Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Operating in compliance with all of the state-of-art conditions of medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery was established in 1961 and provides service at Hacettepe Adult Hospital and Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital.
In addition to 2 adult services (Wards 54 and 64), a pediatric service (Ward 33), an intensive care unit and 3 operating room units, there are 3 different outpatient clinics, one of which is pediatric outpatient clinic, in scope of Department of Cardiovascular Surgery. Adult service has a capacity of 48, pediatric service has a capacity of 38 and intensive care unit has a capacity of 25 patients.
Mustafa Yılmaz MD.
Murat Güvener MD.
Mustafa Kerem Vural MD.
Sadi Kaplan MD.
Recep Oktay Peker MD.
Onur Saydam MD.
Assist. Prof.
Ahmet Aydın MD.
Assist. Prof.
Şafak Alpat MD.
Assist. Prof.
Timuçin Sabuncu MD.
Assist. Prof.
In our department, diagnoses and treatments of all of the diseases about cardiovascular surgery are performed. Coronary diseases (bypass), valvular heart diseases, vascular diseases (vascular occlusion, vasodilation, and varicosity) and congenital heart defects which can be treated only at exceptional centers in Turkey (holes in the heart, abnormal formation of vessels) are included in these.
A total of 1400 patients, consisting of approximately 800 adults and 600 children are given treatment annually. The majority of these are performed as open heart surgery (by using heart-lung machine).
Diseases such as blockage of vessels supplying the heart (coronary artery diseases), heart attack and heart failure are the leading causes of death in the world. Stenosis or blockage of coronary arteries results with heart not being supplied and therefore, being unable to function. Coronary angiography (angiogram) procedure involves identifying the section of the vessel which was blocked or narrowed, then enabling blood restoration to the heart area by means of a bypass surgery in order to replace the vessel with another one removed from other part of the body (for instance, leg vein or another artery). All of the routine tests of the patient are performed after hospitalization. By-pass surgeries can be performed by using heart-lung machine and on a functioning heart. Approximately 6 units of blood are required for the surgery (the blood provided from patient relatives is not necessarily required to be in the same blood type with the patient as Blood Bank of our hospital exchanges these as needed). Subsequent to the surgery, patients are monitored with all of the opportunities of modern medicine in intensive care unit by a minimum of 3 physicians and staff qualified with special training. The patient whose general condition has improved is transferred to the ward. After medication treatment and diet are arranged, the patient is planned to be discharged within 6 to 8 days on condition that clinical condition of the patient allows so. The patient is called for follow-up examinations periodically.
Based on various reasons (mostly due to rheumatism), diseases which involve narrow heart valve, heart valve failure or both occur. Such diseases require repairing the heart valve or replacing in with a prosthetic valve. Valve surgeries are also performed by using heart-lung machine and 6 units of blood donation is required for each patient. The blood type of donated blood does not have to match with the blood type of the patient. Under normal conditions, the duration of staying in intensive care unit is 2 days after valve surgery. After medication treatment and diet are arranged, the patient is planned to be discharged within 8 to 10 days and the patient is called for follow-up examinations periodically.
Anomalies such as holes, stenoses (narrowness), abnormal vessel connections can occur within heart due to defective development of heart within mother’s womb. Certain people who suffer from such defects have purple skin color and children indicate developmental disorders. Procedures which would ensure complete correction of this defect or survival are performed with congenital heart surgery. Unfortunately, children who do not receive this treatment face early loss of life or lose the chance of a future surgery.
Congenital heart defects occur with a wide range of variety, therefore their treatments vary as well. Age and weight of a child also affects the treatment method to be applied. Therefore, our physicians in the relevant department are always there for you in order to make the required explanations to you regarding the disease and treatment options of your child.
Most common vessel diseases are arterial blockage diseases (vessel stiffness), abnormal dilatation (aneurism) of arterial system. The essential standard for diagnosis and designation of the treatment to be applied is angiography. Untreated vessel diseases lead to various results based on the region of the vessel (inability to walk, gangrene, paralysis, failure in the function of the supplied organ, death). The vessel which is blocked or does not function is repaired by removing the blocking plaque, performing bypass on the diseased area with a vein from the patient or an artificial vessel or replacing the complete blood vessel. After the surgery, the patient is generally kept in the intensive care for 1 day and is hospitalized for 1 week if artificial vessel was used.
Although varicosity is the most commonly known venous disease, there are several diseases associated with this blood vessel system. Similar to varicosity, other venous diseases are treated in our department with success as well.
The patient who will undergo a varicosity surgery is required to have a couple of compression stockings along while being admitted to the surgery. The surgeries can be performed with general anesthesia (deep sleep) or regional anesthesia (anesthetizing below the waist). Patients are hospitalized on the day of surgery or within the previous day, and they are discharged one day after the surgery.
Sudden blockages and injuries of artery and vein are successfully treated in our department.
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Surgery provides service with two different outpatient clinics including one outpatient clinic for children.
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Appointments
Outpatient clinic services of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery are given within the Department on Floor B of Adult Hospital. You can personally apply for appointments or contact via telephone for information.
Adult Cardiovascular Surgery Appointments
In our department, appointments for examination in outpatient clinic can be scheduled by dialing 444 4 444 and clicking “Online Appointment” link on www.hacettepe.com.tr.
Besides, examination and check-up appointments are given by secretariat of outpatient clinic as well.
Head of the Department and Outpatient Clinic of Academic Staff
Is is located on floor B at Hacettepe Adult Hospital. Floor B is two floors below the ground floor of Adult Hospital after entering from doors no. 1, 2 or 7; and 1 floor above after entering from door no. 4.
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Secretariat and Outpatient Clinic
Service is given within Department of Cardiovascular Surgery located on Floor B of Hacettepe Adult Hospital. Floor B is two floors below the ground floor of Adult Hospital after entering from doors no. 1, 2 or 7; and 1 floor above after entering from door no. 4.
Outpatient Clinic for Adults
It is located on the ground floor of Adult Hospital Outbuilding of Outpatient Clinics.
Adult Inpatient Service
Adult inpatient service (Ward 54 and Ward 64) is located on the 4th floor of Adult Hospital. You can reach our services located on the 4th floor by using the first or the second elevator after entering from door no. 7.
In you know the number of the room your patient has been staying in, you can directly connect to the room via electronic switchboard. You should dial +90 (312) 305 30 85 or +90 (312) 305 30 86 to this end. You should merely dial the number of the room in which your patient has been staying when automated answering system responds to your call.
For instance, if your patient has been staying in number 14 within Ward 64, you should call +90 (312) 305 30 85 or +90 (312) 305 30 86 and dial 64 14 when automated answering system asks you the room number.
Pediatrics Service
Pediatrics Service (Ward 33) is located on the 3rd floor of Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital. After entering from door no. 3, you will see Pediatric Cardiovasvular Surgery Service in front of you when you get to the 3rd floor.
Head of the Department and Instructors Outpatient Clinic
It is located on the floor B of Hacettepe Adult Hospital. Floor B is two floors below the ground floor upon entering through gate no. 1, 2 or 7; and one floor above upon entering through gate no. 4.
+90 (312) 305 17 73
+90 (312) 305 17 74
Secretariat and the Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Outpatient Clinic
It offers service within the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery which is located on floor B of Hacettepe Adult Hospital. Floor B is two floors below the ground floor upon entering through gate no. 1, 2 or 7; and one floor above after entering through gate no. 4.
+90 (312) 305 17 73
+90 (312) 305 17 74
Adult Outpatient Clinic
It is located on the ground floor of Outpatient Clinics Outbuilding of Adult Hospital.
+90 (312) 305 31 36
Adult service
Adult service (Ward 54 and Ward 64) is located on floor 4 of Adult Hospital. You can reach the services by taking the first or second elevators to floor 4 upon entering through gate no. 7.
+90 (312) 305 16 40
+90 (312) 305 16 45
+90 (312) 305 15 40
If you know the room number of your patient, you can connect directly to the room with the electronic switching system. To be able to do it, you should dial the telephone numbers +90 (312) 305 30 85 or +90 (312) 305 30 86. It is enough for you to dial the room number of your patient, after the automatic answering machine responds.
For example, if your patient is hospitalized in Ward 64 and Room 14, after you call +90 (312) 305 30 85 or +90 (312) 305 30 86 and the automatic answering machine asks you the room number, you will dial 64 14.
Pediatrics Service
The Pediatrics Service (Ward 33) is located on floor 3 of Hacettepe İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital. Upon entering through gate no. 3, you can reach the Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Service by going upstairs to floor 3.
Secretariat of Pediatric Surgery Outpatient Clinic
+90 (312) 305 13 21
Secretariat of Department of Pediatric Surgery
+90 (312) 305 11 54