Name Surname:
Begüm Kocatürk
Assist. Prof.
Basic Oncology
(312) 305 44 09
Uluslar arası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler * Porritt, R.A., Markman, J.L., Maruyama, D., Kocaturk, B., Chen, S., Lehman, T.J.A., Lee, Y., Fishbein, M.C., Noval, R.M., ve Arditi, M. 2020. "Interleukin-1 Beta-Mediated Sex Differences in Kawasaki Disease Vasculitis Development and Response to Treatment", Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 40(3), 802-18. * Onat, U.I., Yildirim, A.D., Tufanli, O., Cimen, I., Kocaturk, B., Veli, Z., Hamid, S.M., Shimada, K., Chen, S., Sin, J., Shah, P.K., Gottlieb, R.A., Arditi, M., ve Erbay, E. 2019. "Intercepting the Lipid-Induced Integrated Stress Response Reduces Atherosclerosis", J Am Coll Cardiol, 73(10), 1149-69. * Tufanli, O., Telkoparan, A.P., Acosta-Alvear, D., Kocaturk, B., Onat, U.I., Hamid, S.M., Cimen, I., Walter, P., Weber, C., ve Erbay, E. 2017. "Targeting IRE1 with small molecules counteracts progression of atherosclerosis", Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(8), E1395-E1404. * Cimen I, Kocaturk B, Koyuncu S, Tufanlı O, Onat UI, Yıldırım AD, Apaydin O, Demirsoy S, Aykut ZG, Nguyen UT, Watkins SM, Hotamisligil GS, Erbay E (2016) Prevention of Atherosclerosis by Bioactive Palmitoleate Through Suppression of Organelle Stress and Inflammasome Activation. Sci Transl Med (accepted) * Kocaturk B, Tieken C, Vreeken D, Unlu B, Engels CC, de Kruijf EM, Kuppen PJ, Reitsma PH, Bogdanov VY, & Versteeg HH (2015) Alternatively spliced tissue factor synergizes with the estrogen receptor pathway in promoting breast cancer progression. J. Thromb. Haemost., 13, 1683-1693. * Kocaturk B & Versteeg HH (2015) Orthotopic injection of breast cancer cells into the mammary fat pad of mice to study tumor growth. J. Vis. Exp.. * Unruh D, Turner K, Srinivasan R, Kocaturk B, Qi X, Chu Z, Aronow BJ, Plas DR, Gallo CA, Kalthoff H, Kirchhofer D, Ruf W, Ahmad SA, Lucas FV, Versteeg HH, & Bogdanov VY (2014) Alternatively spliced tissue factor contributes to tumor spread and activation of coagulation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Int. J. Cancer, 134, 9-20. * Kocaturk B & Versteeg HH (2013) Tissue factor-integrin interactions in cancer and thrombosis: every Jack has his Jill. J. Thromb. Haemost., 11 Suppl 1, 285-293. * Kocaturk B, Van den Berg YW, Tieken C, Mieog JS, de Kruijf EM, Engels CC, van der Ent MA, Kuppen PJ, Van de Velde CJ, Ruf W, Reitsma PH, Osanto S, Liefers GJ, Bogdanov VY, & Versteeg HH (2013) Alternatively spliced tissue factor promotes breast cancer growth in a beta1 integrin-dependent manner. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 110, 11517-11522. * Kocaturk B & Versteeg HH (2012) Tissue factor isoforms in cancer and coagulation: may the best isoform win. Thromb. Res., 129 Suppl 1, S69-S75. * van den Hengel LG, Kocaturk B, Reitsma PH, Ruf W, & Versteeg HH (2011) Complete abolishment of coagulant activity in monomeric disulfide-deficient tissue factor. Blood, 118, 3446-3448. |
Uluslar arası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeding) basılan bildiriler.
* Kocaturk B, Cimen I, Koyuncu S, Tufanlı O, Onat UI, Yıldırım AD, Apaydin O, Demirsoy S, Aykut ZG, Nguyen UT, Watkins SM, Hotamisligil GS, Erbay E. Prevention of Atherosclerosis by Bioactive Palmitoleate Through Suppression of Organelle Stress and Inflammasome Activation, FEBS Journal Congress Special Issue, 2016 * Kocaturk B, van den Berg YW, Reitsma PH, Bogdanov VY ve Versteeg HH “Differential localization of full length tissue factor andalternatively spliced tissue factor in breast cancer cells”, XXIII Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Kyoto, Volume 9, Issue Supplement s2,890, Wiley,USA,2011 * B. Kocatürk, C. Tieken, P.H. Reitsma, V.Y. Bogdanov ve H.H. Versteeg “Alternatively spliced tissue factor triggers breast tumor growth” 6th International Conference on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Issues in Cancer, Bergamo, Volume 129, Supplement 1, S168–S169, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012 * Kocaturk B, Van den Berg YW, Tieken C, Kuppen PJK,Ruf W, Reitsma PH, Osanto S, Bogdanov VY ve Versteeg HH “Alternatively spliced Tissue Factor fuels breast cancergrowth by binding to a non-canonical site on beta1integrins” XXIV Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis ,Amsterdam, Volume 11, Issue Supplement s2,74, Wiley,USA,2013 |
* Begüm Kocatürk, Yascha W van den Berg, Chris Tieken,J Sven D Mieog, Esther M de Kruijf, Charla C. Engels, Martijn A van der Ent, Peter JK Kuppen, Cornelis J. van de Velde, Wolfram Ruf, Pieter H Reitsma, Susanne Osanto, Gerrit-Jan Liefers, Vladimir Y Bogdanov ve Henri H Versteeg “Alternatively Spliced Tissue Factor Augments Breast Tumor Growth by Binding to a Non-canonical Site on β1 Integrins” Eurothrombosis ,Uppsala, Proceedings of the Eurothrombosis Summit, Schattauer, Germany, 2013 |
Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
* Onat UE, Kocatürk B ve Özçelik T “Tolerans Kırılmasıyla İlişkili, X’e bağlı aday genlerin immünepitoplarının biyobilişimsel incelenmesi” 8. Ulusal Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi, Çanakkale, 2008 * B. Kocaturk, Y.W. van den Berg, J.S.D. Mieog, E.M. de Kruijf, C. Tieken, P.H. Reitsma, V.Y.Bogdanov, P.Kuppen, G.J.Liefers ve H.H. Versteeg “Alternatively Spliced Tissue Factor triggers breast tumor growth” Nederlandse Verening voor Thrombose and Hemostase, Koudekerke, Proceedings of the NVTH, 2012
Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikleri
· Ulusal Temel Onkoloji Derneği Üyeliği · Türk İmmunoloji Derneği Üyeliği · Hollanda tromboz ve hemostaz derneği üyeliği · Türk Biyokimya derneği üyeliği · Avrupa Kardiyoloji derneği, Ateroskleroz ve Damar Biyolojisi Çalışma grubu üyeliği · Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği, Yağ Çalışma grubu üyeliği · Uluslararası Ateroskleroz Derneği üyeliği
- Fulbright Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu, 2018-2019 - Tübitak 2219 Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu, 2018-2019 - FEBS kongresi, 2016 Kuşadası , Genç Bilim adamları Forumu ödülü - Eurothrombosis akademik ziyaret fonu,2013 - Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology tarafından ICTHIC kongresine katılmam için tarafıma sağlanan akademik ziyaret fonu - Scripps Research Institute’da kısa süreli araştırma yapmam için Leids Univesitair Fonds ‘un tarafıma verdiği akademik ziyaret fonu |
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: (312) 305 44 09
: bkocaturk@hacettepe.edu.tr