Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
Department of Internal Diseases
Endocrinology Subdivision
Endocrine system consists of endocrine glands. Hypothalamus, hypothesis and pineal glands in the brain;, thyroid, parathyroid in the neck; pancreas, adrenal glands and gonads (ovary in women and testicles in men) in the abdomen are the major endocrine glands. Endocrine glands produce material called hormones and supply these to the blood circulation. Hormones are in charge of human growth, development, reproduction, metabolism as well as balancing several systems in the body.
Endocrinology and metabolic diseases subdivision is a subspecialty of department of internal diseases. After receiving a 4-year internal diseases specialization training after faculty of medicine, endocrinologists are entitled as endocrinologist and metabolic diseases specialist by receiving training a 3-year subspecialty training in endocrinology and metabolic diseases. Endocrinologists have been delivered training in order to diagnose and cure hormonal imbalance and relevant problems. Endocrine diseases are the most common diseases in the society. Diabetes mellitus, goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hirsutism, inability to conceive a child, menstrual disorders, obesity, metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis, acromegaly, growth retardation and Cushing syndrome are the most common examples to these.
The history of any patient with an endocrinology and metabolism disorder is received and these patients are examined by intern physicians or internal diseases assistants in our 4 outpatient clinics. Then an evaluation is performed by a specialist and decisions on difficult cases are given upon discussion by academic staff members while very difficult cases are decided upon discussion within the endocrinology council (with the participation of all academic staff, specialists and physicians from the subdivision). Treatment decisions and options for patients are recommended by a specialist or an academic staff member.
All of the endocrinologic dynamic tests with diagnostic purposes can be performed as an outpatient care in the test room in our unit or by means of hospitalization in the test room in Ward 76.
Specialists or academic staff members perform the ultrasound guided fine needle biopsy on patients with thyroid nodule.
Training is the most important step in the treatment of diabetic patients. Diabetes trainings are delivered on various subjects such as general information on the disease, sudden episodes which develop in relation to the disease (comas induced by sudden hypoglycemia or very high levels of hyperglycemia); disorders associated with eyes and kidneys, which could develop within the following years; or foot care for diabetic patients. All of diabetic patients monitored by our subdivision as well as all of diabetic patients who receive inpatient or outpatient care are delivered diabetes and insulin trainings by 2 diabetes nurses in the outpatient clinic or as a bedside training within the wards.
The training programs organized on diabetes and obesity can be participated by all patients and patient relatives. The internal diseases meeting room, located on the 1st floor of internal diseases building, is used fır such training meetings. In addition to an endocrinologist, training nurse and dietician, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist who has received training on eating disorders also attend to the meetings. You can learn the program from the department secretariat or the wall-posts in the department. Participation in the meetings is free of charge.
Particularly patients with type 1 diabetes with a poor glycemic control, pregnant diabetes patients as well as diabetes patients in such a need after renal transplantation are attached insulin infusion pump, delivered pump training and followed. The purpose of pump is to regulate the glycemic values similar to healthy individuals. To this end, patient should receive an extensive training on dieting (such as counting carbohydrates) as well as a pump training to ensure that the patient can use the pump.
Basal metabolic rates of patients can be measured by means of indirect calorimeter and body fat distribution can be calculated with bioimpedence in our subdivision. Out unit dietician delivers trainings and makes suggestions to obese, cachectic patients or patients with other metabolic disorders and follows these patients based on these data.
Glucose meters of patients are calibrated and urine albumin, blood glucose and HbA1c are measured for patients with diabetes in the laboratory of our department.
To book an appointment;
In our department, appointments for examination in outpatient clinic can be scheduled by dialing 444 4 444 and clicking “Online Appointment” link.
Specialists or academic staff members perform the ultrasound guided fine needle biopsy on patients with thyroid nodule between 09:00-12:00 on Wednesdays. Biopsy appointments are received from specialists.
Check-up examinations are given by the quickest means possible after 14:00 everyday with a prior appointment arranged from department secretariat. Results of patients who have received examination are evaluated after 15:00 everyday.
Appointments of consultation for walk-in patients are given by the department secretariat. Inpatient consultations are evaluated by a specialist or physician assistant accompanied by an academic staff member who observes the patients in bed every afternoon.
No other appointments are given by the department.
Endocrinology Subdivision is located on the ground floor of Internal Diseases Building.
+90 (312) 305 17 07 (Department Secretariat)
+90 (312) 305 12 88 (Policlinic Secretariat)
+90 (312) 305 20 71 (Policlinic Secretariat)