Name Surname:
Murat Fani Bozkurt
Nuclear Medicine
(312) 305 13 36
After completing high school education at Denizli Anadolu Lisesi in 1991, Dr Bozkurt completed his medical training at Hacettepe University Medical School in 1997. He had his residency training at Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine between the years 1997and 2003. He began to work as an instructor at Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 2005.
Dr Bozkurt underwent a reseach fellowship program on oncological PET imaging at University of Pennsylvania PET Center in Philadelphia, USA in 2003.
Dr Bozkurt underwent a visiting scientist program on Cardiac PET imaging at Nuclear Cardiology Department at Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital in 2009.
Dr Bozkurt had his associate professorship degree in 2010. He was also certified by European Board of Nuclear Medicine in the same year.
He was assigned as a member of Oncology Task Group of European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) in 2010 and consequently functioned as senior advisor in the years 2014-2016. Dr Bozkurt undertook chief chair position for European Multimodality Imaging and Therapy (ESMIT) in the years 2016-2018.
He had his professorhip degree in Nuclear Medicine in the year 2019.
Dr Bozkurt was rewarded by Turkish Cancer Research Council in 2003 for the second best original research on oncology , for the third best oral presentation at IX. National Gynecologic Oncology Congress in the year 2004 and for the best international presentation awards in tehe years 2016 and 2017 at American Association of Nuclear Medicine Physicains (ACNM). He was invited for the first Young Investigator’s Meeting in the field of nuclear medicine therapy by European Association of Nuclear Medicine at Vienna in 2009 and he represented Turkey.
His areas of main interest are nuclear oncology diagnostic and therapeutic applications (especially Y-90 microsphere therapy for liver tumors), nuclear cardiology and intraoperative gamma probe applications in nuclear medicine.
7.1 Original Articles Published in International Journals
1) Kıratlı PÖ, Çağlar M, Bozkurt MF: Unilateral absence of pulmonary perfusion in Swyer-James Syndrome. Clin Nucl Med 24(9):706-707; 1999.
2) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö: Assessment of penile bone graft viability by bone scintigraphy:A case report. Ann Nucl Med 14(5):377-378; 2000.
3) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö: Intraarterial Tc99m-MDP injection mimicking reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Clin Nucl Med 26(2):154-156; 2001.
4) Kıratlı P, Kıratlı H, Bozkurt MF, Ercan MT, Bilgiç S: Scintigraphic imaging of uveal melanoma with Tc99m-Glutathione. Nucl Med Commun 22(2):197-201; 2001.
5) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Ertenli İ, Caner B: Combined use of bone and bone marrow scintigraphies for the diagnosis of actice sacroiliitis:A new approach. Ann Nucl Med 15(2):117-121; 2001.
6) Bozkurt MF, Yıldırır A, Kabakçı G, Caner B: Exercise-induced left bundle branch block during Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Angiology 52:145-148, 2001.
7) Bozkurt MF, Demirkazık FB, Emri S, Caner B:Ventilation-perfusion lung scan and helical computed tomographic findings in a patient with Behçet’s Disease. Clin Nucl Med 26:721-722; 2001
8) Bozkurt MF. Letter to the Editor- The Author’s response:Intraarterial Tc99m-MDP injection mimicking reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Clin Nucl Med 26(9):803; 2001.
9) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF, Ercan MT, Ruacan Ş, Şener B, Ünsal IS:Detection of inflammatory lymph nodes in rabbits by Tc99m-HIG lymphoscintigraphy. Nucl Med Commun 23:1177-1182; 2002.
10) Bozkurt MF, Saygı S, Erbaş B: SPECT in a patient with postictal PLEDs:Is hypoperfusion evidence of electrical seizure? Clinical Electroencephalography 33(4):171-173; 2002.
11) Bozkurt MF, Aydın M, Ergün EL, Caner B: Hemodynamic effects, ECG changes and side effects of Dobutamine infusion in 150 patients. World J Nucl Med 1(S1):60; 2002.
12) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö: A new scintigraphic method for the diagnosis of active sacroiliitis. Medical Imaging Int 12(4):11-12; 2002.
13) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Hamaloğlu E, Sayek İ, Güleç SA : Optimization of gamma probe guided parathyroidectomy. Am Surgeon 69:720-725; 2003. (Uzmanlık Tezi Çalışması)
14) Ceylan E, Bozkurt MF, Caner B: Scintigraphic visualization of leptomeningeal cyst:a rare case in adult population. Clin Nucl Med 28(3):245-246; 2003.
15) Kara G, Bozkurt MF, Özcan P, Caner B: Solitary rib lesions on bone scintigraphy in breast cancer. Nucl Med Commun 24;887-892; 2003.
16) Aras T, Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF: Visualization of pulmonary artery on Tc99m-MIBI myocardial perfusion scintigraphy: A cause for focal uptake in the lung. Semin Nucl Med, 33(4):338-41; 2003.
17) Çehreli MC, Şahin S, Kesenci K, Tuzlakoğlu K, Pişkin E, Öztürk S, Ruacan Ş, Caner B, Bozkurt MF: Biological reactions to a poly(L-lactide)-hydroxyapatite composite:A study in canine mandible. J Biomater Appl 17:265-276; 2003.
18) Akyürek M, Özkan Ö, Bozkurt MF, Şafak T: Preserving osseous viability in osteocutaneous flap fabrication:Experimental study in rabbits. J Reconst Microsurg 19(8):571-576; 2003.
19) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Sayek İ, Gedikoğlu G, Baykal A, Hamaloğlu E, Etikan İ, Konan A, Erbaş B: Comparison of blue dye and gamma probe guided sentinel lymph node biopsy techniques in breast cancer patients. Turk J Cancer 33(2):82-90; 2003.
20) Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: Sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of breast cancer. Indian J Cancer 40:83-89; 2003.
21) Kumar R, Bhargava P, Bozkurt MF, Zhuang HM, Potenta S, Alavi A: Positron emission tomography in evaluation of cancer patients. Indian J Cancer 40:53-66; 2003.
22) Kumar R, Dhurairaj T, Jana S, Bozkurt MF, Takalkar A, Alavi A: Overview of sentinel lymph node mapping in breast cancer. Indian J Nucl Med 18(3):46-51; 2003.
23) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Sökmensüer C, Etikan İ, Sayek İ, Güleç SA: Clinicopathologic and radiopharmakokinetic factors affecting gamma probe-guided parathyroidectomy. Arch Surg 139:1175-1179; 2004.
24) Koca E, Sökmensüer C, Yıldız BO, Engin H, Bozkurt MF, Aras T, Barışta İ, Gürlek A: A patient presenting with spinal cord compression who had two distinct follicular cell type thyroid carcinomas. J Endocrinol Invest 27:562-564; 2004.
25) Mahmoudian B, Kıratlı PÖ, Tuncel M, Bozkurt F. Selected intraarterial injection of Tc99m-MDP. Rev Esp Med Nucl 23(4):284-285; 2004.
26) Kumar R, Dhurairaj T, Potenta S, Takalkar A, Bozkurt MF, Alavi A: Positron Emission Tomography (PET):Clinical Applications in Oncology. Indian J Nucl Med 19(4):115-125; 2004.
27) Hamaloğlu E, Bozkurt MF, Doğan R, Bayraktar M: Unexpected detection of an intrathymic parathyroid adenoma by Tc99m-MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy:The role of scintigraphy in planning surgical treatment. The Endocrinologist, 15:6; 2005.
28) Uğur Ö, Kara PÖ, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Tezel GG, Salancı BB, Karabulut E, Sayek İ: In vivo characterization of parathyroid lesions by use of gamma-probe:Comparison with ex-vivo count method and frozen section results. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 134:316-320; 2006.
29) Gedik GK, Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF. The role of Tc99m-DMSA scintigraphy in Joubert Syndrome. Rev Esp Med Nucl 25(4):256-260; 2006.
30) Konan A, Bozkurt MF, Hayran M, Sayek I:Radioguided parathyroidectomy: Initial results of Hacettepe experience.Turk J Cancer 37(4):137-142;2007.
31) Ergün EL, Çağlar M, Bozkurt MF, Ergün H.99mTc sestamibi myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with the novel use of metamizol for the detection of perfusion reversibility. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 35(8):1530-6; 2008.
32) Kara G, Bozkurt MF, Ugur O, Hamaloglu E: Gamma probe guided parathyroid cancer resection. The Endocrinologist 18:71-2; 2008.
33) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Rubello D. Nuclear Medicine Techniques for Radioguided Parathyroidectomy. Minerva Endocrinologica 33(2):95-104; 2008
34) Bozkurt MF, Aksoy T, Kiratli P.Detection of hepatic hematoma on dynamic renal scintigraphy.Clin Nucl Med. 33(8):573-6; 2008 .
35) Gedik GK, Bozkurt FM, Uğur Ö, Grassetto G, Rubello D: The additional diagnostic value of a single-session combined scintigrafphic and ultrasonographic examination in patients with thyroid and parathyroid diseases. Panminerva Medica 50(3):199-205; 2008.
36) Kara PP, Ayhan A, Caner B, Gultekin M, Ugur O, Bozkurt MF, Usubutun A:Sentinel lymph node detection in early stage cervical cancer: a prospective study comparing preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, intraoperative gamma probe, and blue dye. Ann Nucl Med. 2008 Jul;22(6):487-94.
37) Bozkurt MF, Ergun EL. Atypical (111)In-diaethylenotriamino pentaacetic acid-octreotide and (99m)Tc-(V)-dimercapto succinic acid uptake patterns, after radiation treatment. Hell J Nucl Med 11(2):127-9; May-Aug 2008.
38) Akgül S, Üzümcügil, Bozkurt MF, Topçu M: Osteoid osteoma in a 16-year-old boy presenting with atrophy of the left thigh:diagnostic difficulties. Turkish J Pediatrics 50(4):373-376; 2008.
39) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Banti E, Grassetto G, Rubello D: Functional nuclear medicine imaging of medullary thyroid cancer. Nucl Med Commun 29:934-942; 2008.
40) Kıratlı PO, Bozkurt MF. Assessment of cardiac parameters using gated myocardial perfusion and echocardiography in children. Cardiol Young 15:1-7; 2008.
41) Gülçelik NE, Bozkurt F, Tezel GG, Kaynaroglu V, Erbas T. Normal parathyroid hormone levels in a diabetic patient with parathyroid adenoma. Endocrine 35(2):147-50, 2009.
42) Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı PO, Konyalı D, Metin F. Quality control of instant kit Tc99m-mercaptoacetyl triglycine with inter- and intra-operator measurements. Hell J Nucl Med Jan-Apr;12(1):59-62.2009.
43) Kiratli PO, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF, Orhan D. Detection of ectopic gastric mucosa using (99m)Tc pertechnetate: review of the literature. Ann Nucl Med. Feb;23(2):97-105, 2009.
44) Ergün EL, Tuncel M, Bozkurt MF, Caner B. Simultaneous anterior-posterior dynamic renal scintigraphy for the evaluation of congenital abnormal kidneys. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 29(1):155-161, 2009.
45) Kara PP, Ayhan A, Caner B, Gültekin M, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF , Usubütün A , Üner A .Analysis of dendritic cells in sentinel lymph nodes of patients with endometrial and patients with cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol, 2009 Oct., 19(7):1239-1243.
46) Kanat NB , Aslan M, Bozkurt MF, Ergun EL. The role of Tc99m DMSA renal cortical scintigraphy in acute and recurrent episodes of renal infarction in a patient with tendency toward thrombosis, Clin Nucl Med 2009 Oct, 34(10):727-730.
47) Peynircioğlu B, Çil B , Bozkurt F, Aydemir E , Uğur Ö, Balkancı F. Radioembolization for the treatment of unresectable liver cancer:initial experience at a single center. Diagn Interv Radiol 2010 March, 16(1):70-78.
48) Tuncel M, Kıratlı PO, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF. Gastroesophageal reflux scintigraphy: interpretation methods and inter-reader agreement.World J Pediatrics 2011 Aug, 7(3):45-49.
49) Mumcuoğlu EU, Bozkurt FM, Aslan M, Şener E, Uğur Ö. Computerized scar detection on renal cortical scintigraphy images. Nucl Med Commun 2011 Nov, 32(11):1070-1078.
50) Çağlar M, Bozkurt FM, Akca CK, Vargöl SE, Bayraktar M, Uğur Ö. Comparison of 800 and 3700 MBq iodine-131 for the postoperative ablation of thyroid remnant in patients with low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer. Nucl Med Commun 2012 Mar, 33(3):268-274.
51) Salancı BV, Bozkurt FM, Peynircioğlu B, Çil B, Uğur Ö. The relation between perfusion pattern of hepatic artery perfusion scintigraphy and response to Y-90 microsphere therapy. Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy (baskıda).
52) Deveci EK, Ocak M, Bozkurt MF, Türker S, Kabasakal L, Uğur Ö. The Diagnostic Efficiency of 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-Octreotate SPECT-CT in Comparison with 111In-Pentetrotide in the Detection of Neuroendocrine Tumours. Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy (baskıda).
53) Bural GG, Torigian DA, Basu S, Bozkurt MF, Houseini M, Alavi A. Atherosclerotic inflammatory activity in the aorta and its correlation with aging and gender as assessed by 18F-FDG-PET. Hell J Nucl Med (baskıda).
54) Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı PO. Quantitative Sacroiliac Scintigraphy for pediatric patients:Comparison of Two Different Methods. Ann Nucl Med (baskıda)
7.2 Scientific Presentations Published as Proceedings and as Abstracts in International Meetings
1) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Ertenli İ, Ergün EL, Çalgüneri M, Caner B: Combined use of bone and bone marrow scintigraphies for the diagnosis of actice sacroiliitis:A new approach. European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 1999) Congress, 1999, Barcelona, İspanya (poster)
2) Kıratlı P, Ahmetoğlu A, Demirkazık FB, Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Caner B: Can spiral CT be a first choice diagnostic modality in the diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism? European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 1999) Congress, 1999, Barcelona, İspanya (poster).
3) Kıratlı P, Kıratlı H, Bozkurt MF, Ercan MT, Bilgiç S: Scintigraphic imaging of uveal melanoma with Tc99m-Glutathione. European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2000) Congress, 2000, Paris Fransa (poster).
4) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF, Ercan MT, Ruacan Ş, Şener B, Ünsal IS:Detection of inflammatory lymph nodes by Tc99m-HIG in rabbits. European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2000) Congress, 2000, Paris Fransa. (poster)
5) Çağlar M, Volkan B, Bozkurt MF: Comparison of visual and semiquantitative scintigraphy for gastroesophageal reflux. 23. International Congress of Pediatrics, 2001, Pekin, Çin. (sözlü)
6) Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Uğur Ö, Sayek İ :Gamma probe-guided parathyroidectomy protocol:Determination of optimal surgical timing. 5th Nuclear Oncology Congress, 2002, Kuşadası, Aydın. (sözlü)
7) Bozkurt MF, Aydın M, Ergün EL, Caner B: Hemodynamic effects, ECG changes and side effects of Dobutamine infusion in 150 patients. International Symposium on Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine, 2002, Pekin, Çin (poster)
8) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Çelik HH: Ectopic parathyroid gland localizations:Tc99m-MIBI parathyroid scintigraphy findings. 17th International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, 2002, Timisoara, Romanya (poster)
9) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Hamaloğlu E, Sayek İ, Güleç SA : Optimization of gamma probe guided parathyroidectomy. 50th Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting (SNM 2003), 2003, New Orleans, A.B.D (sözlü)
10) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Volkan B, Özcan P, Hamaloğlu E, Konan A, Sayek İ : Patient-specific protocol for the optimization of gamma probe guided parathyroidectomy. European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2003) Congress, 2003, Amsterdam,Hollanda (sözlü)
11) Maillard I, Herman D, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Sankaran S, Guan L, Zhuang HM, Green J, Downs L, Elstrom R, Alavi A, Schuster SJ: Comparison of conventional staging studies and FDG-PET imaging in Hodgkin’s Disease, Diffuse Large B Cell and Follicular Lymphomas. Blood 102(11); 2003, American Hematology Association Annual Meeting (AHA 2003), A.B.D (poster)
12) Shrikhantan S, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Maillard I, Zhuang HM, Schuster SJ, Alavi A: Quantitative evaluation of bone marrow FDG uptake and the importance of uptake pattern on PET scan in lymphoma patients. American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP 2004), Ocak 2004, Florida, A.B.D (sözlü)
13) Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Maillard I, Shrikanthan S, Bural G, Wintering N, Schuster SJ, Elstrom R, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: Lesion-by-lesion, region-by-region and patient-by-patient comparison of FDG-PET and CT/MRI in Hodgkin’s Disease and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (poster)
14) Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Maillard I, Shrikanthan S, Bural G, Wintering N, Schuster SJ, Elstrom R, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: Comparison of FDG-PET imaging and conventional imaging modalities for the staging of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (poster)
15) Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Shrikanthan S, Maillard I, , Bural G, Wintering N, Schuster SJ, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: The merits of quantitative assessment of bone marrow uptake in patients with lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (poster)
16) Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, Maillard I, Shrikanthan S, Zhuang HM, Newberg A, Schuster SJ, Alavi A: Predictive value of whole body FDG-PET vs CT scans following the first line chemotherapy in Hodgkin’s Disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
17) Shrikanthan S, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Zhuang HM, Schuster SJ, Alavi A:FDG-PET imaging in detection of organ specific involvement in lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (poster)
18) Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, Maillard I, Shrikanthan S, Zhuang HM, Newberg A, Schuster SJ, Alavi A: Comparison of whole-body FDG-PET and CT scans for restaging malignant lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
19) Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, Maillard I, Shrikanthan S, Zhuang HM, Newberg A, Schuster SJ, Xiu Y, Alavi A: Positive FDG-PET scans after a few cycles of chemotherapy is predictive of poor prognosis in patients with aggressive lymphoma and Hodgkin’s Disease. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
20) El-Haddad G, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Bural G, Xiu Y, Mavi A, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: The changes of standardized uptake values with normal aging. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
21) El-Haddad G, Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, Bural G, Wintering N, Alavi A: Increasing uptake of FDG in the myocardium with normal aging. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
22) El-Haddad G, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Xiu Y, Bural G, Kim H, Wintering N, Alavi A: Liver FDG uptake increases with age:implications for detection of focal disease. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
23) Takalkar A, Cheng E, Shrikanthan S, Bozkurt MF, Kumar R, Zhuang HM, Alavi A:Comparison of FDG PET with conventional imaging techniques in evaluation of bone marrow metastases in patients with lymphoma. 51st Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2004), Haziran 2004, Philadelphia, A.B.D (sözlü)
24) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Sökmensüer C, Etikan İ, Sayek İ, Güleç SA: Clinicopathologic and radiopharmakokinetic factors affecting gamma probe-guided parathyroidectomy. 57th Annual Cancer Symposium, Mart 2004, New York, A.B.D (sözlü)
25) Kara PÖ, Gültekin M, Bozkurt MF, Ceylan E, Güler OT, Dursun P, Uğur Ö, Caner B, Küçükali T, Usubütün A, Yüce K, Ayhan A: Sentinel node detection in early stage cervical carcinoma. International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) 10th Bieannal Meeting, 3-7 Ekim 2004, Edinburg İngiltere (sözlü)
26) Maillard I, Elstrom R, , Kumar R, Bozkurt MF, , Shrikanthan S, Guan L, Zhuang HM, Herman D, Down, Alavi A. American Hematology Associaton Annual Meeing (AHA 2004) (sözlü)
27) Uğur Ö, Kara PÖ, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Tezel GG, Salancı BB, Uğur Y, Karabulut E, Sayek İ: In vivo characterization of parathyroid lesions by use of gamma-probe:Comparison with ex-vivo count method and frozen section results 52nd Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2005), Haziran 2005, Toronto, Kanada (sözlü)
28) Bozkurt MF, Kumar RP, Shrikanthan S, Maillard I, Dadparvar S, Zhuang HM, Alavi A. Quantitative Evaluation of Bone Marrow FDG uptake in lymphoma patients. European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2005 Congress (EANM 05), İstanbul, Ekim 2005 (poster)
29) Ergün EL, Tuncel M, Bozkurt MF, Caner B. Simultaneous anterior-posterior dynamic renal scintigraphy for the evaluation of congenital abnormal kidneys. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 3-7 Haziran 2006 (sözlü)
30) Bozkurt MF, Kumar RP, Maillard I, Schuster SS, Zhuang HM, Alavi A: Comparison of concordance rates for FDG-PET imaging versus conventional imaging modalities:Is there a difference between Hodgkin’s Disease and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma? 9th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, (WCNMB 2006), Ekim 2006, Seul, G. Kore (sözlü)
31) Bozkurt MF, Kumar RP, Shrikanthan S, Maillard I, Dadparvar S, Zhuang HM, Alavi A:Can FDG-uptake pattern and quantitation differ bone marrow infiltration from reactive posttherapeutic uptake in lymphoma patients? 9th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, (WCNMB 2006), Ekim 2006, Seul, G. Kore (sözlü)
32) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF, Tuncel M, Aras T:Value of preoperative assessment of postresection pulmonary reserve with quantitative perfusion scintigraphy, experience in Hacettepe University. 9th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, (WCNMB 2006), Ekim 2006, Seul, G. Kore (sözlü)
33) Erbaş B, Bozkurt MF, Hazırolan T, Bilginer Y, Kıratlı P, Besbas N, Balkancı F: Captopril renography in the diffential diagnosis of hypertension in children. 9th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, (WCNMB 2006), Ekim 2006, Seul, G. Kore (poster)
34) Bozkurt MF, Bilginer Y, Hazırolan T, Kıratlı P, Erbaş B, Beşbaş N, Balkancı F: Technical comparison of non-invasive imaging modalities for the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension in pediatric patients:common pitfalls and drawbacks. International Symposium on Radionuclides in nephrourology (ISCORN) 2007, Antalya (poster)
35) Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı PO, Duzova A, Aki FT, Bilginer Y, Erbaş B, Bakkaloğlu M, Bakkaloğlu A: Functional assessment of pediatric patients with renal transplants from adult donors:Use of scintigraphy and renal Doppler ultrasound in the follow-up. International Symposium on Radionuclides in nephrourology (ISCORN) 2007, Antalya (poster)
36) Aksoy T, Velipaşaoğlu Z, Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı P, Erbaş B: Diuresis renography in children with gravity-assissted and delayed images. International Symposium on Radionuclides in nephrourology (ISCORN) 2007, Antalya (sözlü)
37) Velipaşaoğlu Z, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF, Haliloğlu M, Kıratlı P, Topaloğlu R, Erbaş B: Primary vesicoureteric reflux as a predictor of renal damage in children. International Symposium on Radionuclides in nephrourology (ISCORN) 2007, Antalya (sözlü).
38) Bozkurt MF, Kara PÖ, Caner B, Uğur Ö, Üner A, Gültekin M, Ayhan A: Assessment of immune response and immunomodulation within sentinel lymph nodes in gynecologic cancers. Society of Nuclear Medicine 54th Annual Meeting, 2007 Washington DC, ABD (sözlü)
39) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF, Tuncel M, Aras T:Assessment of postresection pulmonary reserve in adults and children with quantitative pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy. Society of Nuclear Medicine 54th Annual Meeting, 2007 Washington DC, ABD (sözlü)
40) Kıratlı P, Bozkurt MF: Reproducibility of measurements of left ventricular function with gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and comparison to echocardiography in pediatric patients. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology, 2007, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti. (moderatörlü poster)
41) Ergün EL, Çağlar M, Bozkurt MF, Ergün H: Tc-99m MIBI myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with the novel use of metamizol for the detection of perfusion reversibility. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology, 2007, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti (poster)
42) Ergün EL, Çağlar M, Bozkurt MF, Ergün H:Value of metamizol induction for perfusion reversibility detection of Tc99m-MIBI. EANM 2007, Kopenhag, 2007.
43) Kıratlı P, Bozkurt MF: Assessment of left ventricular function with gated myocardial scintigraphy in pediatric patients. EANM 2007 Kopenhag, Danimarka (sözlü sunum)
44) Kıratlı P, Bozkurt MF: Reproducibility of left ventricular function with gated myocardial scintigraphy and comparison with echocardiography in children. EANM 2007 Kopenhag, Danimarka (sözlü sunum)
45) Topbaşı-Velipaşaoğlu Z, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı P, Topaloğlu R, Düzova A, Özaltın F, Haliloğlu M, Özen S, Bakkaloğlu A, Erbaş B. Age group differences in the predictive value of vesicoureteral refux to estimate renal damage in children. EANM Annual Meeting 2007, Kopenhag, Danimarka, Ekim 2007
46) Aksoy T, Topbaşı-Velipaşaoğlu Z, Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı P, Erbaş B. Diuresis renogram in children with gravity-assissted and delayed images. EANM Annual Meeting 2007, Kopenhag, Danimarka, Ekim 2007
47) Mumcuoğlu E, Nar F, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Aslan M.: Image-based retrieval system and computer-aided diagnosis system for renal cortical scintigraphy images. Medical Imaging 2008 SPIE Conference, February 2008, San Diego, US (poster).
48) Kapulu CD, Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö:Impact of SPECT/CT image fusion in the interpretation of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy.8th International Nuclear Oncology Congress, April 2008, Istanbul, Türkiye (oral)
49) Kiratli P, Tuncel M, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF: Current interpretation methods of GER scintigraphy. 2008 European Pediatric Nuclear Medicine Meeting, Barcelona Spain (poster)
50) Tuncel M, Aksoy T, Bozkurt MF, Kiratli P. Efficiency of currently introduced interpretation methods in the evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) scintigraphy. SNM 2008 Meeting New Orleans, US (oral)
51) Bozkurt MF, Kiratli P, Konyali D, Metin F: Inter and intraoperator variability in quality control of Tc99m-MAG3 instant kit reconstitution. SNM 2008 Meeting New Orleans, US (poster)
52) Caglar M, Bozkurt MF, Kapulu C, Ugur O, Bayraktar M:Efficacy of low-dose I-131 therapy for the postoperative ablation of low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer patients. SNM 2008 Meeting New Orleans, US (poster)
53) Kara Gedik G, Bozkurt MF, Ugur O: Is combined scintigraphic and ultrasonographic interpretation more informative in thyroid pathologies? SNM 2008 Meeting New Orleans, US (poster)
54) Kara Gedik G, Bozkurt MF, Ugur O : Impact of combined scintigraphic and ultrasonographic interpretations in parathyroid pathologies. SNM 2008 Meeting New Orleans, US (poster)
55) Bozkurt MF, Peynircioğlu B, Çil B, Uğur Ö. Intraarterial Y-90 microsphere therapy for primary and secondary liver tumors:Initial experience of Hacettepe University. 18. World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, October 8-11 2008, İstanbul, Türkiye (sözlü sunum).
56) Uslu N, Bozkurt MF, Caner B, Özen H. Comparison of multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH measurement with scintigraphy for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in children. 18. World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, October 8-11 2008, İstanbul, Türkiye (sözlü sunum).
57) Bozkurt MF, Kıratlı P. Interoperator variability in measurements of left ventricular function with different gated myocardial perfusion software programs in pediatric patients. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 08), Munich, Almanya.
58) Çağlar M, Bozkurt MF, Kapulu C, Ugur Ö, Bayraktar M. Efficacy of low dose I-131 therapy for the postoperative ablation of low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 08), Munich, Almanya.
59) Bozkurt MF, Peynircioğlu B, Çil B , Kapulu C , Aslan M , Uğur Ö . Impact of image coregistration on the treatment planning of Y90 microsphere therapy, Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2009 (EANM 09), Barcelona, İspanya, Ekim 2009, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 36 suppl.2:s290.
60) Bozkurt MF , Temelli B, Kıratlı P. Quantitative scintigraphy for sacroiliitis revisited: Can we use the same saroiliac index values for pediatric patients as well? , Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2009 (EANM 09), Barcelona, İspanya, Ekim 2009, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 36 suppl.2:s2435.
61) Bozkurt MF, Temelli B , Kıratlı P. Comparison of two different methods for quantitative bone scintigraphy for sacroiliitis in pediatric patients, Annual Congress of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 10), Salt Lake City, ABD, Haziran 2010.
62) Bozkurt MF, Çil B, Peynircioğlu B, Uğur Ö. Intraarterial Y-90 microsphere therapy for primary and secondary liver tumors:Hacettepe University experience. 10th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, Güney Afrika, Eylül 2010, World J Nucl Med 9:suppl.1, s-75.
63) Bozkurt MF, Küçük Ö, Uğur Ö, Taştan S. Y-90 PET imaging as an alternative to Brehmstrahlung imaging for the assessment of post-therapy Y-90 microsphere biodistribution. 10th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, Güney Afrika, Eylül 2010, World J Nucl Med 9:suppl.1, po-80.
64) Bozkurt MF, Çil B, Peynircioğlu B, Özışık Y, Uğur Ö. Role of intraarterial Y90-microsphere therapy for metastatic liver disease in breast cancer patients. 10th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, Güney Afrika, Eylül 2010, World J Nucl Med 9:suppl.1, pt-5.
65) Bozkurt MF, Çil B, Peynircioğlu B, Uğur Ö.Thrombocytopenia following intraarterial Y90-microsphere therapy:analysis of possible underlying factors. 10th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, Güney Afrika, Eylül 2010, World J Nucl Med 9:suppl.1, pt-4.
66) Bozkurt MF, Temelli B , Kıratlı P. Quantitative bone scintigraphy for pediatric sacroiliitis:Comparison of two different methods. 10th Congress of World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Cape Town, Güney Afrika, Eylül 2010, World J Nucl Med 9:suppl.1, pg-38.
67) Volkan-Salanci B, Bozkurt MF, Çil B, Peynircioğlu B, Uğur Ö. Can perfusion pattern in pre-therapy hepatic artery perfusion scintigraphy predict radiomicrosphere therapy response? Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2011 (EANM 11), Birmingham, İngiltere, Ekim 2011, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 38 suppl.2:s118 (sözlü sunum)
68) Vatankulu B, Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö. I-123 MIBG SPECT/CT Hybrid Imaging in Evaluation of Neuroectodermal Tumors. Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2011 (EANM 11), Birmingham, İngiltere, Ekim 2011, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 38 suppl.2:s379 (sözlü sunum).
69) Temelli B, Velipaşaoğlu Z, Akdemir E, Bozkurt MF. Efficacy of Carbon-14 Urea Breath Test in the Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Children: Comparison Among Different Tests to Find out the Best. Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2011 (EANM 11), Birmingham, İngiltere, Ekim 2011, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 38 suppl.2:s190-191 (sözlü sunum).
70) Bozkurt MF, Şar O, Demir GF, Uğur Ö. Comparative Evaluation of Performance Tests for Two Different Intraoperative Gamma Probes : Proposing Routine Performance Tests Specific to Gamma Probes. Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2011 (EANM 11), Birmingham, İngiltere, Ekim 2011, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 38 suppl.2:s173-174 (sözlü sunum).
71) Bozkurt MF, Volkan-Salancı B, Peynircioğlu B, Çil B, Uğur Ö. Accelerated progression of metastatic disease shortly after Y90-microsphere treatment:Is there a causative relation? Annual Congress of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 12), Miami, FL, ABD, Haziran 2012.
72) Bozkurt MF, Temelli B, Velipaşaoğlu Z, Akdemir E. C-14 urea breath test in the diagnosis of Helicobacter infection in children:Is it the best test? Annual Congress of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 12), Miami, FL, ABD, Haziran 2012.
73) Bozkurt MF, Demir G, Salancı BV, Uğur Ö. Can Radiation Exposure Measurement by GM Counter be Used Interchangeably with Dose Calibrator to Assess the Completeness of Y90-microsphere Therapy? Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2012 (EANM 12), Milano, İtalya Ekim 2012, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 39 suppl.2:s498-499 (poster sunum).
74) Bozkurt MF, Ergün EL, Uğur Ö.Value of hybrid imaging-based attenuation correction in the diagnostic work-up of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. International Conference on Integrated Medical Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases (IMIC 2013), Eylül 2013, Viyana-Avusturya (poster sunum).
75) Bozkurt MF, Temelli B. Effect of hepatosteatosis on different SUV measurement techniques in F18-FDG PET/CT imaging. Annual Congress of European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2013 (EANM 13), Lyon, Fransa Ekim 2013, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imag 40 suppl.2:s77 OP516 (sözlü sunum).
7.3International Book Chapters
1) Bozkurt MF. Head and Neck Cancer . In: Principles and Practice of PET/CT:Part 2 A technologist Guide Testanera G, van den Broek WJM (eds.). EANM Publications Vienna-Austria, 2012.
7.4 Original Articles Published in National Peer-Reviewed Journals
1) Bozkurt MF, Ergün EL, Uğur Ö: Onkolojide nükleer tıp uygulamaları-1: Temel Kavramlar ve Yenilikler. Hematoloji-Onkoloji 2(1):65-75; 2000.
2) Bozkurt MF, Ergün EL: Onkolojide nükleer tıp uygulamaları-3:Lenfomalarda Nükleer Tıbbın yeri. Hematoloji-Onkoloji 3(1):64-72; 2001.
3) Bozkurt MF, Ergün EL: Onkolojide nükleer tıp uygulamaları-4:Meme Kanseri ve nükleer tıp. Hematoloji-Onkoloji 3(3):273-276; 2001.
4) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö: Nükleer Onkoloji:Temel Uygulamalar. Genel Tıp Dergisi 12(4):E19-E26; 2002.
5) Bozkurt MF, Dede Z, Burak Z, Ak İ, Bekiş R, Değirmenci B: Kemik sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):97-102, 2002.
6) Ak İ, Vardareli E, Bekiş R, Bozkurt MF, Burak Z: Malign hastalıkların değerlendirilmesinde Galyum-67 sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):103-108, 2002.
7) Entok E, Ak İ, Bekiş R, Bozkurt MF, Burak Z: Somatostatin reseptör sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):109-114, 2002.
8) Bekiş R, Değirmenci B, Ak İ, Bozkurt MF, Burak Z: Talyum-201 tümör tarama sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):115-118, 2002.
9) Yıldız A, Yılmaz M, Ak İ, Bekiş R, Bozkurt MF, Burak Z:Tc99m-MIBI meme sintigrafisi (sintimamografi) uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):119-122, 2002.
10) Töre G, Ak İ, Bekiş R, Bozkurt MF, Burak Z:Malign hastalıkların değerlendirilmesinde Tc99m-MIBI sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 10(4):125-132, 2002.
11) Demir H, Ak İ, Aydın A, Bekiş R, Bozkurt MF ve ark: I123-131 MIBG sintigrafisi uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 12:181-185; 2003.
12) Bekiş R, Aydın A, Mudun A, Ak İ, Arslan N, Bozkurt MF ve ark. Malign melanomda Bekçi lenf düğümü görüntüleme uygulama kılavuzu. Nükleer Tıp-Turkish J Nucl Med 12:186-189; 2003.
13) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF. Kardiyak Nükleer Tıp Çalışmaları. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi 41, 113-127, 2010.
14) Bozkurt MF. Çernobil Faciası ve sonrası. Numune Sağlık Dergisi, 3:18-20, Eylül 2010.
7.5 Scientific Presentations in National Meetings
1) Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö, Ertenli İ, Caner B: Sakroiliit tanısında kemik sintigrafisi ile kemik iliği sintigrafisinin birlikte kullanımı. 14. Ulusal Nükleeer Tıp Kongresi, 2001, Gaziantep (poster)
2) Ergün EL, Bozkurt MF, Ercan MT, Ruacan Ş, Şener B, Ünsal IS: İnflamatuar lenf nodu değerlendirmesinde Tc99m-HIG’ın yeri. 14. Ulusal Nükleeer Tıp Kongresi, 2001, Gaziantep (poster)
3) Mahmoudian B, Bozkurt MF, Caner B: Konjenital hipotiroidili hastaların değerlendirilmesinde Tc99m-perteknetat sintigrafisi. 14. Ulusal Nükleeer Tıp Kongresi, 2001, Gaziantep (poster)
4) Kara G, Kıratlı P, Volkan B, Mahmoudian B, Bozkurt MF:Gastroözefageal reflü saptanmasında duyarlılık. 14. Ulusal Nükleeer Tıp Kongresi, 2001, Gaziantep (poster)
5) Bozkurt MF, Konan A, Hamaloğlu E, Uğur Ö, Sayek İ :İntraoperatif gama prob eşliğinde paratiroidektomi:Optimum cerrahi zamanlamanın dinamik sintigrafik yöntem ile belirlenmesi-ön bulgular: Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 2002, Kemer-Antalya (sözlü).
6) Dağdelen S, Akın AA, Yılmaz R, Bayraktar M, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E: Servikal spinal nörinom sonrası intratimik yerleşimli ektopik hiperparatiroidi:Olgu Sunumu. 4. Ulusal İç Hastalıkları Kongresi, 2002, Kemer-Antalya (poster).
7) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Sayek İ, Gedikoğlu G, Baykal A, Hamaloğlu E, Etikan İ, Konan A, Erbaş B: Meme kanserli hastalarda cerrahi gama prob ve mavi boya tekniklerinin nöbetçi lenf nodunun belirlenmesinde kullanılmasının karşılaştırılması. 15. Ulusal Kanser Kongresi, 2003, Kemer-Antalya (sözlü).
8) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Sökmensüer C, Uğur Y, Etikan İ, Sayek İ, Güleç SA: Paratiroid bezi patolojilerinde MIBI’nin tutulum kinetiğini etkileyen histolojik ve biyokimyasal değişkenlerin gama prob kılavuzluğunda paratiroidektomi cerrahisine etkileri. 6. Uluslararası Nükleer Onkoloji ve 17. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, 2004, Çeşme-İzmir (sözlü)
9) Kara PÖ, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Volkan B, Karabulut E, Sayek İ: Paratiroid lezyonlarının gama prob yardımı ile in-vivo karakterizasyonu:sonuöların ex-vivo sayım yöntemiyle kıyaslanması. 6. Uluslararası Nükleer Onkoloji ve 17. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, 2004, Çeşme-İzmir (sözlü)
10) Kara PÖ, Gültekin M, Bozkurt MF, Ceylan E, Güler T, Dursun P, Uğur Ö, Caner B, Küçükali T, Usubütün A, Yüce K, Ayhan A: Erken evre serviks kanserli hastalarda sentinel lenf nodu tesbitinde lenfosintigrafi, mavi boya ve intraoperatif gama prob yöntemlerinin başarısının karşılaştırılması. 9. Ulusal Jinekolojik Onkoloji Kongresi, 2004, Antalya (sözlü).
11) Uğur Ö, Kara PÖ, Bozkurt MF, Hamaloğlu E, Tezel GG, Volkan B, Karabulut E, Sayek İ: Paratiroidektomi cerrahisindeki intraoperatif gama prob sayımlarının frozen kesit sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılması. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi, 2004, Antalya (sözlü).
12) Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF, Alpaslan A, Gedikoğlu G: Meme kanserli hastalarda sentinel lenf nodunun PCR yöntemi ile incelenmesi. 9. Ulusal Meme Hastalıkları Kongresi, Ankara, Eylül 07 (poster).
13) Kara Gedik G, Bozkurt MF, Uğur Ö: paratiroid patolojilerinin değerlendirilmesinde sintigrafi ile ultrasonografinin birlikte kullanımı. 20. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Nisan 2008, İstanbul (sözlü).
14) Vatankulu B, Bozkurt F, Uğur Ö. Nöroektodermal tümörlerin değerlendirilmesinde I-123 MIBG SPECT/BT hibrid görüntülemenin etkinliğinin planar ve SPECT görüntüleme ile karşılaştırılması. 23. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Nisan 2011, İzmir (sözlü).
15) Bozkurt MF, Temelli B. 18F-FDG PET/BT Görüntülemede Hepatosteatozun farklı SUV ölçüm teknikleri üzerine etkisi. 25. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Nisan 2013, Antalya (sözlü).
16) Bozkurt MF, Vargöl SE, Ergül L. I-131 Tedavisi sonrası erken dönemde olası yumuşak doku ödemine bağlı yalancı pozitif tutulum:İdeal görüntüleme zamanı ne olmalıdır? 25. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Nisan 2013, Antalya (poster).
17) Bozkurt MF, Demir G, Volkan-Salancı B, Uğur Ö. Y90 mikroküre tedavi sonrası kalan aktivite miktarı ölçümünde doz kalibratörü yerine GM ile radyasyon maruziyeti ölçümü kullanımının etkinliğinin araştırılması. 25. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Nisan 2013, Antalya (poster).
7.6 Other Publications
1) Bekdik CF, Caner B, Erbaş B, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF: Genel Cerrahide Nükleer Tıp. In:Sayek İ(ed), Temel Cerrahi, 3. baskı, Güneş Kitabevi Ltd Şti, Ankara, 2004, 851-873.
2) Bozkurt MF, Caner B: Gastrointestinal sistemde nükleer tıp. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, Pediatrik Nükleer Tıp I-II, Kale G, Aras T (editörler), 27(2):188-212.
3) Bozkurt MF, Caner B: Çocuklarda nükleer tıp tetkikleri ve radyasyon riski. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi, Pediatrik Nükleer Tıp I-II, Kale G, Aras T (editörler), 27(2):273-279.
4) Bozkurt MF: Klinik Uygulama Protokolleri ve Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Noktalar. In:Ergün EL, Aras T (editörler), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nükleer Tıp Anabilim Dalı Hizmet içi Eğitim El Kitabı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, Temmuz 2006, 21-58.
5) Bozkurt MF: Klinik Uygulama Protokolleri ve Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Noktalar. In:Ergün EL, Aras T (editörler), Nükleer Tıp, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, Aralık 2007, 21-53.
6) Bozkurt MF: Nükleer Tıpta Kullanılan Cihazlar ve Çalışma Prensipleri. In:Ergün EL, Aras T (editörler), Nükleer Tıp, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, Aralık 2007, 55-69.
7) Bozkurt MF, Aras T: Sintigrafi. In: Sayek İ (ed), Sağlık Ansiklopedisi, Güneş Yayınları, Ankara, 2008, pp:587-590.
8) Bozkurt MF, Aras T: İyot Tarama. In: Sayek İ (ed), Sağlık Ansiklopedisi, Güneş Yayınları, Ankara, 2008, pp:337-339.
9) Bozkurt MF:Miyokard Perfüzyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. In: Wahl R (ed), Caner B, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF çeviri editörleri), PET ve PET/BT:Prensipler ve Uygulamalar, Rotatıp Yayınları, Ankara, 2011, pp:541-564.
10) Bozkurt MF:Miyokard Canlılığı In: Wahl R (ed), Caner B, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF çeviri editörleri), PET ve PET/BT:Prensipler ve Uygulamalar, Rotatıp Yayınları, Ankara, 2011, pp:565-588.
11) Bozkurt MF:Oksidatif Metabolizma ve Kardiyak Verim. In: Wahl R (ed), Caner B, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF çeviri editörleri), PET ve PET/BT:Prensipler ve Uygulamalar, Rotatıp Yayınları, Ankara, 2011, pp:589-606.
12) Bozkurt MF:Miyokardiyal Nörotransmiter Görüntülemesi. In: Wahl R (ed), Caner B, Uğur Ö, Bozkurt MF çeviri editörleri), PET ve PET/BT:Prensipler ve Uygulamalar, Rotatıp Yayınları, Ankara, 2011, pp:607-618.
Nuclear Oncology Nuclear Cardiology Sentinel lymph node imaging and gamma probe
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Foreign Experience / Education | University of Pennsylvania PET Center PET in Oncology Fellowship Program, 2004 | ||||||||||||
Foreign Language | English German |
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