Name Surname:
Şevkiye Selin Aytaç
(312) 305 11 72
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'ni 1997 yılında bitirmiştir. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları uzmanlığını 2003 yılında ve sonra Çocuk Hematoloji yandal uzmanlık eğitimini 2006 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesinde tamamlamıştır. 2007 yılında ABD’de St Jude Children’s Hospital ve 2008 yılında ABD’de Cincinnati Children’s Hospital ‘da klinik ve laboratuvar çalışmalarda bulunmuştur. 2010 yılında Çocuk Hematoloji ve Onkoloji uzmanı olmuştur. 2011' de Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Doçenti olmuş ve 2010-2012 yılları arasında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Hematoloji Bilim Dalı’nda devlet hizmeti yükümlülüğünü yapmıştır. 2016 yılında alanında öncü kuruluş ve dernekler olan EAHAD (European Association for Haemophilia And Allied Disorders), ISTH (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis) ve HTRS(Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society) tarafından desteklenen ‘Hemofili Akademisi’ programına ‘Hemofili akademisyeni’ olarak seçilmiş ve programı başarıyla tamamlayarak sertifikalandırılmıştır. 2017 yılında İngiltere’de hemofili tedavi merkezi olan London Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital’da, klinik kurs kapsamında çalışmalarda bulunmuştur. 2017 yılında profesör ünvanı almıştır. Yer aldığı bilimsel çalışmalarıyla Türk Hematoloji Derneği Genç Araştırmacı Ödülü (2006 ve 2019) Türk Hematoloji Derneği (THD) tarafından yapılan değerlendirmelerle THD-Poster ödülü(2005 ve 2018), THD-Bayer Shering Pharma Endüstri ödülü (2007), THD- Deneysel Hematoloji Ödülü (2013), THD-TÜRKBA ödülü (2015), THD Bildiri ödülü (2018), Türk Pediatrik Hematoloji Derneği (TPHD) tarafından poster ödülleri (2005 ve 2021) ve American Society of Hematology (ASH) ASH-Achievement ödülü (2019) bulunmaktadır. Türk Hematoloji Derneği ve Türk Pediatrik Hematoloji Derneklerinde üye, Doğuştan Kan Hastalıkları Tedavi ve Dayanışma Derneği yönetim kurulu üyesi ve Lösemili Çocuklara Yardım Tedavi ve Dayanışma Derneğinin başkanıdır. İlgi alanları; kanama hastalıkları (kalıtsal koagulasyon bozuklukları, nadir faktör eksiklikleri, trombosit fonksiyon bozuklukları) tromboz, anemiler,nötropeniler, trombositopeniler, ,lösemiler ve hematolojik kanserler ve diğer çocukluk çağı kan hastalıklarıdır.
SCI ve SCI-E kapsamındaki uluslararası dergilerdeki yayınlar
1. Süleyman M, Tan Ç, Uner A, İnkaya Ç,Aytaç S, Büyükaşık Y, Boztug K, Tezcan İ, Cagdas D. AdenosineDeaminase Type II Deficiency: Severe Chronic Neutropenia, Lymphoid Infiltration in Bone Marrow, and Inflammatory Features. Immunol Invest. 2022 Apr;51(3):558-566.
2. Karaman K, Celik A,Aytac S, Bakar-Ates F.Increased endoglin levels correlated with angiogenesis-associated angiopoietin-2 in haemophilia patients. Haemophilia. 2021 Nov;27(6):e747-e753.
3. Arikan K,Aytac S, Büyükcam A, Cengiz AB, Cetinkaya FD, Cetin M, Ozsurekci Y, Ceyhan M, Kara A.Is Posaconazole Really Effective in Adolescent patients as a Prophylactic Agent: Experience of a Tertiary Care Center. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 Jul 1;43(5):e613-e618.
4. Kavaklı K, Özbek SS, Antmen AB, Şahin F,Aytaç ŞS, Küpesiz A, Zülfikar B, Sönmez M, Çalışkan Ü, Balkan C, Akbaş T, Arpacı T, Tamsel İ, Seber T, Oğuz B, Çevikol C, Bulakçı M, Koşucu P, Aydoğdu D, Şaşmaz İ, Tüysüz G, Koç B, Tokgöz H, Mehrekula Z, Özkan B.Impact of the HEAD-US Scoring System for Observing the Protective Effect of Prophylaxis in Hemophilia Patients: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. Turk J Haematol. 2021 Jun 1;38(2):101-110.
5. Arıkan K, Karadag-Oncel E,Aytac S, Cetin M, Cengiz AB, Gümrük F, Kara A, Ceyhan M.Usage of Plasma Presepsin, C-Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin and Proadrenomedullin to Predict Bacteremia in Febril Neutropenia of Pediatric Hematological Malignancy Patients. Lab Med. 2021 Sep 1;52(5):477-484.
6. Halton J, Brandão LR, Luciani M, Bomgaars L, Chalmers E, Mitchell LG, Nurmeev I, Sharathkumar A, Svirin P, Gorbatikov K, Tartakovsky I, Simetzberger M, Huang F, Sun Z, Kreuzer J, Gropper S, Reilly P, Brueckmann M, Albisetti M; DIVERSITY Trial Investigators.Dabigatran etexilate for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism in children (DIVERSITY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase 2b/3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Haematol. 2021;8(1):e22-e33.
7. Ozcelik U,Aytac S, Kuskonmaz B, Yalcin E, Dogru D, Okur V, Kara A, Hizal M, Polat SE, Emiralioglu N, Kiper N, Çetinkaya DU. Nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2021;56(2):341-343.
8. Gunel Karaburun IE, Kayki G,Aytac SS, Celik HT, Gumruk F, Yigit S Transplacental hemophilia A and prophylactic treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin and recombinant factor VIIa in the newborn period: a case report. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2021 ;32(2):151-154.
9. Bostan E, Gulseren D, Gokoz O, Orhan D,Aytac S, Ersoy-Evans S . Deep fungal infection at the sites of previous insect bites. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021;20:366-367.
10. Brandão LR, Albisetti M, Halton J, et al.; DIVERSITY Study Investigators.Safety of dabigatran etexilate for the secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism in children. Blood. 2020 ;135:491-504.
11. Sag E, Bayindir Y, Adiguzel A, Demir S, Bilginer Y,Aytac S, Ozen S Colchicine and Leukopenia: Clinical Implications. .J Pediatr. 2020 ;224:166-170.e1.
12. Aksu T, Coşkun Ç, Kuşkonmaz B, Ünal Ş,Aytaç S, Gümrük F Hb H Disease Diagnosed During Adolescent Pregnancy. Hemoglobin. 2020;44(2):137-138.
13. Djambas Khayat C, El Khorassani M,Aytaç S, Harroche A, Dahmane A, Pujol S, Henriet C, de Moerloose P, Bridey F.Pharmacology, Efficacy and Safety of a Triple-Secured Fibrinogen Concentrate in Children Less than or Equal to 12 Years with Afibrinogenaemia. Thromb Haemost. 2020 120(6):957-967.
14. Yaman-Bajin İ, Aytaç S, Kuşkonmaz B, Uçkan-Çetinkaya D, Ünal Ş, Gümrük F, Çetin M. Infant lymphoblastic leukemia: a single centers 10 year experience. Turk J Pediatr. 2019;61(3):325-329.
15. Fermo E, Vercellati C, Marcello AP, Zaninoni A, Aytac S, Cetin M, Capolsini I, Casale M, Paci S, Zanella A, Barcellini W, Bianchi P.Clinical and Molecular Spectrum of Glucose-6-Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency. Report of 12 New Cases.Front Physiol. 2019 May 7;10:467.
16. Karaatmaca B, Aytac S, Sahiner UM, Sekerel BE, Soyer O.Successful oral desensitization with dasatinib in delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2019 Aug;123(2):216-217
17. Selman Kesici, Şule Ünal, Barış Kuşkonmaz, Selin Aytaç, Mualla Çetin, Fatma Gümrük Fanconi anemia: A single center experience of a large cohort Turk J Pediatr. 2019;61(3):477-484
18. Beken B, Aytac S, Balta G, Kuskonmaz B, Uckan D, Unal S, Cetin M, Gumruk F.The clinical and laboratory evaluation of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and the importance of hepatic and spinal cord involvement: a single center experience.Haematologica. 2018;103:231-236.
19. Serdaroğlu E, Kuskonmaz B, Alanay Y, Aytac S, Cetin M, Cetinkaya DU.Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Child With Klinefelter Syndrome.J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2018 ;40:81-82.
20. Cagdas D, Aytac S, Kuskonmaz B, Ariga T, van der Burg M, Cetinkaya DU, Sanal Ö, Tezcan İ.Low T Cell Numbers Resembling T-B+ SCID in a Patient with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome and the Outcome of Two Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantations.J Clin Immunol. 2017 ;37:18-21.
21. Aytac S.Ezgi Deniz Batu, Sule Unal, Yelda Bilginer, Mualla Cetin, Murat Tuncer, Fatma Gumruk, Seza Özen Macrophage activation syndrome in children with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus Rheumatol Int 2016;36:1421-1429
22. Tavil B, Aytaç S, Unal S, Kuskonmaz B, Gumruk F, Cetin M. Hypereosinophilic Syndrome: Hacettepe Experience. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2016;38(7):539-43
23. Tavil B, Korkmaz A, Bayhan T, Aytaç S, Unal S, Kuskonmaz B, Yigit S, Cetin M, Yurdakök M, Gumruk F. Foetal and neonatal intracranial haemorrhage in term newborn infants: Hacettepe University experience. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2016; 27(2):163-8.
24. .Colakoglu S, Bayhan T, Tavil B, Keskin EY, Cakir V, Gümrük F, Çetin M, Aytaç S, Berber E. Molecular genetic analysis of the F11 gene in 14 Turkish patients with factor XI deficiency: identification of novel and recurrent mutations and their inheritance within families. Blood Transfus. 2016;4:1-8.
25. Kuşkonmaz B, Ünal Ş, Bayhan T, Aytaç Eyüboğlu S,Tavil B, Çetin M, Gümrük F, Uçkan Çetinkaya D. Successful Outcome With Fludarabine-Based Conditioning Regimen for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation[Selinay1] From Related Donor in Fanconi Anemia: A Single Center Experience From Turkey. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 ;63(4):695-700
26. Ozsurekci Y, Komurluoglu A, Aytac S, Oguz KK, Utine E, Ceyhan M. Partial distal aphalangia, duplication of metatarsal IV, microcephaly, and borderline intelligence: a fourth patient with parental consanguinity and additional feature of massive cerebral thrombosis. Clin Dysmorphol. 2015;24(1):29-33.
27. Gökçe M, Aytaç S, Ünal Ş, Altan İ, Gümrük F, Çetin M. Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia with t(1;22) Mimicking Neuroblastoma in an Infant. Turk J Haematol. 2015 5;32(1):64-7.
28. Tavil B, Kara F, Topaloglu R, Aytac S, Unal S, Kuskonmaz B, Cetin M, Besbas N, Gumruk F. Case series of thromboembolic complications in childhood nephrotic syndrome: Hacettepe experience. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015 ;19(3):506-13.
29. Kuşkonmaz B, Yalçın SS, Azkur D, Aytaç-Eyüpoğlu S, Özdemir P, Çetin M, Uçkan-Çetinkaya D. Initial white blood cell kinetics for assessment of individual response to the conditioning regimen in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients. Turk J Pediatr. 2014 ;56(1):23-30.30. van de Vijver E, Tool AT, Sanal Ö, Çetin M, Ünal S, Aytac S, Seeger K, Pagliara D, Rutella S, van den Berg TK, Kuijpers TW. Kindlin-3-independent adhesion of neutrophils from patients with leukocyte adhesion deficiency type III..J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 ;133(4):1215-8.
31. Unal S, Cetin M, Hazirolan T, Yildirim G, Meral A, Birbilen A, Karabulut E, Aytac S, Tavil B, Kuskonmaz B, Tuncer M, Gumruk F. Number of erythrocyte transfusions is more predictive than serum ferritin in estimation of cardiac iron loading in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leuk Res.
32. Nar I, Surmeli-Onay O, Aytac S, Talim B, Kiper PO, Boduroglu K, Yurdakok M. Vesiculopustular eruption in neonatal transient myeloproliferative disorder. Indian J Pediatr. 2014;81(4):391-3.
33. Unal S, Balta G, Okur H, Aytac S, Cetin M, Gumruk F, Ozen S, Gurgey A. Recurrent macrophage activation syndrome associated with heterozygous perforin W374X gene mutation in a child with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2013;35(5):e205-8.
34. Karadağ-Öncel E, Ozsürekci Y, Aytaç S, Kara A, Cengiz AB, Ceyhan M. Implantable vascular access port-associated bloodstream infection caused by Rhizobium radiobacter: a case report. Turk J Pediatr. 2013 ;55(1):112-5.
35. Sahiner UM, Yavuz ST, Gökce M, Buyuktiryaki B, Altan I, Aytac S, Tuncer M, Tuncer A, Sackesen C. Anaphylactic reaction to polyethylene-glycol conjugated-asparaginase: premedication and desensitization may not be sufficient. Pediatr Int. 2013;55(4):531-3.
36. Karadağ-Öncel E, Kenç S, Aytaç S, Aydemir Y, Hızal G, Yüce A, Kara A. Esophageal stricture due to recurrent mucositis in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Turk J Pediatr. 2013;55(1):116-7.
37. Gökçe M, Unal S, Aytaç S, Kara A, Ceyhan M, Tuncer M, Gümrük F.Is Swine-origin Influenza a Predisposing Factor for Deep Vein Thrombosis? Turk J Haematol. 2012;29(2):174-6.
38. Gokce M, Aytac S, Altan I, Unal S, Tuncer M, Gumruk F, Cetin M. Intracerebral metastasis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A rare presentation. J Pediatr Neurosci. 2012;7(3):208-10.
39. Gokce M, Altan I, Unal S, Kuskonmaz B, Aytac S, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Gumruk F, Gurgey A.Recurrent pediatric thrombosis: the effect of underlying and/or coexisting factors. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2012;23(5):434-9.
40. Aytac S. Yalçin SS, Kucukbayrak O, Cetin M, Uçkan D. Dynamics in childeren and adolescents who experience varicella zoster virus infection after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a case-control study. Epidemiol Infect 2011;139(11):1701-9.
41. Portakal O, Tavil B, Kuşkonmaz B, Aytaç S, Hasçelik G. An automated image analysis system can be beneficial in preclassification of leucocytes in children with hematological disease. J Clin Lab Anal. 2011;25(2):71-5.
42. Tavil B, Aytac S, Balci YI, Unal S,Kuskonmaz B,Yetgin S,Gurgey A,Tuncer M, Gumruk F, Uckan D, Cetin M.Fludarabine, cytarabine, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and idarubicin (FLAG-IDA) for the treatment of children with poor-prognosis acute leukemia: Hacettepe experience.Pediatr Hematol Oncol.2010 ;27(7):517-28.
43. Unal S, Kuskonmaz B, Hazirolan T, Eldem G, Aytac S, Cetin M, Uckan D, Gumruk F.Deferasirox use after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients with beta-thalassemia major: preliminary results.Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010;27(6):482-9.
44. Aytaç S, Gümrük F, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Yetgin S. Acral erythema with bullous formation: a side effect of chemotherapy in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Turk J Pediatr. 2010;52(2):211-4.
45. Aytac S, Yalcin SS, Cetin M, Yetgin S, Gumruk F, Tuncer M, Yurdakok K, Gurgey A.Measles, mumps, and rubella antibody status and response to immunization in children after therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2010 ;27(5):333-43.
46. Ünal Ş, Kuşkonmaz B, Balamtekin N, Baysoy G, Aytaç Elmas S, Orhan D, Kale G, Yüce A, Gürakan F, Gümrük F, Çetin M. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia and giant cell hepatitis: Report of three infants.Turk J Haematol. 2010 ;27(4):308-13.
47. Yetgin S, Aytaç Elmas S.Parvovirus-B19 and hematologic disorders.Turk J Haematol. 2010 Dec 5;27(4):224-33.
48. Unal S, Gökçe M, Aytaç-Elmas S, Karabulut E, Altan I, Ozkaya-Parlakay A, Kara A, Ceyhan M, Cengiz AB, Tuncer M, Cetin M, Gümrük F.Hematological consequences of pandemic influenza H1N1 infection: a single center experience.Turk J Pediatr. 2010 Nov-;52(6):570-5.
49. Ünal Ş, Kuşkonmaz B, Tavil B, Aytaç Elmas S, Uçkan Çetinkaya D, Çetin M, Haliloğlu M, Gümrük F.Early detection of pulmonary fungal infection by CT scan in pediatric ALL patients under chemotherapy or in post-transplantation period with primary complaint of chest pain.Turk J Haematol. 2010;27(1):34-7.
50. Yetgin S, Aytac S, Olcay L, Tunc B, Ozbek N, Aydinok Y. Evaluation of the effects of and earliest response rate to anti-D treatment in children with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: a pilot study. Turk J Pediatr 2010 ;52(2):126-31.
51. Aytac S, Yıldırım I, Ceyhan M, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Cengiz AB, Secmeer G, Yetgin S. Risks and Outcomes of Fungal Infection in Neutropenic Children with Hematologic Diseases. Turk J Pediatr 2010;52(2):121-5.
52. Aytaç S, Pekcan S, Doğru D, Dörttepe I, Kara A, Cetin Cystic fibrosis with acute myelogenous leukemia. Turk J Pediatr. 2009;51:290-3.
53. Soyer OU, Aytac S, Tuncer A, Cetin M, Yetgin S, Sekerel BE Alternative algorithm for L-asparaginase allergy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009 ;123:895-9
54. Unal S, Cetin M, Kutlay NY, Aytac SE, Gumruk F, Tukun A, Tuncer M, Gurgey A.Hemophagocytosis associated with leukemia: a striking association with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2009 Oct 2.
55. Bor MV, Cetin M, Aytaç S, Altay C, Ueland PM, Nexo E.Long term biweekly 1 mg oral vitamin B12 ensures normal hematological parameters, but does not correct all other markers of vitamin B12 deficiency. A study in patients with inherited vitamin B12 deficiency. Haematologica. 2008 ;93(11):1755-8.
56. Yetgin S, Kuşkonmaz B, Aytaç S, Cetin M. The evaluation of acquired aplastic anemia in children and unexpected frequency of varicella-zoster virus association: a single-center study. Turk J Pediatr. 2008 50:342-8.
57. Yetgin S, Aslan D, Unal S, Tavil B, Kuşkonmaz B, Elmas SA, Olcay L, Cetinkaya DU. Dysplasia and disorder of cell membrane entirety in iron-deficiency anemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008 Sep;25(6):492-501
58. Gurgey A, Aytac S, Balta G, Oguz KK, Gumruk F. Central nervous system involvement in Turkish children with primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis" J Child Neurol. 2008 Nov;23(11):1293-9
59. Yildirim I, Aytac S, Ceyhan M, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Cengiz AB, Secmeer G, Yetgin S. Piperacillin/tazobactam plus amikacin versus carbapenem monotherapy as empirical treatment of febrile neutropenia in childhood hematological malignancies. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008 ;25:291-9.
60. Tavil B, Unal S, Aytaç-Elmas S, Yetgin S. Weekly long-term intravenous immunoglobulin for refractory parvovirus B19 and Epstein-Barr virus-induced immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Turk J Pediatr. 2008 ;50(1):74-7.
61. Unal S, Gumruk F, Aytac S, Yalnızoglu D, Gurgey A. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) levels and IL-6, TNF-polymorphisms in children with thrombosis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2008 ;30:26-31.
62. Yetgin S, Aytac S, Kalkanoglu S, Coskun T, Ortmann C, Kratz C, Niemeyer C. Biotinidase deficiency and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia in a Turkish infant of consanguineous parents. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007;24(6):453-5.
63. Tavil B, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Gumruk F, Yuce A, Demir H, Aytac S, Kuskonmaz B, Unal S, Yetgin S.The rate of hepatitis B and C virus infections and the importance of HBV vaccination in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Hepatol Res. 2007 ;37(7):498-502.
64. Yetgin S, Kuskonmaz B, Aytac S, Tavil B. An unusual case of reactive lymphocytosis mimicking acute leukemia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007;24:129-135.
65. Yetgin S, Aytac S, Gurakan F, Yurdakok M. Nonimmune hydrops fetalis in two cases of consanguineous parents and associated with hereditary spherocytosis and hemophagocytic hystiocytosis. J Perinatol. 2007 ;27:252-4.
66. Yetgin S, Tavil B, Aytac S, Kuskonmaz B, Kanra G. Unexpected protection from infection by two booster hepatitis B virus vaccination in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leuk Res. 2007 ;31:493-6.
67. Aytac S, Yetgin S, Tavil B. Acute and long-term neurologic complications in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Turk J Pediatr. 2006 Jan-Mar;48(1):1-7
68. Alıcı İO, Aytaç S.Images in Hematology.Turk J Haematol. 2005 Sep 5;22(3):155.
69. Bor MV, Cetin M, Aytac S, Altay C, Nexo E. Nonradioactive vitamin B12 absorption test evaluated in controls and in patients with inherited malabsorption of vitamin B12. Clin Chem. 2005 ;51:2151-5.
70. Gurgey A, Aytac S, Kanra G, Secmeer G, Ceyhan M, Altay C. Outcome in children with purpura fulminans: report on 16 patients. Am J Hematol. 2005;80:20-5
71. Elmas SA, Cetin M, Tuncer M, Hicsonmez G. Myeloprotective effect of short-course high-dose methylprednisolone treatment before consolidation therapy in children with acute myeloblastic leukemia. Am J Hematol. 2005 ;80:1-5
72. Caglar K, Cetinkaya A, Aytac S, Gumruk F, Gurgey A. Use of recombinant factor VIIa for bleeding in children with Glanzmann thrombasthenia. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2003 ;20:435-8
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