
Ad Soyad:
Saygın Kamacı
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji
(312) 305 17 93
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji eğitimine 2010 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde başladı. Uzmanlık eğitimi süresinde 2012 yılında University of Missouri- Kansas City’ de 2 ay boyunca spor yaralanmaları ve omuz-dirsek hastalıkları üzerine gözlemcilik yaptı. 2013 yılında Türk Ortopedi Derneği Yurtdışı Araştırma Bursu ile 3 ay boyunca Mayo Clinic’de dirsek cerrahisi alanında Shawn O’Driscoll’un araştırma ekibinde çalışmalar yaptı. 2014 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Uluslararası Araştırma Bursunu kazanarak Barcelona’da Katalan Futbol Federasyonu afiliye hastanesi Hospital Quiron’da 6 hafta boyunca profesyonel sporcuların tedavisi, kök hücre ve PRP konularında gözlemcilik yaptı. Zorunlu hizmetini Mardin / Midyat’ta tamamladı. ECFMG sertifikası alarak ABD’de doktorluk yapma hakkını kazandıktan sonra 2016- 2017 yılları arası 1 yıl boyunca “Level 1 travma merkezi “ olarak hizmet veren University of Louisville’de kompleks ortopedik yaralanmaları üzerine Ortopedik Tavma klinik yandalı yaptı. Ardından 2018-2019 yılları arasını 1 yıl boyunca University of Cincinnati’de Ortopedik Spor yaralamarı üzerinde klinik yandal yaptı.
2018 yılından bu yana Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaktadır.
TOTBİD, Orthopedic Trauma Association of America ve American Academy of Orthopedic Sports Medicine dernekleri üyesidir. Çeşitli dergilerde hakemlik ve yardımcı editörlük görevleri yürütmektedir.
1. Kamaci S, Danisman M, Marangoz S. Neonatal physeal separation of distal humerus
during caesarean section. Review. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2014 Nov;43(11):E279-81
2. Bachman D, Kamaci S, Thaipusan S, Park SE, Vaseilaids G, O'Driscoll S . Preoperative
Nerve Imaging Using Computed Tomography in Patients With Heterotopic Ossification Of
The Elbow. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 Jul;24(7):1149-55. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2014.12.030.]
3. Kamaci S, Doral MN, Ergen FB, Yucekul A, Cil A. Lipoma arborescens of the Knee.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2015 Aug;23(8):2196-201. doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-
4. Kamaci S, Ergen FB, Leblebicioglu G. Lipoma arborescens in the extensor tendon sheath
of the hand secondary to foreign body reaction. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2015 Sep;40(7):751-3.
doi: 10.1177/1753193414521131
5. Kamaci S, Yucekul A, Demirkiran HG, , Yazici M. The Evolution Of Sagittal Alignment
Of The Spine On Sitting Position During Childhood. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Jul
1;40(13):E787-93. doi: 10.1097
6. Kamaci S, Demirkiran HG, Ismayilov V, Yazici M. The effect of dual growing rod
instrumentation on the apical vertebra rotation in early onset idiopathic scoliosis. J Pediatr
Orthop. 2014 Sep;34(6):607-12. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000000169
7. Demirkiran GH, Genc Y, Guvendik GI, Kamaci S, Olgun D, Yazici M. Reliability and
validity of adapted Turkish Version of Early Onset Scoliosis-24 item questionnaire (EOSQ-
24) J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25785592
8. Vaseilaids G, Kamaci S, Fitzsimmons J, O'Driscoll S. Loss of Pronation/Supination in
Patients with Heterotopic Ossification Around the Elbow. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019
Jul;28(7):1406-1410. Doi:10.1016/j.jse.2018.10.029. Epub 2019 Jan 23
9. Çağlar Ö, Kamaci S, Bekmez Ş, Tokgözoğlu AM, Atilla B, Acaroğlu E. Mid-term results
of displaced acetabulum fractures surgically treated using anterior intra-pelvic approach
(modified Stoppa). Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2020 Jan;26(1):130-136. English. doi:
10.14744/tjtes.2019.03835. PMID: 31942727.)
10. Kamaci S, Bedeir YH, Utz CJ, Colosimo AJ. Staphylococcus lugdunensis Septic Arthritis
following Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Case Rep Orthop. 2020
Jan 20;2020:2813134. doi: 10.1155/2020/2813134. PMID: 32082668; PMCID:
11. Kamaci S, Bess L, Glogovac G, Colosimo AJ. Plate osteosynthesis of midshaft clavicle
fractures in adolescent contact sports athletes 'adolescent clavicle fracture'. J Pediatr Orthop
B. 2020 Sep 24. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000810. Epub ahead of print. PMID:
12. Saygin Kamaci, Senem Şanlı, Ayşe Özdemir, Seyfi Sardoğan, Sanem Erdoğan, Nurullah
Şanlı5. Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency among University Students in Uşak, Turkey
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 32(22): 135-142, 2020; Article
no.JPRI.60956 ISSN: 2456-9119 https://doi.org/10.9734/jpri/2020/v32i2230781
13. Kamaci S , Özdemı̇r E , Gülcü A , Colosı̇mo A . Mid to long term results of surgical
fixation of mid-shaft clavicle fractures. Acta Medica Alanya. 2020; 180-185.
14. Kamaci S, Kaymakoğlu M, Ramazanov R, Aksoy MC, Yılmaz G. Preliminary results of
rigid fixation (locking plate/screw) after triple pelvic osteotomy without a hip spica cast: A
modified fixation method in 21 patients. Jt Dis Relat Surg. 2021;32(2):454-460. doi:
10.52312/jdrs.2021.1. Epub 2021 Jun 11. PMID: 34145824; PMCID: PMC8343833.
15. Kamaci S, Göker B, Çağlar Ö, Atilla B, Tokgözoğlu AM. The effect of the COVID-19
pandemic on orthopedic surgeries in a tertiary referral center. Jt Dis Relat Surg.
2021;32(2):333-339. doi: 10.52312/jdrs.2021.78446. Epub 2021 Jun 11. PMID: 34145808;
PMCID: PMC8343866.
16. Kamaci S, Ozdemir E, Utz C, Colosimo A. Mandatory Prescription Limits and Opioid
Use After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021 Sep
14;9(9):23259671211027546. doi: 10.1177/23259671211027546. PMID: 34541012; PMCID:
17. Hanalioglu D, Turker E, Kamaci S, Ozsurekci Y, Cengiz AB, Ceyhan M, Teksam O.
Age and C-reactive protein as modifiers of Kocher criteria in pediatric septic knee
monoarthritis. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Aug 6;60:145-151. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2022.08.002.
Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35970039.
IX. Books & Book chapters :
1. Elbow fractures : Surgical Approaches. Kamaci S, Cil A .
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Mahmut Nedim Doral and Jon Karlsson
Sports Injuries 10.1007/978-3-642-36801-1_45-1
2. Akromiyoklavikuler Eklem Yaralanmalari. Kamaci S, Turhan E
Omuz Yaralanmalarinda Rehabilitasyon
Hipokrat Yayincilik 2020
ISBN: 978-605-7874-51-1
3. Rotator Cuff Surgery. Kamaci S, Huri G
The Shoulder
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
4. Asetabulum ve Femur Kiriklarinda Uygulanan Tedavi Yaklasimlari. Kamaci S, Caglar O
Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon
Filiz Can 2021- Turkiye Klinikleri
Chapter Translations;
1. Disorders of the knee - Section 214, Developmenthal dysplasia of the hip - Section 215.
Kamaci S, Uzumcugil A.
Rudolph Pediatrics 2013 Turkish edition
2. Minimally invasive plating in open fractures- Chapter 1, Minimally invasive plating after
osteotomies for deformity correction - Chapter 2, Minimally invasive plating for extremity
lengthening - Chapter 3, Minimally invasive plating for osteosynthesis and bone transport in
segmental bone defects - Chapter 4, Minimally invasive plating for diaphyseal forearm
fractures- Chapter 5. Kamaci S. Caglar O.
AO Minimally invasive plate ostesynthesis Turkish edition.
3. Adult reconstructive surgery - Chapter 6. Kamaci S, Atilla B
Current Concepts in Orthopaedic Surgery 2015 Turkish edition
A. Scientific Exhibits:
1. Bachman D, Kamaci S, Thaipusan S, Park SE, Vaseilaids G, O'Driscoll S . Preoperative
Nerve Imaging Using Computed Tomography In Patients With Heterotopic Ossification Of
The Elbow.
2. Demirkiran HG, Ismayilov V, Kamaci S, Yazici M. The effect of dual growing rod
instrumentation on the apical vertebra rotation in early onset idiopathic scoliosis 6th
International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine, 2012 - Dublin , Ireland
3. Kamaci S ,Demirkiran HG, Yucekul A, Yazici M. The Evolution Of Sagittal Alignment
Of The Spine On Sitting Position During Childhood
ICEOS 2013 - San Diego,USA
Eurospine 2013, Liverpool, United Kingdom
10th INT SPINE CONGRESS Cappadocia , Turkey
4. Demirkiran GH, Genc Y, Guvendik GI, Kamaci S, Olgun D, Yazici M. Reliability and
validity of adapted Turkish Version of Early Onset Scoliosis-24 item questionnaire (EOSQ-24)
6th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis and Growing Spine, Dublin, Ireland
10th INT SPINE CONGRESS Cappadocia , Turkey
5. Kamaci S, Demikiran GH, Celilov R, Olgun ZD, Yazici M The rate of proximal
junctional kyphosis in dual growing rod treatment with pedicle screws as proximal anchor
ICEOS 2013 - San Diego,USA
6. Kamaci S, Doral MN, Ergen FB, Yucekul A, Cil A. Dizde Lipoma arboresan : Bir vaka
Turkish OTA National Congress 2013, Antalya, Turkey
7. Kamaci S, Bakircioglu S, O Caglar, M. Tokgozglu, B Atilla. Izole femur boyun
kiriklarinda kalca eklem morfolojisinin genc ve yasli hastalarda karsilastirilmasi. Turkish
Turkish OTA National Congress 2019 Antalya, Turkey
8. Ayik G, Kamaci S, Caylioglu C, Atilla B, Tokgozoglu M. Cerrahi olarak tedavi edilen
kalkaneus kiriklarina bohler ve gissane acilarinin rekonstruksiyonu ile klinik sonuclarin
iliskisinin degerlendirilmesi. Turkish OTA National Congress 2019 Antalya, Turkey
9. Saygin Kamaci, Angelo J. Colosimo. Return to Sports Is Fast And Safe Following Plate
Fixation Of Midshaft Clavicle Fractures In Adolescent Athletes EFORT Congress VEC 2020
10. Saygin Kamaci, Sancar Bakircioglu, Omur Caglar, Bulent Atilla, Mazhar Tokgozoglu.
Comparison of Hip Joint Morphology In Isolated Femur Neck Fractures In Young And
Elderly Patients EFORT Congress VEC 2020 Vienna
11. Saygin Kamaci , Erdi Ozdemir , Christopher Utz , Angelo J. Colosimo. Mandatory
Prescription Limits and Opioid Utilization Following ACL Reconstruction EFORT Congress
VEC 2020 Vienna
12. Saygin Kamaci, Christopher J. Utz , Angelo J. Colosimo. Staphylococcus Lugdunensis
Infection Following ACL Reconstruction in Multi-Ligamentous Injured Knees. EFORT
Congress VEC 2020 Vienna
13. Saygin Kamaci, Sancar Bakircioglu, Alper Yataganbaba, Erdi Ozdemir, Zirve Can
Gunes, Guney Yilmaz, Ahmet Mazhar Tokgozoglu. Newly Described Radiologic Parameters
for Multidirectionally Unstable Supracondylar Humerus Fractures Does Not Influence the
Quality of Reduction. EFORT Congress VEC 2020 Vienna
14. Tokgözoğlu Ahmet Mazhar, Aşkin Mehmet, Güneş Zirvecan, Kamaci Saygin, Aksoy
Mehmet Cemalettin. Pediatrik acilden istenen ortopedi konsultasyonlarının ayrıntılı analizi ve
sonuçları 1. Sanal TOTBID Kongresi 2020
15. Saygin Kamaci. Tip 2 suprakondiler humerus kırıklarında cerrahi ve konservatif
tedavinin karşılaştırılması "bir retrospektif karşılaştırmalı çalışma". Kemik Eklem Çevrim İçi
Kongresi 2021
16. Riza Mert Cetik, Gokay Dursun, Halil Ibrahim Tileklioglu, Saygin Kamaci, Mehmet
Ayvaz, Mazhar Tokgozoglu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hastanesi’nde Ortopedik Onkolojik
Acillerin Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi. International Oncological Emergencies Congress
Kompleks ortopedik yaralanmalar ve kırıklar, asetabulum ve pelvis kırıkları, kaynamama ve yanlış kaynama problemleri, kırık sonrası eklem protezleri ile; ortopedik spor yaralanmaları ve sporcu sağlığı, diz-omuz-kalça-ayak bileği problemlerinin açık ve artroskopik tedavisidir
Lise |
Lisans |
Yüksek Öğrenim |
Yurtdışı Deneyim / Eğitim | Klinik Yandal 1; UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI SPOR ORTOPEDİSİ VE ARTROSKOPİ KLİNİK YANDAL Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Accredited Fellow 8/2018 – 7/2019, Director: Angelo J. Colossimo, MD Klinik Yandal 2; UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE, ORTOPEDİK TRAVMA YANDALI Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Accredited Fellow 8/2016 – 7/2017, Director: David Seligson, MD HOSPITAL QUIRON, BARCELONA, CATALAN SOCCER FEDERATION HOSPITAL SPOR YARALANMALARI VE BİYOLOJİK TEDAVİLER (PRP ve KÖK hücre) Clinical Researcher August 2014, Director: Ramon Cugat, MD MAYO CLINICS, MINNESOTA OMUZ VE DİRSEK CERRAHİSİ, Research Fellow September – December 2013, Director: Shawn W. O’Driscoll, MD UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY OMUZ VE DİRSEK CERRAHİSİ, SPOR YARALANMALARI , Research Fellow September- October 2012, Director: Akin Cil, MD |
: (312) 305 17 93
: sayginkamaci@hacettepe.edu.tr