Name Surname:
Neşe Dericioğlu
(312) 305 18 09
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Dr. Nese Dericioglu completed her primary education in Eskisehir Anadolu High School. She entered Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1987 and graduated in 1993. One year later she started her residency in the Neurology Department of the same Faculty and became a neurologist in 2000. The same year she entered the neuro-electrophysiology Ph.D. program in Hacettepe University Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, and graduated in 2006. Meanwhile she studied as a research fellow in the Neurosurgery Department at Yale University for a year, in 2005. She studied rat and human hippocampal slice physiology and also attended the clinical rounds where epilepsy patients with drug resistant seizures were evaluated, mostly with intracranial electroencephalography. She became Associate Professor of Neurology in 2008 and Professor of Neurology in 2014.
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1. Dericioglu, N., A. Ciğer ve S. Saygı, “The value of provocative methods in patients suspected of having non epileptic seizures”, Seizure, 8, 152-156 (1999).
2. Dericioglu, N., M.Albakır ve S.Saygı, “The role of the patient companions in long term video-EEG monitoring”, Seizure, 9 (2), 124-127 (2000).
3. Dericioglu, N., H. Karataş, P. Özdemir Geyik, M. Albakır ve S. Saygı, “Time distribution of seizures during long term video-EEG monitoring”, Clinical EEG, 34 (4), 207-212 (2003).
4. Dericioglu, N., M. O. Babaoğlu, S. Saygı, A. Bozkurt ve U. Yaşar, “CYP2CD geno- and pheno-typing and sensitivity to warfarin treatment”, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 38, 899 (2004).
5. Tezer F. İ., N. Dericioglu ve S. Saygı, “Generalized spike-wave discharges with focal onset in a patient with head trauma and diffuse cerebral lesions”, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 35 (3), 151-157 (2004).
6. Dericioglu, N., O. Cataltepe, G. G. Tezel ve S. Saygi, “Gelastic Seizures due to Right Temporal Cortical Dysplasia”, Epileptic Disorders, 7 (2), 137-141 (2005).7. Baykan, B., N. K. Ertas, M. Ertas, B. Aktekin, S. Saygi, A. Gokyigit and the Epibase Group, “Comparison of classification of seizures: a preliminary study with 28 participants and 48 seizures”, Epilepsy and Behavior, 6, 607-612 (2005).
8. Tiftikcioglu, B. İ., N. Dericioglu ve S. Saygi, “Focal seizures originating from the left temporal lobe in a case with chorea-acanthocytosis”, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 37 (1): 46-49 (2006).
9. Dericioglu, N. ve S. Saygi, “Intractable cryptogenic frontal lobe epilepsy in a patient with MURCS association”, Epileptic Disord, 8 (3), 204-207 (2006).
10. Karatas H., N. Dericioglu ve S. Saygi, “Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease presenting as hyperparathyroidism and generalized tonic status epilepticus: a case report”, Clin EEG Neurosci, 38 (4), 203-6 (2007).
11. Dericioglu, N. ve S. Saygi, “Ictal scalp EEG findings in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy”, Clin EEG Neurosci, 39 (1), 20-27 (2008).
12. Dericioglu, N., K. K. Oguz, E. L. Ergun, F. I. Tezer ve S. Saygi, “Ictal/interictal EEG patterns and functional neuroimaging findings in subcortical band heterotopia: report of three cases and review of the literature”, Clin EEG Neurosci, 39 (1), 43-49 (2008).
13. Tezer FI, N. Akalan, KK Oguz, E Karabulut, N Dericioglu, A Ciğer, S Saygı. “Predictive factors for postoperative outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy according to two different classifications”, Seizure, 17 (6), 549-560 (2008).
14. Dericioglu, N., C.L. Garganta, O. Petroff, D. Mendelsohn ve A. Williamson, “Blockade of GABA synthesis only affects neural excitability under activated conditions in rat hippocampal slices”, Neurochem Int, 53 (1-2), 22-32 (2008).
15. Dericioglu, N., M. Babaoglu, U. Yasar, B. Bal, A. Bozkurt ve S. Saygi, "Multidrug resistance in patients undergoing resective epilepsy surgery is not associated with C3435T polymorphism in the ABCB1 (MDR1) gene", Epilepsy Res, 80 (1), 42-46 (2008).
16. Dericioglu N, Oguz KK, Soylemezoglu F, Akalan N, Saygi S. “Resective surgery is possible in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to bilateral isolated hippocampal malformation”, Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 111, 554-557 (2009).
17. Bozkurt G., S Ayhan, N Dericioglu, S Saygi, N Akalan. “An unusual complication of invasive video-EEG monitoring: subelectrode hematoma without subdural component: case report”. Child Nerv Syst, 26:1109-1112 (2010).
18. Dericioglu N, S Saygi. “Generalized seizures aggrevated by levetiracetam in an adult patient with phenylketonuria”, Metab Brain Dis, 25: 207-209 (2010).
19. Dericioglu N, AI Colpak, A Ciger, S Saygi, “The yield of preoperative sequential routine scalp EEGs in patients who underwent anterior temporal lobectomy for mesial temporal sclerosis”, Clin EEG Neurosci, 41(3): 166-169 (2010).
20. Kaymakamzade B, T Kansu, E Tan, N Dericioglu. “LGI1 related limbic encephalitis and response to immunosuppressive therapy”, J Neurol, 258(11):2075-2077 (2011).
21. Dericioglu N, S Saygi, N Akalan. “Transacallosal endoscopic resection of hypothalamic hamartoma in a case with Pallister-Hall syndrome”, Epileptic Disord, 13(2): 209-213 (2011).
22. Tezer F.I., N. Dericioglu, G. Bozkurt, B. Bilginer, N. Akalan, S. Saygi, “Epilepsy surgery in patients with unilateral mesial temporal sclerosis and contralateral ictal scalp onset”, Turk Neurosurg, 21(4):549-554 (2011).
23. Karatas H., N. Dericioglu, S. Saygi. “Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis in two pairs of identical twins”, Bratisl Lek Listy, 113(7): 441-444 (2012).
24. Vural A., E.M. Arsava, N. Dericioglu, M.A. Topcuoglu, “Central neurogenic hyperventilation in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis”, Intern Med; 51:2789-2792 (2012).
25. Karatas H., F.I. Tezer, N. Dericioglu, S. Saygi. Pitfalls of psychogenic non-epileptic status epilepticus. Brain Impairment, 13(3):333-338 (2012).
26. Dericioglu N., A. Vural, N. Agayeva, K. Basar, E.A. Yagcioglu, Y. Gursoy Ozdemir, “CADASIL in two siblings with neuropsychiatric symptoms”, Psychosomatics, 54:594-598 (2013).
27. Dericioglu N., F. Soylemezoglu, Y. Gursoy Ozdemir, N. Akalan, S. Saygi, T. Dalkara, “Cell death and survival mechanisms are concomitantly active in the hipocampus of patients with mesial temporal sclerosis”, Neuroscience, 237:56-65 (2013).
28. Erdener S.E., T. Kansu, M. Arsava, N. Dericioglu, ”Brain MRI evolution of metronidazole intoxication”, Neurology, 80:1816-1817 (2013).
29. Dericioglu N., A. Vural, P. Acar, N. Agayeva, V. Ismailova, A. Kurne, E. Saka, E. M. Arsava, M. A. Topcuoglu, “Antiepileptic treatment for anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: the need for video-EEG monitoring”, Epileptic Disord, 15(2):166-170 (2013).
30. Dericioglu N., M. Demirci, O. Cataltepe, N. Akalan, S. Saygi, “Heart rate variability remains reduced and sympathetic tone elevated after temporal lobe epilepsy surgery”, Seizure, 22:713-718 (2013).
31. Acar N.P., E.M. Arsava, R. Gocmen, N. Dericioglu, M.A. Topcuoglu, “Diabetic uremic syndrome studied with cerebral MR spectroscopy and CT perfusion” Metab Brain Dis, 28:711-715 (2013).
32. Dericioglu N., E.M. Arsava, M.A. Topcuoglu, “The clinical features and prognosis of patients with non-convulsive status epilepticus in the neuro-intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center in Turkey”, Clin EEG Neurosci, 45(4):293-298 (2014).
33. Erdener S.E., N. Dericioglu, S. Saygi, “Lacrimation as an ictal autonomic event in a patient with seizures originating from the right hemisphere”, Clin EEG Neurosci, in press.
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: (312) 305 18 09
: nesedericioglu@yahoo.com