17.Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in early stage avascular necrosis
of femoral head
Gazi Huri, Kadir Dündar, Levent Kamacı, Özcan Pehlivan
21. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress
2009, İzmir, Turkey
Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc Vol43, Suppl 1, p101, 2009
18.Arthroscopic Treatment of Popliteal Cysts
M.N.Doral, O.Bilge,G.Huri, A.Üzümcügil, Ö.A.Atay,
G.Leblebicioğlu, H.Ahmadi, M.Sargon
13thEuropean Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Congress, May 21-24, 2008, Porto, Portugal
19.Treatment of Talus Osteochondral Lesions with Microfracture and Postoperative Intraarticular Hyaluronan Injection; Functional Results in One Year
O Bilge, MN Doral,G Huri, ÖA Atay,
13thEuropean Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Congress, May 21-24, 2008, Porto, Portugal
20.Arthroscopic Treatment of a Synovial Chondromatosis Case
at the Ankle Joint
M.N.Doral, O.Bilge,G.Huri, Ö.A.Atay, A.Üzümcügil
G.Leblebicioğlu, U.Mermerkaya, Ü.Aydıngöz
13thEuropean Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy Congress, May 21-24, 2008, Porto, Portugal
21.Ayak bileği ekleminde sinoviyal kondromatozis vakasının
artroskopik tedavisi
O.Bilge, M.N.Doral, A.Üzümcügil, O.A.Atay,
G.Leblebicioğlu,G.Huri, M.Sargon, O.Tetik
20. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress, Ankara, Turkey
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Supplementum III, 2007, 41, p.224.
22.Is neurosurgery necessary in spit cord malformations before
corrective surgery?
M.Ayvaz,G.Huri, M.Yazıcı, A.Alanay, E.Acaroglu, N.Akalan
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20. National Turkish Orhopaedics and Traumatology Congress 2007, Ankara, Turkey Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Supplementum III, 2007, 41, p.145.
Spor Cerrahisi Diz Cerrahisi Omuz Cerrahisi
Lise |
Lisans |
Yüksek Öğrenim |
Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | Johns Hopkins Universitesi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri / Spor ve Omuz Cerrahisi Klinigi (2012-14) | ||||||
Yabancı Dil | İngilizce, Arapça |
: gazihuri@hacettepe.edu.tr